
Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

author:Fairy tales of dreams

I used to have a habit of hoarding things, probably influenced by my mother since I was a child.

Shopping plastic bags, small pins, buttons, shoe boxes for buying shoes, all kinds of small items of life, I am reluctant to discard, will classify them neatly and put them together, always feel that one day may be able to use. In fact, many things are not usually used at all.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

When I was shopping, I also bought a lot of things that I didn't usually use much, and I thought it was very good.

I also have a lot of clothes in my closet, when I first started working, I liked to buy clothes in Xiaoximen, there were many styles, cheap but the quality was average.

I have been selling clothes for five or six years, and the clothing brand I am in belongs to fast fashion, and the price is acceptable to me, and I have bought a lot of clothes.

I also have a lot of shoes, I think good-looking high heels, bought only once, they are idle, and some shoes are not very comfortable, and they are not often worn.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

Maybe it's because of the lack of security that you have so many things. There are many things, but the usage rate is not high, there are many clothes and shoes, either the quality is not good, or the style is not suitable for themselves, many clothes and shoes are not particularly liked when they buy, but they are dispensable, and because they are cheap, they will not be particularly cherished.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

Not only hoarding, software also hoarding a lot, mobile phone photos, thousands of pictures, hundreds of downloaded songs, usually like to listen to so much or twenty songs, work training information, WeChat public account feel useful good articles will be collected, thinking that they can be used later, will look again later, but after the collection is too lazy to look back to look over.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

In recent years, I have advocated breaking away, and I am also very interested in this kind of topic on the WeChat public account, and later bought two books, one is the practice of "The Magic of Tidying Up Life" written by Marie Kondo, and the other is "Minimalism" written by Ono. After reading it, I really benefited a lot and suddenly became enlightened.

"The richer the heart, the more simple life is", I agree with this sentence in the book.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

I know that I am a nostalgic person who likes to keep a lot of things and memories, like carrying a weight forward, so I can't go fast and I can't go far.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

I began to try to organize my clothes, and at first many things were still reluctant to throw away, but every time I sorted out, I would throw away a small number of things that had been idle and could not be used, and I still gained something.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

The more clothes and shoes, the more you don't know what to wear, and you can't find your own style, and some daily wear is not in line with your temperament.

I put clothes and shoes that didn't fit me, didn't like, didn't wear, gave them away, and sold them on salted fish.

Looking at the items left behind, the whole person is much more relaxed, and the mood is much calmer.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

Later, when I bought clothes, I only picked the styles I needed, and I looked very excited at a glance, not necessarily a brand, but the texture must be good. The first thing to buy shoes is comfort, and the second is style. As for adding other things in life, it is the same mentality.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

The items you have are not in the quantity, but in each one is very exquisite, and you will cherish it in the process of use, so that all the items can give full play to its value. You will never buy anything because it is cheap, which will invisibly reduce a lot of unnecessary expenses.

Every tidying up and discarding in life is a process of cleaning up the heart and finding yourself. Slowly, you will become more and more aware of yourself, more and more about yourself, and understand what you really want.

When you feel that life is chaotic, life is confused and has no direction, you may wish to clean up.

Learn to break away and let everything go to zero

Watching the sun shine warmly through the window on the quilt, I listened to my favorite music and enjoyed this moment of tranquility without distraction. Let everything go back to zero and reacquaint yourself with yourself.