
Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

author:Your sky is full of stars

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There are many beautiful legends about the Seven Fairies in our Chinese mythology, and in the same way, there are legends about the Seven Fairies in Greek mythology. Of course, it's just that these seven fairies are not the other seven fairies, and there is still a big difference between the two. Everyone is familiar with the seven fairies in China, so today I will talk about the seven fairies of Greece!

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

Atlas and Ples had seven daughters, Electra, Maia, Taygete, Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno, and Sterope, all of whom were forest fairies and were known as sisters of Pre-Adès, with Maia being the eldest. This is very similar to the Seven Fairies in our Chinese mythology!

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

Meiya (Ancient Greek: Μαῖα, probably meaning "nursing mother" or "midwife"), she was the goddess of wind and rain and one of Zeus's lovers. She and Zeus gave birth to Hermes, the most flexible and intelligent of the gods. According to mythology, Meyer was the daughter of Atlas, the titan god, and Preonne, the goddess of the oceans. Simonides called Meyer "the Meyer of the Mountains with Bright Black Eyes."

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

According to homer's ode, Zeus seduced Maia in a cave on Mount Courène and gave birth to Hermes. In addition to Maia and Zeus, the seven fairies also gave birth to Erektra and Zeus to Dardanos, the ancestor of the Trojans; Tagite and Zeus gave birth to Laquedemon, the founder of the city of Sparta; Alcuone and poseidon, the god of the sea, and gave birth to Xulios; and Kereno also married to Poseidon, giving birth to Lycus and Nictes. Stroper and ares, the god of war, gave birth to King Onomaos of Pissa.

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

Maia and her sisters later became seven ⭐⭐, and there are three main versions of the legend of what they became ⭐⭐. Version 1: Pre-Adders commits suicide en masse because he sympathizes with his father Atlas for being forced to bear the fate of the entire sky (Atlas joined the other Titans in the Titan War against Zeus, who punished them for holding the heavens and the earth forever), and Zeus pitied them and raised them to the sky as stars.

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

Version 2: Pleardus, grieved by the death of their sister, another group of girls collectively known as Xu Adders, commits suicide and is turned into a star by Zeus.

Version Three: This is also one of the most widely circulated versions of Greek mythology. Together with her sisters, Maia was frantically pursued by Orion and forced to become seven ⭐⭐, placed forever in the night sky, transformed into seven shining Pleiades. The seven fairies who transformed into seven stars are completely tied to the story of the seven fairies in our country.

Goddesses in Greek mythology (15): The goddess of wind and rain, the seven fairies, Meyer

It is worth mentioning that because one of ⭐⭐ the seven was no longer bright, the myths all gave different interpretations of the ⭐⭐ deceased. The explanation for this in Chinese mythology is that this is the ⭐⭐ youngest of the seven fairies, and her heart is stirred, so she secretly went down to Dong Yong to fall in love. The bleakness of Greek ⭐⭐ mythology is closely related to Erektra, one of the Seven Fairies, and legend has it that her son Dardanos founded Troy, and Troy was later destroyed in the war with Greece, and the mother was so heartbroken that she could no longer shine and disappeared into the night sky.

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