
The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

Just after the Spring Festival in 1941, Luo Zhongyi, chief of staff of the 6th Division of the New Fourth Army and commander of the 16th Brigade, led the brigade organs to move to the Yixing area. At midnight on February 21, Huang Mingying, head of the democratic movement team of the Political Department of the 16th Brigade, arrived at Xishidang Village with the brigade organs in the snow.

The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

The next morning, when she was preparing to take people to the village to carry out anti-Japanese propaganda, suddenly there was a dense gunfire in the southwest and southeast of the village.

It turned out that the Japanese army had come to sneak attack.

This time, more than 300 Japanese soldiers were divided into three ways, attacking Xi Shidang all the way, slamming into the Qian Family Ancestral Hall all the way, and secretly ambushing them all the way across the three-forked river mouth.

The main force of the 16th Brigade was stationed in the vicinity of the neighboring Village of Queen Mother and Guanzhuang, and all the personnel stationed in Xishidang were brigade personnel, except for the guard company, there were no other combat units. At the critical juncture, brigade commander Luo Zhongyi ordered the guard company to seize the terrain, cover the retreat of the brigade organs, and break through the organs. Huang Mingying followed the personnel of the organ to move by boat.

Unexpectedly, when the ship reached the mouth of the Three Forks River, it was suddenly fired by Japanese fire on the other side of the river.

At this time, several female comrades in the Political Department were in the same boat as Luo Zhongyi's wife Liu Zhaozhen, and the Bullets of the Japanese Army hit the wooden ship board, and black smoke erupted from the bullet holes. Liu Zhaozhen was shot and killed. Huang Mingying's boat followed behind, heard the gunshots in front of him, and quickly turned around and leaned toward the opposite shore. However, the boat was still hit by Japanese bullets, and the river kept pouring into the boat and could not move. Huang Mingying and his comrades had to jump off the boat and wade into the water and run to the shore.

They climbed up the embankment, and someone shouted, "There's a small mound ahead, it's safe to rush over." ”

Unexpectedly, another group of Japanese troops emerged from the side, and bullets flew in. Huang Mingying ran in front, and one more step could climb over the earthen dam, when he suddenly saw a soldier wounded and fell to the ground and shouted. She immediately ran over, grabbed his hand, and pulled it up the dam. Just then, a bullet hit her in the back. She rolled down the dirt slope and passed out.

Everyone else was sacrificed.

The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

The devil took the bayonet and stabbed the dead and wounded new Fourth Army soldiers, and the one made up a shot. A ghost kicked Huang Mingying twice, and there was no reaction, stepping over her. A female soldier who fell next to Huang Mingying was crushed under several sacrificed comrades-in-arms and held her breath. The devil kicked her, she endured the pain, did not move, and escaped the disaster.

Soon, Brigadier Luo Zhongyi led a platoon of special agents to rush over, and the local guerrillas also rushed over, and together they repelled the Japanese army. The Japanese cowered in an ancestral hall, ready to counterattack again. Several of the surviving female soldiers also ran over and looked at their comrades who had fallen into a pool of blood. Under the small mound, someone found Huang Mingying, put his hand under her nose and tried it, shouting in surprise:

"Come here, Huang Mingying is still alive!"

Everyone carried Huang Mingying and several other wounded people to a small wooden boat and quickly moved along the river.

The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

In this battle of Xishidang, which is rarely recorded in military history, the New Fourth Army lost more than 20 people. Although Huang Mingying was seriously injured, it was difficult for him not to die. The gunshot wound on her back, about 30 centimeters long and about 1 centimeter wide, was deep in visible bone, and fortunately, the bullet only entered her lower right waist of her back and passed through the back near her left shoulder. If you go a little deeper into your body, she will be sacrificed.

After the Japanese were repulsed, the 6th Brigade continued to march. The wounded can only be placed in situ. Huang Mingying was left in a fellow family. Since there was no medicine and no medicine, the villagers could only use the folk healing method to apply some incense ash to the wound on her back. Due to the lack of timely treatment, her lungs became infected, and she suffered from coughing and asthma.

The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

After Huang Mingying was injured, her old leader Zeng Ruqing knew about it and sent someone to send condensed milk captured from the Japanese army to strengthen her nutrition. After a while, she was able to get off the ground with the help of others.

One day, she was basking in the sun outdoors when a female comrade came to visit. Huang Mingying suddenly felt a strange itch on her back and asked her to help undo her clothes. The comrade-in-arms was astonished: "There are bugs!" ”

It turned out that a lot of white maggots were born on the wound on Huang Mingying's back, and they crawled out after being exposed to the sun. The comrade-in-arms picked up a small wooden strip from the ground and helped her to pull it down one by one. After these bugs were removed, Huang Mingying actually recovered from his injuries quickly and returned to the team.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Huang Mingying became a primary school principal and was issued a third-class Revolutionary Disabled Soldier's Certificate, which stated that her injuries were:

"A gunshot wound through the back of the right lower back".

The female soldier was beaten by the Japanese army and hid the disability certificate, and did not receive a penny of pension

However, she kept this certificate at the bottom of the box, not revealing it or telling people about her injury. It was not until her later years, when she could not take care of herself, when her youngest daughter bathed and wiped her back, she saw for the first time that her mother had a long scar on her back.

This Huang Mingying is Ling Ben, the wife of Admiral Zhong Qiguang.

It was the new name she changed after she recovered from her injury.

When Ling Ben was alive, he never received a penny from the government, and said to the children:

"Think of those comrades who sacrificed! Where do they go to receive the disability money? ”

Her granddaughter's name is Curran.

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