
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"

author:Wind and rain in the same boat viuD

On the hill behind my neighborhood, a garden was built two years ago called Baishilong Music Park.

"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"

It is called a music park because the park is full of musical elements, stave walls, statues of youth playing the lute, fairies playing the flute, heads of saxophones... There is a musical atmosphere everywhere.

When you step into the park, what burrows into your ears is Chopin's round dance; Mozart's concerto; Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony; the powerful Yellow River Concerto; the passionate I Love You China; and the affectionate river... These stirring music makes casual people enjoy their own unique pleasures.

Built on a small slope, the park is a good place for leisure people to climb and walk. The hillside of the park is covered with all kinds of unknown green trees and flowers. The flowers and grass are lush and lush, waving to the sun and laughing at tourists all year round. The ashlar paved mountaineering path winds and crisscrosses, climbs along the path, there are benches for people to rest, clean and bright, climb up the mountain to the center of the park, there is a bridge without a river in the middle of the park, a bubble of Chinese red, people call it the Red Bridge. Next to the bridge is a huge gold and silver horn with inlaid with the district names and English names of Shenzhen's districts, which is a landmark building in the park. The sculptures of musical instruments around it are exquisite. The park is green over and over again, a little red in the green, picturesque, shining with a unique light.

Usually, the park is mostly elderly, and on rest days, there are many people who relax, men and women, old and young, and there is an endless stream. Old people push strollers leisurely and tease the babies in the car who have just learned to talk; young couples will make love in the shed they have built; the family will make a carpet under the tree, eat wild trees, and listen to music competitions like gods; there are naughty children playing football; there are musicians singing; a group of primary school students write poems and paint under the guidance of teachers... A picture of peace and happiness that made me fall into its arms.

There are thousands of parks like this built near the community in Shenzhen, and the private market can enjoy the sweetness of the park within 100 meters from the door. These thousands of parks have dressed Shenzhen as a garden city, and laborers from all over the country have built Shenzhen into an innovative city, a science and technology city, a unique mountain city, and the mountain in the city is full of vitality and flowers. A metropolis known all over the world

I walked slowly on the park path and pondered, how did this former small fishing village in Shenzhen transform into what it is today in just over 40 years? A sense of happiness that I had never felt before filled my mind, and I lingered until the sun went down to find that it was late, and I was reluctant to leave the music garden.

"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"
"The Back Garden of My Neighborhood"

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