
When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?

Today, I saw such a question: "Helpless flowers fall, déjà vu swallow returns" What does the poem mean?


To say what these two sentences mean, we need to go back to the source and see where the source is?

First of all, these two poems are based on the verses of the Tang Dynasty poet Zheng Gu. After Yan Shuhua used it, because he liked it too much, he wrote it into the "Huan Xi Sha" and the Seven Laws "False Judge Zhang Si Qi Wang Proofreading Survey".

The previous sentence is suppressed, the latter sentence is Yang, the previous sentence goes, the latter sentence comes, the previous sentence loses, and the latter sentence gains. In the midst of the gains and losses, this poem reflects the ambivalence of the author's joy and sorrow.

When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?

First, the source and use

Helpless flowers fall, déjà vu Swallow returns, these two verses are poetically used from "And Confidant Autumn Sorrow":

The singing of flowing water does not return, and the weather last year is the old pavilion.

Liang Chen's lonely swallow returned, and the yellow marshmallow flowers bloomed.

The author of this seven-fold poem is the late Tang Dynasty poet Zheng Gu, whose most famous story refers to the point that the poet monk Qi Ji changed "several branches of plums" to "one branch of plums", so he was called a character master.

Zheng Gu's poem is written in the autumn of wounds, the water is far away, and the song is only left in the memory. The swallows have also returned, and only a branch of sunflower has opened lonely.

The first three sentences of this poem are suppressed, and the fourth sentence has a twist, and in the withering of autumn, you can still see a little new atmosphere. But the whole is decaying.

When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?

Second, Yanshu Huanxi Sand

Yan Shu used these four verses of Zheng Gu's poetry and summarized them into two sentences: helpless flowers fall, and déjà vu Yan returns. The imagery is the same, but the weather is different, full of expectations for the future.

There is also an allusion to these two sentences about Yan Shu. Yan Shu passed by the Weiyang Daming Temple and saw poems on the walls. So he asked people not to say their names, but only read the poems to themselves, but after listening to them for half a day, there was no good work. Later, the servant read this poem:

Water tune Sui Palace Song. Ninety percent of that year, the mourning voice has fallen to the country. The ruined swamp still has its name.

Yi Feng was finally gone. The frog only cries. Bleak can't be asked. The sun sets over Wucheng.

Yan Shu's eyes lit up and invited the author to come to dinner together. So there is this story of helpless flowers:

Summoned to the same meal, and synchronized swimming on the pool. At the Spring Festival Gala, there have been fallen flowers, Yan Yun: every sentence between the walls of the book, or the year has not tasted a strong pair; and if "helpless flowers fall", it has not been able to do so far. Wang Yingsheng said: "Déjà vu Yan has returned." "Since then, he has set aside, recommended the library, and served one by one." ("Poet Jade Crumbs" Song Wei Qingzhi)

I don't know if this story is true or not, but it has been widely circulated.

Later, Yan Shu wrote these two poems into his own works, one is a poem and the other is a word. The most widely known is this poem of regret, "Huan Xi Sha":

A new song for a glass of wine. Last year's weather old pavilions. When does the sun set in the west?

Helpless flowers fell, and déjà vu returned. The small garden incense path wanders alone.

When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?

3. Poetry and words

Yan Shu wrote these two verses, both words and poems. But it is often said that there can be no language of words in poetry, and there can be no language of poetry in words.

Zhou Yi, a great poet of the Qing Dynasty, was not impressed, and he said in the "Words and Sayings of Bai Yuzhai":

In the past, people said that there should not be a word in a poem, nor a poem in a word, and there was a gap between them. Yu is not a word in the poem, believe it. If there is occasional poetry in the word, why harm it is great. And such as "déjà vu swallow return" and other sentences, poetry see each other, each has its own advantages. He who insists on one-sidedness, the view of the true well frog.

Yan Shu's Seven Laws of "Examination survey of the False Judge Zhang Si Qi Wang" reads:

The Yuan Wei Qingming case was not opened, and the small garden wandered alone.

Spring is cold and rainy, and hangovers are difficult to forbid the cup.

Helpless flowers fell, and déjà vu returned.

You Liang gives guests a lot of flavors, and it is not a pity that green money is selected.

Who is Wang Proofreader in the poem? It is Wang Qi in the story for Yan Shu to "déjà vu Yan returns".

