
From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

author:Long braid mushrooms are cool

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From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

Zhang Tong, a powerful actor who has portrayed countless popular roles on the screen, won the "Feitian Award for Outstanding Actor" in 2016 for his otherworldly performance, which not only made him the first post-80s actor to win the award, but also fully proved his outstanding artistic attainments.

From the heroic and fearless Monk Wei in "Bright Sword" and the revolutionary pioneer Li Dazhao in "The Awakening Age", Zhang Tong showed his extraordinary artistic talent to the audience with his superb acting skills.

However, despite the popularity of the characters he created, most of the audience's perception of Zhang Tong is still at the level of the role he plays, and few people can connect his life with the screen image.

In fact, after winning the honor of Emperor Shi, Zhang Tong did not get the favor of many directors as he wished, mainly because most of the types of characters he is good at are red period dramas, and the current film and television market is dominated by costume dramas and Xianxia dramas.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

After graduation, Zhang Tong returned to his motherland with enthusiasm and expectation, eager to show his strength in his acting career. However, the reality is far more brutal than he expected. As a newcomer with no background, in this highly competitive industry, Zhang Tong can only take on some insignificant jobs in the crew.

Because of this, today's Zhang Tong has more maturity and stability. However, even in the face of adversity, he remained steadfast in his unremitting efforts to achieve his dreams. Finally, fate threw a glimmer of hope at him one day.

An enthusiastic friend told Zhang Tong that a new director was preparing a new crew and sincerely invited him to join. Hearing the news, Zhang Tong's heart was full of excitement and joy, and he accepted the invitation without hesitation.

He is convinced that the young and promising director will do his best to create this work, and the characters in the play will be completely different from the ones he has played in the past, which will give him a new stage to show his unlimited potential.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

However, Zhang Tong never expected that this opportunity would become the last straw that broke the camel's back. During the filming of the crew, because the director was a newcomer, Zhang Tong had to carefully figure out the role and strive to perform it vividly in the best state.

However, no matter how hard he tries, the director is always critical of him, and even shows dissatisfaction. What's worse is that after the director denied him, other members of the crew also cast indifferent and incomprehensible eyes on Zhang Tong.

Just when the movie "Red Star Shining in China" was completed, the film director's stern denial surprised everyone: "Zhang Tong's understanding of acting is really limited, and his level may only reach the level of Chinese opera or Beijing Film freshmen!" These words were like a heavy hammer, ruthlessly shattering all Zhang Tong's confidence in his acting career.

However, it is this young actor with a "limited" level in the director's mouth who has a touching learning experience.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

When he was young, Zhang Tong aspired to become an outstanding actor. In order to improve his acting skills, he did not hesitate to choose to go to France for further study. As a young man from a poor background, Zhang Tong did not have any family background and interpersonal relationships to rely on, only full of enthusiasm and firm belief in his dreams, which supported him to set foot in a foreign country alone.

During his time in France, Zhang Tong lived an extremely simple and hard life. Faced with high tuition fees, he had to use his spare time to work around to earn living expenses and tuition.

To save money, he even waits until the mall is about to close before rushing to buy discounted items, and sometimes even fills his hunger with a three-yuan pack of dog food.

Whenever his parents call to care, Zhang Tong always reports good news but not bad news, lest his family worry about his life. Despite the difficulties in life, he is determined that no matter how tortuous the road ahead is, he will grit his teeth and persevere until his dream is realized.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

In the past few years in a foreign country, it was the way for Zhang Tong's willpower to be tempered. Years of work-study life have taught him to cherish every hard-won opportunity.

What's more, in such a difficult environment, his love for the acting career has become more and more pure and determined.

Recalling those years, Zhang Tong is still full of emotion. He deeply admired the fighting spirit and firm belief of his youth, and it was the unremitting pursuit of his dreams that made him who he is today.

Whenever night falls, Zhang Tong will always sit quietly in front of the window, looking up at the starry sky, looking back on the arduous process of studying at a young age. The ups and downs and tribulations on the road are the powerful driving force that motivates him to keep moving forward.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

He knows that as long as he can persevere, he will one day be able to appear on his own stage.

There is no doubt that Zhang Tong has an incomparably pure and unwavering love for performing arts.

On the occasion of graduation, with endless hopes and ambitions for his future career, Zhang Tong returned to his motherland with great ambition and looked forward to shining in the entertainment industry. However, what he didn't expect was that in this industry with crowded resources and abundant talents, a newcomer without innate advantages and network resources could only helplessly work as an insignificant handyman in various crews.

