
Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

author:Watch TV
Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs
Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

Focus on the current situation of medicine, social issues, life education, the reality of medical documentary programs, and the expression of human culture.

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Realistic perspectives, workplace anxieties, peer competition... In the month since the third season of the workplace observation reality show "Heartwarming Offer" aired, multiple hashtags have been thrown at the audience. The program in the context of the doctor season has multiple observation perspectives, if the key elements such as competition, collaboration, and growth in the workplace program are taken as the basic point of view, the guidance of industry empathy and humanistic spirit is the internal core of this season's program.

The film and television expression of medical themes emerges in an endless stream, and the 2014 doctor-patient contradiction documentary "Emergency Room Story" and the 2016 medical news documentary "Human World" have received good feedback after broadcasting, and have launched the second season; subsequently, the documentary "Shengmen" and the documentary genre film "Life" will narrow the perspective, focusing on fertility issues and hospice care respectively, and expanding new thinking directions for life topics; documentaries such as "Wuhan Day and Night" and "Life and Death Gold and Silver Lake" under the background of the new crown epidemic pay tribute to the fight against the epidemic. Presenting the first perspective of the moment of epidemic crisis...

The expression of film and television has advanced with the times, and the topic of life is grand and small, containing thousands of ultimate experiences in the world. Film and television medical documentary is like a balance in the public's vision, balancing industry medical treatment with social humanities, softening the traditional concept that countless people are imprisoned - there are hundreds of lives in medical care, and life and death are not taboo topics that cannot be discussed.

The road to medicine is long and difficult

Not limited to this season's "Heartwarming Offers", many medical documentaries push two extremely realistic social issues to the audience.

First, at the doctor level, China's medical industry and vocational training system are long and difficult, and behind the ideals and responsibilities is a difficult way to explore; second, at the patient level, the terminal of disease treatment is not a paper discharge procedure, in addition to the healing and rehabilitation of the disease, the prejudice of the people against some diseases will have a great impact on the patient's recovery, and the external public opinion brought about by the stigmatization of the disease will accompany the patient to live for a long time and form a new branch of social problems.

Eight medical students were assigned to three departments of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine for practical study and life, and the transition from theory to practice was always accompanied by confusion and self-doubt.

Liu Chang, a 26-year-old postdoctoral fellow at Zhejiang University, has rich scientific research experience, but her clinical experience is zero, and when she first faced patients, she was timid and unconfident, and she cried under extreme pressure: "I am worried that I owe too much, and it will still be like this after a month." Dong Liang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiology, comforted her: "You can now count at most a blank piece of paper, and the poor clinical ability can be made up." ”

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

However, the identity of "clinical white" is only the first obstacle to entering the workplace, and some doctors who have been practicing for a long time have sufficient clinical judgment, but they will still be eliminated by the industry's increasing standard demand. The second season of "The Human World" shows the audience another dilemma of the doctor's practice.

Zhu Yuenou, a pediatric critical care physician at Xinhua Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, has a hard-working and serious, strong clinical ability, and has super popularity in the department, but the bachelor's degree has become a huge shortcoming in his career, the top three teaching hospitals have strict requirements for the doctor's academic qualifications, Lao Zhang's thesis project experience is small, without doctoral training, he can not figure out the direction of future development in the high-pressure mechanism, and finally chose to resign.

In the face of the regret expressed by colleagues and leaders, Lao Zhang said: "We still have a cause to do, and continue to contribute to the cause of children in the motherland." "This is still the case in the top three hospitals in first-tier cities, and in some hospitals with greater technical limitations, the promotion channels for doctors are also becoming more and more narrow, facing heavy workplace pressure."

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

The problem of uneven distribution of medical resources has existed for a long time, and the training of medical students is a relatively long process, with great pressure in the industry, rapid updating of technical requirements, and frequent medical troubles... What is presented in the documentary is only a small subset of the problems in the path and system of doctors' careers.

Countless people in life "deify" doctors, believing that they know everything and can do everything, but ignore the efforts and sweat of every doctor before becoming a doctor.

