
Maltese writer Vera: No matter how many times you go to China, there will always be new discoveries

Source: Xinhua Net

"Sometimes the media can't describe a real, comprehensive China to readers. The size of China, the richness of culture, and the development of society are things that you must see with your own eyes. No matter how many times people go to China, there are always new discoveries and always make a deep impression. Maltese writer Fiona Vera said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency a few days ago.

Vela, who has visited China twice, is currently collecting stories of the first visit to China by Maltese.

Before her first visit to China in 2014, Vera felt that China was "both distant and strange." But after this trip to China, she found that China had become her "close friend." So Vera embarked on her second trip to China in 2019. Now, Vera is looking forward to her third trip to China after the COVID-19 pandemic is over and hopes to have more opportunities to visit China in the future.

"I've always been interested in China. But because China is so far away from Malta and has a different culture and language, the idea of visiting China was almost a dream for me. "Vera admits that she knew very little about China before visiting it, although she learned some about it from books and media reports." It's completely different, and sometimes the media can't describe a real and comprehensive China to the reader, and you have to see it with your own eyes. ”

At the invitation of the Malta Chinese Cultural Centre, Vera and several other Maltese came to China in 2014. In the past two weeks, Vera and her partners have visited Beijing and Shanghai, visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and experienced the modern life of these two big cities.

"China is amazing!" "I was amazed by what I saw and heard in China, and I shared my experience with everyone without reservation," Vera said. ”

Vera's trip to China enriched her knowledge of China, and she was impressed by Chinese hospitality, integrity and diligence. "If Chinese promise you something, you'll get what they promised, they're keepers of their promises."

Five years later, in 2019, Vera traveled to China again to attend a seminar in Beijing on the protection of cultural heritage. Although this was her first time going abroad alone, she felt like she was just visiting an "old friend." This time, Vera spent nearly a month in China and had the opportunity to go to Yunnan Province.

Talking about her experience in Yunnan, Wei La said: "I am deeply surprised that there are so many ethnic minorities with different characteristics and cultural backgrounds living in harmony in Yunnan. ”

Comparing the two trips to China, Vera said that China's social and economic development is rapid, high technology has been widely used, people's living standards have been continuously improved, and it is open and inclusive to foreigners.

"China is vast and its society is developing rapidly." "Going to China to see" has become "a dream" for some foreigners, including Vera's 19-year-old daughter, she said. The young girl is even considering working or living in China in the future.

"I like to communicate with people." Vera said this prompted her to learn Chinese so that she could communicate directly with people when she traveled to China again. In order to turn her dreams into reality, her daughter is also learning Chinese.

Vera told reporters she was busy gathering stories about the experiences of Maltese on their first visit to China to show more Maltese the beauty of China. Compared to that, the first trip to China, she said, would be more sensory-impactful.

"China has given me a lot, and I want to give back to China." Vera said that was her original intention in collecting the "Chinese story" of maltese.

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