
Poetry Appreciation| "Reincarnation" - Mughal Room Wei

Poetry Appreciation


Bao Guiyun

Poetry Appreciation| "Reincarnation" - Mughal Room Wei

They said it was hiding the genes of the Mongols

On the south bank of the Ergun River

Ruminant herds of cattle lie on their stomachs in the wild grass

Galloping horses, chasing the wind

Machetes and spirits

Witnessed the whole process of grass withering

They follow a white butterfly

Ride a bull west and cross a horse to the south

Years later, the same is a white butterfly

Break free from the storm and fall under the dark canopy

Climb the mountains and return to the snowfield

In early spring, the wind is cold and the snow is silent

The silent people don't know why it's reassuring

The horses hissed, and the hooves threw away the snow

In the dead yellow weeds, there are some green seedlings

Life, complete the cycle

About the Multures

There are two ethnic groups in Chinese history that were brought into the Central Plains by Hulunbuir, that is, the Xianbei of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the "Busy Huolun" (i.e., Mongolian) or "Mongols" of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. "Room Wei" ("Lost Wei"), like "Xi Bo", is a transliteration of "Xianbei", meaning "forest". Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the five departments of Murong Wei (大室威, 钵室威, Shenmu Wei, Nanmu Wei, and North Chamber Wei) have lived in the present-day Hulunbuir League and the western part of Heilongjiang Province. The Mughal Room Wei in the lower reaches of the Ergun River and south of the Heilongjiang River belonged to the North Room Wei, which is the ancestor of today's Mongol people. In the 8th century AD, Mughal Muwei walked out of the forest and crossed Hulun Lake to the west into the grassland. After hundreds of years of struggle, by 1206, Genghis Khan unified the Mongolian tribes and the nomadic tribes of the steppe and established the Mongol Khanate.

Chief planner: Wei Dong, Tian Jianguang

Chief Executive: Guo Xiaofei

Text: Bao Guiyun

Photo editor: Liu Chen

Photo: He Ruipeng

Photo design: Ren Xuan

| Times Township Weekly |

Poetry Appreciation| "Reincarnation" - Mughal Room Wei
Poetry Appreciation| "Reincarnation" - Mughal Room Wei
Poetry Appreciation| "Reincarnation" - Mughal Room Wei

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