For doctors, "medicine is the Way doctor, medicine is a heavy task", on the one hand, to abide by medical ethics, on the other hand, to face unknown risks, the mission and ideal behind the little pay has a huge energy.

Medical care and humanities are not incompatible

A sentence said by Dr. Tao Yong, a guest of the "refueling group", has received a lot of praise on the Internet: "Medicine without care is cold, but care without technology is indiscriminate."

Medical treatment is a rational word, whether it is diagnosis or treatment, it attaches importance to the basis and requires absolute caution, but because of this, some people in life are overly demanding technical services and occupy a lot of resources, some people put "cold" sticky notes for the rigor of medicine, and some people only limit the concept of medical care to the hospital, ignoring the healing power of humanities.

In fact, there is warmth everywhere in medical treatment. In "Shengmen", the fetus in the young mother Li Shuangshuang's abdomen was judged by the local eugenics department to induce labor, and in the face of a small life, the doctor struggled to linger between saving and not saving, and the pain was unbearable; in "Emergency Room Story 2", the nurses and nurses in the intensive care unit used up various methods to help a girl with aphasia caused by falling from a building to restore her language ability, and under the care of her family and the meticulous care of medical staff, the girl spoke and gradually recovered.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

In the fourth episode of "Heartwarming Offer3", there was a 21-year-old epilepsy patient who had the first onset of epilepsy in the neurosurgery case return visit, and now he is over 50 years old, and he has never had a seizure after the operation ten years ago, but when the intern Feng Chen asked him how he is now the quality of life, he was silent for a long time, saying that he became lonely, moved, and was accompanied by the Internet, and his classmates and colleagues who knew that he was sick no longer contacted him, and he hoped that people could eliminate the misunderstanding of "sheep madness".

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

The concept of "sickness and shame" also comes from this. The word stigma originates from the Greek language, originally meaning "branding", indicating a certain feature of the human body, and later in the field of medicine was referred to as a kind of inner shame experience caused by the illness of patients, such as mental illness patients, cancer patients, etc. may have a sense of shame. External pressure is the source of stigma, and patients will have negative behaviors such as social withdrawal, concealment of disease, self-medication suspension, and refusal to seek medical treatment.

Last year, the Beijing News published a "China Mental Health Survey", the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in Chinese adults was 16.57%, and more than 30% of patients had "stigma". The consultation rate and treatment rate of patients with mental disorders for lifelong patients are less than 20%, and many patients will only choose to go to the hospital after they have physical discomforts such as headaches and palpitations, and they all go to the general hospital to see the emergency department, and no one goes to the psychiatric department.

In the face of mental illness patients, eliminating inferiority, cleaning up concerns, making the "shame" no longer silent, and allowing mental health to be valued and treated in a timely manner are not only the cooperation between patients and hospitals, but also the redefinition and understanding of the group in the whole society.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

Too many backward ideas are deeply rooted and want to change overnight, but the dullness and numbness of discovering such social problems seems sadder than the difficulty of solving them. When the media documentary presents the disease problem to the audience in an individual way, many people suddenly realize that if one problem is cured, there will be residues of other problems.

The perception of such phenomena by the public in real life is still lacking, but everything is still too late, whether it is a medical return visit, or a media report, or the direct impact of a specific example in life, all of which make the medical chain tighter, longer, and give more humanistic care connotations.

Who empathizes

Topics related to life and struggle always carry a strong capacity for empathy. Although the doctor's profession has its own great particularity, and thousands of disease examples may be recognized by the audience for the first time, documentary medical programs are not one-man shows, and realistic expressions can always reach people's hearts.

Wang Weihang, who studied at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, is the "empathetic object" of Dr. Tao Yong in the observation room of "Heartwarming Offer 3". In the interview session, he said that he could endure hardships, and the most difficult and tiring work could be entrusted to him; he mentioned that he was born in a medical family and had a special sense of responsibility and mission.

