
Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

author:Xiao Yue 188

The main body of the anti-China background: history and reality are intertwined

When it comes to Outer Mongolia, we have to face a phenomenon: its self-congratulatory mood often has anti-China overtones. The root of this emotion not only contains complex emotions left over from history, but also reflects certain anxieties and dissatisfaction in reality. Historically, Mongolia was a Mongol state that was inextricably linked to the Central Plains Dynasty, but it also experienced many wars and conflicts. These historical memories have, to some extent, shaped today's national sentiments.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

The gap between the imagination of "slaughtering the Central Plains" and reality

Some people in Outer Mongolia are happy to imagine themselves as warriors who "slaughter the Central Plains" on war horses, which is more a manifestation of national pride than a real intention to invade. However, there is a huge gap between this imagination and reality. Today's China is no longer the Central Plains of the past, but a rising global power, with military and economic power to be reckoned with.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

China's Rise and Attitudes towards Mongolia

Contemporary China is no longer the weak country that tolerates the intrusion of foreign enemies. In the face of certain inappropriate remarks and behaviors in Outer Mongolia, although China has exercised restraint, it also has a clear bottom line and attitude. China's rise is not only reflected in the economy and military, but also in many fields such as culture and science and technology. This all-round rise makes it so that anyone who belittles or insults China will pay the price it deserves.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

Anti-China Thought in Outer Mongolia: Causes and Reflections

The anti-China trend in Outer Mongolia is not only a reflection of its internal political, economic, and social problems, but also influenced by external forces. Today, when the United States and other Western countries are showing reverence for China, certain forces in Outer Mongolia may mistakenly think that they have found a backer, so they dare to insult China. However, they ignore China's strength and determination, as well as the development trend of history.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

The kindness of the Central Plains is not weakness

China's friendly attitude toward Outer Mongolia is based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the basic norms governing international relations. This kind of kindness does not mean weakness, but a kind of great power responsibility and wisdom. Any attempt to see the goodness of the Central Plains as weak would be short-sighted and wrong.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

An analysis of the anti-Chinese sentiment in Outer Mongolia

The anti-China sentiment in Outer Mongolia is a complex social phenomenon, which has both the imprint of history and the reflection of reality. However, both history and reality tell us one truth: Peace and development are the main theme of the present era. Any attempt to go against the tide of history will be eliminated by history. As a rising power, China has sufficient strength and wisdom to cope with various challenges and difficulties. At the same time, we also hope that Outer Mongolia will face up to history and reality, and develop and prosper together with China in the spirit of peace, friendship and cooperation.

Why is Outer Mongolia's self-congratulatory attitude always based on "anti-China"?

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