
Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng: It is sooner or later that Taiwan's "countries with diplomatic relations" will return to zero

author:China Youth Network

Beijing, January 18 (China Youth Daily) -- On January 18, Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng said in his opening speech at the opening of the 2022 Macro Situation Annual Forum hosted by the Chongyang Institute of Financial Research of Chinese Min University that Taiwan is not the territory of other countries, but a sacred territory of China, and China has indisputable sovereignty over Taiwan, which is the premise and starting point for discussing all issues in Taiwan.

Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng: It is sooner or later that Taiwan's "countries with diplomatic relations" will return to zero

Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng. China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Ma Ziqian/Photo

Le Yucheng pointed out that the United States claims to pursue the one-China policy, but in its actions it unscrupulously supports "Taiwan independence," constantly erodes China's sovereignty, "steps on the red line" and "cuts sausages," sends military advisers to Taiwan, and transports advanced weapons to Taiwan. This is the creation of "two Chinas" and "one China, one Taiwan," hollowing out and blurring the "one China" principle, and the fake "one China" policy.

Le Yucheng stressed that on the issue of opposing "Taiwan independence" and safeguarding "one China," the Chinese side has no room to back down and will not make any compromises. There is only one option for Taiwan's future, and that is reunification. The resumption of diplomatic relations between Nicaragua and China at the end of last year represented the aspirations of the people and the trend of the times, and represented international justice and historical inevitability. By engaging in "Taiwan independence" and making a fuss about separatism, the road of the Taiwan authorities is bound to become narrower and narrower, and they will eventually go to the end of the road and become lonely and widowed. China must be reunified, and it is bound to be reunified, and this is an irresistible historical process. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, no one should underestimate the strong determination, firm will and strong ability of Chinese people to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Source: China Youth Daily client