In the practical study, the background of the medical family gave him greater ideological pressure, when the operation of hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, he was replaced due to unskilled laparoscopic operation, Dr. Yan Sheng asked him to practice 1,000 deep knots every day, he did not fall down for a day, step by step progress, and finally received Director Yan's praise in the subsequent liver transplant surgery.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

Dr. Tao Yong said that he saw his young self from Wang Weihang's body, who was replaced on the operating table due to unfamiliar technology and continued his practical career in the face of heavy pressure. Many worries, not accepting defeat, having resilience, and being afraid of making mistakes are actually the characteristic portraits of many newcomers when they first enter the workplace, from medicine to other fields, and the professionalization process is challenging, from books to practice There is still a long way to go.

In "The World on Earth 2", the mother of osteosarcoma patient Wang Sirong saw a person on the side of the road begging on the grounds that "the child was seriously ill" when buying fruit, and she thought that the person might be a liar, but still returned to give him money.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

Yu Xianli, director of the Department of Pancreatic Surgery at fudan university affiliated cancer hospital, also said in the program that for the first time in his career, when he saw the phenomenon of patients dying in the emergency department, the family was devastated and cried with them.

In the process of changing the medical model from the traditional biological-medical model to the new biological-humanistic-psychological-social-medical model, the power of humanistic care cannot be underestimated, but the sensibility also pays attention to the sense of proportion, and the continuous progress is the way to promote the good development of the industry.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

People always avoid talking about death, but the topic of life and death is always unavoidable. The launch of medical documentaries is like opening a window for the public to empathize with reality and fear life.

More than just "bystanders"

Although the vast majority of the audience is just a layman in medicine and disease, in medical topics, we are both "bystanders" and "participants". Countless contents penetrate into social life, patriarchy over daughters, Alzheimer's disease, doctor-patient relationship... The recording of film and television and documentary programs allows many intangible ideas to be expressed concretely.

In "Shengmen", a big brother and elderly man came to get a son, running around to tell each other, relatives and friends congratulated him on giving birth to a son, and even returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors, saying that he could inherit the mantle only after giving birth to a son. And when the mother of the eldest brother said that she had given birth to three sons, and the mother-in-law had only given birth to one son, the words were full of pride. It is difficult to imagine that today, with the progress of concepts and the open environment, feudal concepts are still deeply rooted in the hearts of countless people and bind the thoughts of generations of people.

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

In the presentation of Alzheimer's disease in "Human Life 2", there is a 76-year-old brother who insists on taking care of the sick sister who has been dependent on each other since childhood; there is Teacher Wu who has taken care of her husband day after day for 16 years and confessed her true feelings when her lover is dying; there is a true man who has a heart attack and wants to operate on his daughter's college entrance examination, but still takes time to accompany his old father...

Starting with "offer3": The Empathy Code and the Evergreen Rule of Medical Documentary Programs

In the expression of exposing the doctor-patient relationship, the film crew of "Human Life 2" stayed at ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and recorded 100 real cases of doctor-patient relationship in more than a year. Verbal attacks and physical conflicts appear frequently in documentaries, doctor-patient incidents have frequently become the focus of news in recent years, and how to balance the relationship between doctors, patients and patients' families has become a new social problem.

From a small perspective, the gap between doctors and patients reveals a systematic information gap, such as the shortage of medical resources, the obstacles to communication, and the absence of life education. Multiple issues are closely linked to multiple fields, and we live in a social environment where everyone is responsible when the many problems of the times are exposed.

When countless viewers sigh at topics such as medicine, life, and disease, the significance of medical film and television records and reflections is highlighted. Medical care is often heavy and sensitive, but the reality needs to be seen by more people, and the multi-layered meaning of medical treatment also needs multi-directional dissemination and expression. Each individual experience of film and television reflects the real medical industry at present, and in the step-by-step in-depth expression, the public gradually dissolves the cognitive blind spots and has a more reasonable interpretation of the content of medical work, which is conducive to improving the society's understanding, empathy and trust in medical staff.

Everyone has a say in medical-related topics. Multi-angle entry points are often associated with different people's experiences, and there are thousands of emotional feelings hidden in the expression path of human culture. While popularizing the industry ecology, medical documentaries have also promoted the development of life education, and the ultimate meaning of life education is to correctly disseminate information and eliminate inherent conceptual barriers, so that more people can cherish life and experience the meaning of life.

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