
For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

author:Country Garden Group is in Shandong
For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

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The cold of Yantai in early winter is getting thicker, but the warm scene of the seaside park in the development zone continues to warm the hearts of many people. On the morning of November 27, the "1 cm warm city charity run" activity in the Ludong area of Country Garden started at the Music Square of Jinshatan Seaside Park. The charity run was organized by the Publicity Department of Yantai Municipal Party Committee, Yantai Daily Newspaper and Country Garden Ludong Area, and was strongly supported by Yantai Municipal Sports Bureau, Municipal Federation of Trade Unions and other units, and united 20 loving public welfare enterprises to enthusiastically participate in the "1 cm warm city charity run" activity, handing in hand with all running enthusiasts and public welfare people in the love of life, running out of the great love of society, measuring the temperature of the city with their feet, so that people can pass on a love while running healthily. The melting smile on everyone's face has become a bright scenery on the golden beach.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Activity start chart)

The Iron Blood Captain of the Shandong Men's Basketball Team Leads the Way The public welfare trip will spread love

It is worth mentioning that the public welfare fun run was led by Sun Jie, a famous basketball player from Yantai, a three-point champion of the CBA All-Star Race, and the former captain of the Shandong men's basketball team, who led all running enthusiasts who like sports to interact before the game, and everyone came forward to take photos with them.

"I am a Yantai person, this time as a frontrunner to participate in the public welfare run at the doorstep is a very proud thing, I hope that through this healthy, sunny way of exercise, let all people fall in love with running, feel the hard work, enjoy the fun, and pass on the positive energy of public welfare with Country Garden." Sun Jie expressed full affirmation of the charity run, he told reporters that the holding of Country Garden's public welfare activities not only let everyone exercise their bodies and hone their will, but also let more and more people join the public welfare activities to contribute.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Former Shandong men's basketball team captain Sun Jie)

The "1 cm warm city charity run" in Country Garden Ludong area joined hands with Yantai Federation of Trade Unions, Development Zone Federation of Trade Unions, and Fushan District Federation of Trade Unions to call on 20 caring public welfare enterprises and employees to donate old clothes and cotton clothes for children in Ganzi Mountain District, Sichuan Province, so that children can spend a warm winter. At the same time, there is no fee for registration for this activity, and for each person who registers, the organizer will donate 10 yuan to the guardians of the city who support Yantai's social public utilities. All donations will be converted into materials to send warm and loving materials to the city guardians such as traffic police and sanitation workers in The coming of the cold winter. The enthusiastic joining of basketball celebrity Sun Jie will pass on this positive energy, which can drive more enthusiastic enterprises and individuals to participate in public welfare.

The combination of enterprise and public welfare Love and responsibility are fully demonstrated

At 9:00 a.m., the launching ceremony officially began, and Minister Sun Deyi of the Yantai Federation of Trade Unions expressed his gratitude to the 20 caring public welfare enterprises participating in the activities in his speech, and hoped that the broad masses of workers and runners would fully demonstrate the openness and vitality of Yantai in the port city with running and other sports on the coastal runway of the beautiful port city.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Launch Ceremony)

Wang Meng, CEO of Country Garden Yantai City Company, pointed out in his speech that as a sunshine enterprise with conscience and social responsibility, Country Garden actively assumes social responsibility, does its best to contribute to the country, give back to the society, and contribute to the realization of the beautiful Chinese dream. Yantai is the second stop of Country Garden's entry into Shandong, since 2013 Country Garden has successively laid out 17 projects in Yantai, and its footprints have spread throughout 11 counties and municipalities in Yantai, with every ingenuity as Yantai City's dedication to quality habitat at the same time, and actively use actions to give back to Yantai. Country Garden in Yantai is willing to uphold the group's mission of giving back to the society and share a better life with Yantai.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Speech by Wang Meng, CEO of Country Garden Yantai City Company)

A drop of water can reflect the brilliance of the sun, and a love is enough to reflect the warmth of society. Subsequently, Geng Xiao, head of the Mass Sports Department of Yantai Municipal Sports Bureau, issued honorary plaques to 20 caring enterprises, and this centralized medal awarding activity is a commendation to enterprises with a strong sense of social responsibility and love, in order to encourage more caring units and caring people to actively dedicate love, participate in social assistance, and devote themselves to poverty alleviation.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Event Awarding Ceremony)

In everyone's opinion, the achievements of this activity are not important, what is important is to enjoy the fun of healthy running and the public welfare meaning behind it. Under the cover of blue sky and white clouds, every runner running on the track used his body and mind to feel the depth of the city's connotation, and also showed the most perfect self.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(Group photo before the event starts)

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

Fule runs with great love before concentrating on the shimmer

At this event, Country Garden, together with 20 caring enterprises, donated more than 3,000 catties of materials to the middle school students in Ganzi Seda County, Sichuan, including student books, stationery, winter clothes, etc., and loaded and transported on the spot. The average sea dial in Seda County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, is more than 4100 meters, there is no summer in long winter, frost and snow in all seasons, and the extremely cold climate brings many difficulties to the daily life of the local poor people. Their situation affects the hearts of Country Garden people, we hope to see the children's faces fluttering red after being warmed by cotton clothes, hear the children read aloud after getting the books, let the snowflakes in the eyes of the children is no longer just a difficult cold, let the value of the books be truly continued, for them to hold up a piece of love of the sky, this is the country garden consistently adhere to the greatest meaning of public welfare.

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

(The staff will load the donated materials on the spot and transport them to Ganzi)

In fact, this public welfare run is a microcosm of Country Garden's public welfare road in Yantai, in January 2021, under the cold winter, Country Garden sent the first cup of milk tea in the cold to Yantai's guardian traffic police, sanitation workers and couriers; in March 2021, it entered the nursing home and cut the hair of the elderly in the elderly apartment for free; in August 2021, during the epidemic prevention and control period in Yantai, Country Garden people took the initiative to join the epidemic prevention front and guard the city...

Not only Yantai, Country Garden's public welfare footsteps in the Ludong area have been sonorous and powerful. In Qingdao, we donated scooters, bursaries and free online video courses for the post-00s inspirational "wheelchair teenagers"; held a red happy run to present the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party in the form of walking; in Weihai, Country Garden brought donations and materials to the families in need before the New Year, sending care and help; and also shouldered the great love of the society and donated love materials to Weihai after the typhoon disaster...

Over the years, Country Garden has been based on the society, grateful for the society, giving back to the society, continuing to adhere to the corporate responsibility, seeking a balance between business and public welfare, taking the initiative to fulfill social responsibilities, actively participating in the public welfare undertakings, and striving to make every footprint on the road of public welfare step by step, mobilizing every force, and turning the spark of the stars into the light of the fire.

Contributed by: Ludong Area

For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began
For love running| Country Garden Ludong area "1 cm warm city charity run" began

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