
Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

author:Nine Strings

Text: A lot of words

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

Tang Xianzu wrote in the "Peony Pavilion": "In the midst of a thousand flowers, the leaves do not stick to the body", which was originally used to describe the appreciation of flowers in the spring color of the garden, and there is not a green leaf on the body, which means that the gentleman is alone and does not follow the flow.

However, this sentence has been used to this day, but the beautiful meaning has become another connotation, mostly used to describe the scumbag behavior in some circles.

In the 90s of the last century, those supermodels who once walked on the overpass, although they were both famous and rich, but behind the scenery of brocade and gorgeous clothes, the price they paid was little known.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

In that era, there was a series of sensational events in the modeling circle, the world's top 8 models have stood up one after another, have accused the top agents in the modeling circle, accused them of using strong, while unveiling the fig leaf of unspoken rules, the true face of Gerald Mali was also exposed to the public.

Who is Gerald Mali?

He's no ordinary person, he's the former president of Elite, the world's top model agency.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

His wife is supermodel Linda Evangelista, who was once on a par with world supermodel Cindy Crawford and was the object of worship of many young Girls in Paris.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

What is Gerald Mali's presence in the fashion capital of Paris? You can think of Meryl Streep's social status in "The Witch of Fashion".

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

And the male protagonist in the Indian movie "Fashion" who holds the "power of life and death" of the model.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

That's right, Gerard Mari has been in charge of Elite Paris for 25 years, and he has the right to cover the sky, so to speak, who can become the world's supermodel is just a matter of his words.

According to industry insiders, Gerald wants to be on the cover of Vogue the next day with just one phone call.

However, because of this, the right allows him to do whatever he wants.

The 8 girls who accused him had all worked for Elite, and when they came to Paris with great expectations and expectations, dreaming of becoming world-class supermodels one day, they all fell into the clutches of Gerald Mari and became unspoken playthings.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

According to carré Otis's allegations, in 1986, at the age of 17, she left her hometown of California and came to Paris alone to work, because she was not familiar with life, and out of trust in the company, she rented a room in Gerald's apartment.

Just signed elite, originally thought that she would get the opportunity to walk on the overpass, but unexpectedly, what she got was not a work arrangement, but Gerald's "special care" for her.

According to Ortiz, Gerald promised her that he would make her popular, but only if she had to lose weight, and in order to keep her in shape, Gerald asked her to take a small bottle of "medicine" he provided every day, claiming that it was a weight loss "secret medicine".

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

However, to Otters's surprise, one night, Gerald took advantage of her high fever and forcibly violated her, because she was sick at the time, her body was very weak, and the physical gap between men and women was already very large, so she suffered a secret loss, and after that, Gerald, who tasted the sweetness, was even more unscrupulous to her, and forced her to have sex many times.

Because Gerald holds the "power of life and death" of models in the fashion circle, for the sake of the future, 17-year-old Ortiz can only endure humiliation and steal life.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

In fact, what happened to Otis, the once 18-year-old model Gerald also experienced, at that time, the cardamom age of the girl, like Gerald's experience, came to Paris to find a dream, when Gerald's request to her was not to lose weight, but to dye her hair.

But the place where her hair was done was not in the dressing room, but in Gerald's bed, when she was instructed by the company's upper echelons to attend a party organized by Gerald as promised, but when she arrived at her destination, she found that it was Gerald's private home.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

He was sitting on the bed, seemingly somewhat drunk, greeted her lazily, and greedily stroked her hair, behaving rather ambiguously.

The next night, she was called to Gerald's apartment by her agent, and something terrible happened, and although she was reluctant, she obeyed due to the power of the other party.

As she recalled, she remembered very clearly that the smell of perfume on the bed was more than just a smell.

In addition to the two newly adult models mentioned above, Gerald also extended the claws of desire to minors, and among the 8 women who accused Gerald of his evil deeds, there was a 15-year-old girl who alleged that Gerald forcibly took her to the apartment and performed "bestiality" on her.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

The reason why these girls, some of whom do not even speak French, are not spared in the hands of Gerald is that Gerald seduces them with fame and fortune, and in Paris, where they are not familiar with life, they can only cling to him and let him take advantage of the void.

