
This man was wounded by the Japanese army, carried by the devils on the march, or successfully escaped the clutches of the devil!

In the autumn of 1941, the Japanese army in North China concentrated its forces on Fuping in an "iron wall encirclement war" and an "iron foot blitzkrieg" in an attempt to eliminate the head organs of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region. The third sub-district sent the main 2 regiments to support Fuping, and at the same time sent local working groups to accompany the army to do mass work.

This man was wounded by the Japanese army, carried by the devils on the march, or successfully escaped the clutches of the devil!

The local working group was led by Li Guangyu, director of the organization department of the prefectural party committee, and was composed of Zhang Tong, secretary of the special office, Li Boyuan, director of the sub-district armed forces committee, Li Chun, director of the peasant association, Li Zhong, vice president of the party school of the prefectural party committee, and Wang Jinren, captain of the "Youth Resistance Pioneer" team of the sub-district.

On September 30, Li Guangyu and others entered Baihuashan under the leadership of the village chief of Baihuashan Village and the captain of the village "QingkangXian".

At this time, it was already dusk, and as they were marching in the ditch, suddenly someone in front of them on the right shouted:

"Stop, don't move!"

One man forced Wang Jinren with a shell gun. Realizing that he had encountered the enemy, he immediately pulled out a grenade and prepared to die with the enemy. But the agent, who called himself a "guerrilla army" (anti-Japanese unit), asked, "What are you doing?" ”

"The people of Baihua Mountain."

This man was wounded by the Japanese army, carried by the devils on the march, or successfully escaped the clutches of the devil!

The agents saw them dressed in civilian clothes and let their guard down. At this time, a group of Japanese soldiers came from the west. When the agents and the Japanese officers exchanged heads and ears, Li Boyuan immediately opened fire on the enemy soldiers, and Wang Jinren took the opportunity to throw a grenade. The enemy was in a panic, and the crowd immediately began to flee.

Wang Jinren shouted as he ran, "There are devils in front of you!" "Quickly drill into the crop fields.

The enemy did not dare to pursue.

Just like that, he ran away.

On the path back to Baihua Mountain, Wang Jinren met Li Zhong. That night, the two stayed in Baihua Mountain. Attacked by the enemy at dawn, the two rushed out of the village in a rain of bullets and ran in the direction of Lizhuang. On the way, they heard that Kurimotojo had been surrounded by Japanese troops, and the two turned to the southeast. Two days later, they finally returned to Xianglong Village, where the leading organ of the sub-district was located.

Wang Jinren and Li Zhong ran out, what about the others?

During the battle, Li Boyuan took advantage of the enemy's panic to climb the southern steps, drilled into the crop field, and escaped from danger, but his knee was stabbed by a stone, but there was no major obstacle.

Li Chun also escaped the danger.

This man was wounded by the Japanese army, carried by the devils on the march, or successfully escaped the clutches of the devil!

However, Zhang Tong and the village chief who led the way, the village "QingKang Xian" captain, walked in the forefront and were captured by the Japanese army.

Zhang Tong saw that the situation was not good, swallowed the confidential documents he was carrying, was found by the Japanese army, hit him in the head with the butt of his gun, and fainted. By the time he woke up, he was lying on a stretcher for the Japanese army.

The Japanese carried him on a march during the day and tortured him at night.

However, in the face of torture and torture, Zhang Tongning was unyielding, only admitting that he was a common man who delivered letters, and never divulged party secrets.

Everyone thought that Zhang Tong could not live this time.

Unexpectedly, on the night before the Japanese army returned to Baoding City, Zhang Tong took advantage of the negligence of the Japanese army, and the village chief who led the team, the captain of the "QingKangXian", actually jumped off the wall, secretly ran out, and also returned to Xianglong Village to meet with everyone.

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