
【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?


Hello friends, I am your spirit fox sister. Every bowl of rice in his hand was a hard struggle, and every weapon in the warehouse was conscientiously brought from a white prostitute, which consumed a lot of time and energy, and all the weapons were destroyed.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

Once the launch of Wanhuafang, because of the interesting and good-looking skin suddenly exploded all over the Internet, everyone is pursuing which quality skins, and some people break down all the hard-earned weapons to obtain the Wanhua coins that are currently falling on the altar.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

Now wanhuafang has not updated the new weapon skin for a long time, I don't know who is crying, I don't know where the hope is, so do you think the wanhua coin is still useful?

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

The use of Wanhua Coin:

Wanhua coin is used as a "lottery prop" of Wanhuafang, with enough Wanhua coins to be able to draw the highest quality skin, and even some players have "emptied" all the weapons in the warehouse, and have not drawn which skin they want the most.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

Today's Wanhuafang is still the original weapons, no new weapons have been added here, resulting in many players' Wanhua coins being hidden in the snow, and the most painful thing is that those who "destroy the warehouse" are the players.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

Personal Opinion:

Some of the skins of Wanhuafang are really good-looking, but there is currently a more open weapon workshop in the game, so the priority of Wanhuafang will lag behind the weapon workshop, and each recent version of the weapon workshop will have new weapons added, and the popularity of Wanhuafang has even reached the freezing point.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

The skin of Wanhuafang is not something that can be made casually, it is not good to do, and it is better not to buy it or even not to do it. It is also very difficult to make a skin that attracts players enough, the key is that Wanhuafang can completely white prostitute, and although the weapon workshop is purchased with diamonds, it also belongs to the range of white prostitutes, but there are always some players who will participate in certain activities to get some rare materials.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

The advantage of the weapon workshop is that you don't have to think about updating all the time, you only need to put a specific weapon into the weapon workshop in the form of a three-by-three, and the rest depends on the ingenuity of the players.

【CF mobile game】Smashing the pot to sell iron whole Wanhua coins, in the end is there any use?

My expectations for Wanhua Coin are getting lower and lower, and now not updating new weapons is one thing, and the openness of the weapon workshop has also made me lose my expectations for Wanhuafang. Looking at which Wanhua coins in the warehouse can only sigh heavily, I hope that wanhuafang will be updated in the future days!


Wanhuafang has not been updated for a long time, many small partners have "destroyed the warehouse" of the decomposition props finally got some useless Wanhua coins, the times are progressing, weapons are updating, I don't know if you still have that little expectation for Wanhuafang?

(Palm Fire Horror)

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