
R Country, the national goddess


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Yumi Doshige updated her Instagram. Photos taken after the meeting were published online and received a warm response from fans. Today, Michishige said with great enthusiasm, "I feel very happy and at ease chatting with the fans for a long time. Thank you! And submitted photos

R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess

The photo shows a dowaki dress in a yellow flared dress with thick-soled sandals. Makeup also gives people a natural impression, and it always feels like a photo that can make people feel young and cute.

R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess
R Country, the national goddess

For this submission, fans have said that they are "very cute", "like it", "feel the summer", "very much like a big miss", "it is really happy to see each other at the meeting", etc.

R Country, the national goddess

Idol singer, actor and announcer of up-FRONT AGENCY, a Japanese performing arts agency. Girl idol group "Good Morning Girls Group. The members of the sixth period also included Miki Fujimoto, Eiri Kamai, and Rena Tanaka. Nicknames include "さゆ", "さゆみ" and "しげさん", and the official color should be "pink".

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