The poem was written in the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027), when Yan Shub was deposed as a privy councillor and left to stay in Nanjing (present-day Shangqiu, Henan). At the time of writing this poem, Zhang Sicheng (張亢) and Wang Xuekan (王琪) were both subordinates of Yan Shu.

In the "Poet Jade Crumbs", it is said that Yan Shu admired Wang Qi's poetic talents, so he recommended "recommending the position of the museum, and serving the attendants one by one." It seems that Wang Qi was promoted by Yan Shu, appointed Dali to be a commentator, a review of the pavilion, and accompanied Yan Shu to Yingtian (Nanjing in the Song Dynasty, today Shangqiu).

The Qing Dynasty poet He Pei wrote in the "Poetry of the Wine Garden", the two sentences of the neck link were widely circulated, but he thought that the tail link was too vulgar:

Mei, Ou, Jiang, and Xie Xian came out of the gate of the Yan clan, ran Yan composed his own poems, and shi Kun also wrote poems. At that time, it was rumored that "helpless flowers fell, and déjà vu swallows returned". Yu is very tired of his "youliang give guests a lot of flavor, do not regret the green money and ten thousand talents", which is a tacky. "Poetry of the Wine Garden"

You Liang Fu Ke refers to sima xiangru and mei cheng who accompanied King Xiao of Liang to feast in Liang Garden during the Han Dynasty. Qingqian Wanxuan, from the New Book of Tang And Zhang's Biography:

"鷟 (Zhang Zhan's grandfather Zhang Que Zhuó) is a bronze coin, ten thousand choices in ten thousand", when the name of the bird "Green Money Bachelor".

Yan Shu's last two sentences fell into the cliché, directly praising these two subordinates for being more similar and Zhang Que.

So, why are these two sentences good? Li Dongyang, a Ming Dynasty man, said the benefits of these two sentences.

When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?

Fourth, the law of Bixing

The Ming Dynasty poet Li Dongyang said that the duality of Vinaya poetry is the most difficult, but he greatly appreciated Yan Shu's two sentences:

If Yan Yuanxian is "helpless to fall flowers, déjà vu Swallow returns", he is particularly commensurate with his ears.  "Lu tang poetry"

Are these two sentences just good for the battle? What the poet values is actually the method of Bixing in the verses:

The so-called than the one who is more prosperous, the one who relies on the allegory of things and does it. Gai Zheng's words are easy to exhaust, but difficult to feel. Only if there is allegory, description and imitation, repeated sarcasm, in order to make people feel self-satisfied, words are exhausted and meaningless, then the spirit flies, the hands dance without self-consciousness, the reason why this poem is expensive and light. "Lu tang poetry"

In Yan Shu's sentence, although it is said that the flowers fall and the Swallow returns, but one goes and one comes, one loses and one gains, in fact, it implies the opportunities and feelings of life.

Expressing the poet's emotions through chants or depictions of scenery is the true color of the poet, and if it is written directly, it becomes chicken soup for the soul, and there is no poetry.

Replacing direct emotional expressions with pictures is the beauty of the Method of Bixing.

When Déjà vu returned, Yan Shu made Tang poems his own, how did the poet use the method of Bixing?


In the fifth year of Tiansheng (1027), Yan Shu offended Empress Liu, who was listening to the government, deposed the Privy Councillor's deputy envoy, and demoted him to Xuanzhou, where he changed his name to Ying Tianfu a few months later.

There is no choice but to spend the flowers, it is this period. However, Yan Shu was not disappointed in the future, so he had the confidence of "déjà vu Yan returned". However, it is still necessary to lie dormant for a while in front of you, so you have to "wander alone in the small garden incense path".

Where does Yan Shu's confidence come from? He was once a "prince and a shepherd". Yan Shu once grew up with the crown prince, who was the emperor of the dynasty, Emperor Renzong of Song.

Soon, Yan Shu was once again summoned to the dynasty and began his own life. Especially after Emperor Renzong of Song came to power, Yan Shu was promoted all the way. In the second year of the Qing calendar (1042), Yan Shu officially became a famous minister of the generation with the title of Shangshu of the Punishment Department, a scholar of the Jixian Temple, a privy councillor, and a tongzhongshu menxia Pingzhangshi.

@Old Street Taste

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