The models who were forcibly possessed by Gerald would get a lucrative job offer the next day, which also made them know that it was just a deal.

But if someone resists and refuses to obey, they will soon lose their job opportunities, and even because they have no source of income, they will be forced to become street dwellers and miserable creatures without a place to live.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

Among these people, Otis was the first to launch an effective counterattack against Gerald, because she could not stand Gerald's forced possession, she plucked up the courage to return to her hometown of California, and after a year of self-precipitation, she came up with a series of strategies and methods.

After returning to the fashion circle, she made a number of Hollywood movies in succession, and became the spokesperson for CK, and after her career gradually became prosperous, she finally had the confidence and capital to accuse Gerrard.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

The judicial authorities attach great importance to the allegations of these 8 women, and with the in-depth investigation of the case, it is heinous that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the unspoken rules in the fashion industry.

In fact, this phenomenon of unspoken rules is not unique in the industry, in this circle, with the company's high-level power transactions, so as to obtain the opportunity to gain fame and fortune, it is already a tacit fact in the industry.

Gerald is not the first suspect to be charged, because what he did was the result of a complete upward effect, and before him, his superior, the late founder of Elite, John Casablancas, he was also accused by multiple people of having improper male-female relationships with several young women and even underage girls.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

As the saying goes: "The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked", and the people who do things below can imagine what the situation will be.

Under this "consensus" of the integration of unspoken rules, models have become a kind of "wildflower" that can be picked at will, especially those "fresh mushrooms" that do not know the depth and are not deep in the world, when they first entered the industry, they quickly became the prey of the company's executives, rich people, agents, and even photographers.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

According to ortis and other women accusing Gerald, they were all assaulted by Gerald's colleagues, and Otis himself identified as having been raped by a hairdresser in a hotel room while attending the event.

Not only that, elites often give girls who have not yet become famous, take advantage of freshness, secretly give them a clear price, let them attend cocktail parties and parties, meet rich businessmen, induce them to become the mistresses of rich businessmen, and profit from them.

In fact, long before the models accused Gerald, back in 1999, BBC reporters had infiltrated Elite and photographed Gerald bragging about the beautiful stories between himself and the models.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

Although the matter was once a big deal, and Gerald was suspended by Elite, after that, Elite launched a defamation lawsuit against the BBC, and more indignantly, Elite eventually won.

Instead of being applauded by the BBC, the BBC had to bow to evil, and the result of this was the BBC's apology to Elite.

Gerald relied on the bullying Elite platform, and it didn't take long for him to be reinstated, and Tao Sheng was still happy for 20 years, can you imagine, in these 20 years, how many girls are still under his clutches and stealing?

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

In 2018, France revised a new law that extended the prosecution period for juvenile rape from 20 to 30 years.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

One of the women who accused Gerald of being the focus of attention was Otis, who was a seasoned member of the industry, and who is now one of the consultants to the Model Alliance.

In 2012, the "Model Alliance" was established, which is not a profit-making organization, but mainly to improve the living environment of models and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests.

In the face of the women's allegations, Gerald, 74, has denied it outright and claimed he would resort to justice.

Today, although he left Elite in 2011, with his extensive network resources, he soon served as the chairman of the Paris model agency Oui Management, becoming the leading big brother in the industry.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

As soon as the news of Gerald's accusations against multiple victims broke, elite group quickly broke up with Gerald, because Gerald did not work under the group, naturally did not want to spoil a pot of soup because of a mouse.

Gerald, who was pushed by everyone against the wall, not only lost the protection of his old owner, but even his pillow people felt disdainful for his behavior.

When the media interviewed Gerald's ex-wife, the former supermodel, Linda Ivan Gillista, openly admitted that although she did not know what Gerald had done at the time, she believed the women, and they should have told the truth.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

Although the women who have been infected by Gerald have not waited for the justice they want so far, they believe that Skynet will be restored, and that one day evil will be punished as it deserves.

From the past to the present, whether it is the fashion circle or the entertainment industry, unspoken rules of events may still breed in the dark corners, but I believe that justice will eventually triumph over all evil, because since ancient times, evil does not suppress the right, justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Gerald Mari: Modeling agency owner, married to a top supermodel, is a habitual sexual assault offender

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