
Respondents | youth

author:Frontline Magazine

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The just-concluded Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

A call to the whole Party

On the way to the new exam

We are the respondents

Be sure to continue to get good grades

Qualified respondents

What kind of style

Heroes of the Defensive Frontier

After graduating from college, he went to the fiery barracks

In battle with foreign forces

At the moment of life and death, stand up

The youth of martyrs

Forever reverberating in the song of the great wind that reveres the heavens and the earth

Respondents | youth

He is Chen Hongjun

Chinese former detachment leader of a certain unit of the People's Liberation Army

He is also a recipient of the "Order of July 1st"

After graduating from graduate school

Take the initiative to go to the poor village

Put into the main battlefield of poverty alleviation

She had come gently

When to leave

Bet on the weight of your entire life

Despite the rush

Youth is so extraordinary

Respondents | youth

She is Huang Wenxiu

Former deputy chief of the Theory Section of the Propaganda Department of the Baise Municipal CPC Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Former first secretary of the party branch of Baixiao Village, Xinhua Town, Leye County

They use the youth of the run

Unleash passion and write faith

They use the flavours of life

Play the song of youth in the new era

It shapes the image of the Chinese Communists who are forever young

In 2021

The Chinese Communist Party extended to her 29 members

Awarded the "July 1st Medal"

Who are they?

They are ordinary heroes who quietly dedicate themselves to ordinary posts

Where do they come from?

They come from the road of struggle of revolution, construction and reform

Why did they come?

They come with a heart and a mission

Where are they?

They are in the ordinary crowd, right next to you and me


It's on the way to the exam

Respondents | youth

Respondents | Youth - Xinhua Net

Click to view the respondent's story

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