Despite this, Zhang Tong was not discouraged, but more tenacious to stick to the road of chasing his dreams. Finally, after a long wait, the god of fate showed him a glimmer of hope.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

An enthusiastic friend revealed to him that a talented new director was preparing a new crew and invited him to join him.

Hearing the news, Zhang Tong's heart was full of excitement and expectation, and he agreed without hesitation. He is convinced that the young and promising director will do his best to create this work, and the characters in the play are completely different from the ones he has portrayed in the past, which will give him the opportunity to break away from the stereotype and show more possibilities.

However, Zhang Tong never imagined that this opportunity would become the last straw that overwhelmed him. During the filming of the crew, since the director was also new to this trip, Zhang Tong studied the role more seriously, and strived to present it to the audience in the most perfect state.

However, no matter how hard he tries, the director always picks and chooses about him, and has a lot of criticism. What's worse is that when the director questioned Zhang Tong's performance, the entire crew members also cast indifferent and incomprehensible glances.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

Until the eve of the finale, the director ruthlessly denied it: "Zhang Tong doesn't know how to act at all, and his acting skills are only equivalent to the level of Chinese opera or Beijing Film freshmen!" This humiliation was like a heavy punch, which hit Zhang Tong's confidence in his acting career.

Since then, Zhang Tong, who was once full of longing, has fallen into a quagmire of deep despair and self-doubt. He even stood on the top of a tall building many times, and had the idea of jumping into the air and ending his life.

Fortunately, Zhang Tong's girlfriend Guan Siting reached out in time to pull him back from the edge of the cliff.

Under Guan Siting's patient guidance and careful care, Zhang Tong gradually walked out of the shadow of depression. In order to prevent Zhang Tong from falling into trouble again, Guan Siting even decisively gave up her job and stayed by his side wholeheartedly.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

Whenever night falls and the hustle and bustle is silenced, only a faint light accompanies Zhang Tong, until he sleeps peacefully, and the figure will quietly disappear. Faced with such wholehearted dedication and endless love from his lover, Zhang Tong's heart was full of shock.

He began to reflect deeply on whether his almost obsessive pursuit of performing arts had become too extreme and narrow-minded.

Guan Siting's sincere and passionate love for him made him re-examine the true meaning of life and the priceless value it contains. In this way, under the careful care and spiritual encouragement of his lover, Zhang Tong gradually got rid of depression and regained the courage and hope of life.

Five years later, in 2012, they finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and made the most solemn vows in their lives together.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

After marriage, Zhang Tong did not give up the pursuit of his acting dream because of marriage, but re-examined his current situation with a new and mature attitude. Perhaps it was through that life-and-death ordeal that he began to learn to look at everything in the world with a rational and calm eye, and was no longer easily swayed by short-term successes or failures.

This time, Zhang Tong did not rush for quick success and fame as he did when he was young, but chose to wait patiently and choose those scripts that really suit him. He firmly believes that as long as you take it steadily and take it one step at a time, opportunities will eventually favor those who are always ready.

Sure enough, with this positive attitude, Zhang Tong received an invitation to the TV series "Desperate Defender Division". Whether it is the plot setting or character building, it seems to be tailor-made for him, which perfectly fits his mature and rich acting style.

During the filming process, Zhang Tong once again proved his strength with practical actions. He portrays the protagonist in the play vividly and meticulously. With his exquisite interpretation of this role, Zhang Tong finally won the honor of "Feitian Award for Best Actor" in 2016, which is not only the highest recognition of his acting skills, but also the best testimony of his lifelong beliefs.

From Monk Wei to Li Dazhao, Zhang Tong, the "drama throws face", has now embarked on another road

Back in time to the award ceremony of that year, when the host announced that Zhang Tong had won the award, the audience applauded thunderously and cheered. Zhang Tong himself was very excited, he walked on the stage to receive the award with excitement, and when he delivered his acceptance speech, he was even more emotional, choked up: "Frankly, I didn't prepare a thank you speech in advance, because I never thought that I could be the winner of the award."

In Zhang Tong's heart, this glory not only symbolizes his supreme achievements on the road of acting, but also has a deeper meaning that it inspires him to regain his faith and courage in the trough of his life and strive to rise.

It is proud that he became the first outstanding post-80s actor to win this award, which is well deserved!

However, under the aura of honor, Zhang Tong did not stop moving forward because of this.

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