
Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Source: Xi'an Release


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Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...
Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Do you know

The winner is our Shaanxi Township Party

Xi'an post-80s photographer Zhang Qiang

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...


By Xi'an post-80s photographer Zhang Qiang

Photographed in the Qinling Forest in Shaanxi Province

Monkey Cuddle

Known as the "Oscar" of eco-photography

BBC International Wildlife Photography Competition (WPY).

More than 50,000 works from 95 countries around the world

Stand out in the competition

Nominated for a special prize

The golden snub-nosed monkey is one of the four treasures of Qinling Mountain

It is also one of the mascots of the 14th National Games

Positive, energetic image

It is known and loved by more people

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

What is the golden monkey in Zhang Qiang's lens?

The little golden monkey closed his eyes

Snuggled up in the furry arms of her family

Enjoy the warmth of your pulse safely and comfortably

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

In order to understand the story behind the photo, Xiaobu contacted Zhang Qiang and conducted an exclusive interview.

Zhang Qiang said: "Letting the world see the beautiful state of life of wild animals in Qinling Mountains is my long-term wish. ”

Love the "Four Treasures of Qinling Mountains"

Show the warmth and wildness of nature

Before winning this award, "Monkey Cuddle" has received great attention from the photography circles at home and abroad - this work has been selected for a large number of photography professional publications, and at the same time, Zhang Qiang's other Qinling Golden Snub-nosed Monkey Photography Work "Take Care" won the individual championship and high praise award in the 2021 National Wildlife Photography Competition, and "Monkey Cuddle" was also on the cover of the award-winning photographer magazine.

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Zhang Qiang told Xiaobu that "Monkey Cuddle" was filmed at the end of October 2020, when he patiently waited under the leadership of rangers, and finally found several wild golden snub-nosed monkey families in the depths of the Qinling Mountains. In the shot, the love and ordinary hugs between the members of the golden snub-nosed monkey family show the beautiful state of wildlife life in Qinling Mountains.

Zhang Qiang said that he has been close to animals since he was a child, and likes to feel the vitality of life bursting out of them and the wonderful transmission between them and human emotions. In 2012, when he had his first telephoto camera, he decided to target his hometown.

"I am a native of Xi'an, Qinling is the 'back garden' of the city, qinling mountains are known as China's "biological gene bank", its huge body can not only let people overlook the different scenery of the north and south, but also a paradise for all kinds of rare wild animals, which fascinates me deeply." Zhang Qiang said.

From small animals such as red-bellied golden pheasants and weasels to "The Four Treasures of Qinling", Zhang Qiang has used the lens to record the road of Qinling wild animals since then, over the years, Qinling has been one of his shooting priorities, the number of shooting times is so many that he can't remember clearly, Zhang Qiang also received an invitation from the CCTV "Zhengda Variety Show - Animals Are Coming" program group in 2020, using images to show Shaanxi's good natural ecology, share wildlife survival and wonderful moments. "The wild animals in Qinling That I poured the most emotion into my shooting were the crested ibises, golden snub-nosed monkeys, giant pandas, antelopes, etc., all of which have rich emotional expressions, showing the warmth and wildness of nature."

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Let the world see

China's efforts to protect the ecology

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

In fact, Xiaobu learned that before winning this award, Zhang Qiang had stood on the podium of the International Natural Ecology Photography Awards many times, and he had won the Nature's Best Photography Asia Best Nature Photography Award (NBPA) LUMIX Award in the Nature Category of the National Geographic Global Photography Competition in China.

"When I was a child, my understanding of wild animals was limited to Zhao Zhongxiang's explanation of "Animal World", as well as the terms 'nature' and 'wild animals', and later, when I gradually came into contact with many foreign documentary columns, I was amazed at the wildebeest galloping on the African land, the polar bear hunting on the ice field, the fierce lion on the American grassland, and I was also curious, why are most of these shots foreign wild animals, where are the wild animals belonging to China?" Zhang Qiang said that on his own photography road, he has always had an "original intention", hoping that more people will understand the living conditions and survival rules of China's wild animals through my works.

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

In the eyes of many people, as a wildlife photographer, to be able to appreciate the magnificent scenery in the great rivers, to be able to capture those or cute, or mighty animals, is a romantic and interesting thing, but at the same time, wildlife photography is also full of hardships and extremely high risk factor work, mosquito bites and by dense forest rocks are commonplace, Zhang Qiang once photographed giant pandas in the Foping Sanguan Temple Conservation Area, accidentally cut through the right cornea by sharp bamboo leaves, I also fell into a deep snow pit when photographing Tibetan antelopes in Coco Xili, "It can be said that the danger of life is also accompanied at any time, but as a photographer, this is not a big deal, as long as there is a breath will persist to the end." ”

Years of wildlife shooting, so that Zhang Qiang has been a treasure of the protection of the Qinling wild animals he often photographs, "one of the 'four treasures' of Qinling, the crested ibis, has now been more than 7,000 from 7 when it was endangered (more than 5,000 in Shaanxi). Benefiting from the increase of forest and grass vegetation and the improvement of the living environment in Shaanxi in recent years, the species of wild animals in Shaanxi have been continuously enriched and the population has been expanding year after year. ”

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Zhang Qiang's photography career allows him to have a more intuitive view of ecological protection, but also a clearer understanding of the relationship between man and nature, he looks forward to these photos to bring everyone a deeper respect and reverence for life, more people can become close to nature through images.

"I always look forward to letting more people see the living conditions of wild animals through the lens, letting the world see the efforts made by my hometown and even the whole of China for ecological protection, so that more people can connect with nature through images, so that all this will become more meaningful."

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

Multiple measures are taken simultaneously to make Qinling

The beauty is eternal, the green mountains are always there, and the green water is always flowing

Zhang Qiangneng often takes photos of wild animals and plants in Qinling, which is inseparable from the continuous improvement of the ecological environment of Qinling.

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

On September 23 this year, the municipal government issued the "Xi'an Qinling Ecological Environment Protection Plan", which is planned for 2021-2025 and the long-term outlook is 2035. The "Planning" aims to optimize the spatial development pattern of Qinling Mountains, effectively enhance the stability of the Qinling ecosystem, significantly improve the functions of the Qinling ecosystem, and make the beauty of Qinling Mountains permanently, the green mountains always exist, and the green water flow forever.

Let the world see the creatures of Qinling! Xi'an this photographer did...

The "Planning" proposes that by 2025, the natural protected area system with national parks as the main body will be basically established, ecological corridors and biodiversity conservation networks will be initially constructed, and new achievements will be achieved in the protection of key ecological function areas, sensitive and fragile areas of the ecological environment and important human resources, with the forest coverage rate reaching 70.5%, the proportion of forest protection area reaching 95%, the wetland protection rate reaching 60%, the protection rate of important habitat areas of wild animals reaching 80%, and the water quality compliance rate of drinking water sources being stable at 100%. The geological environment governance rate of historical mines has reached 60%, the quality and stability of the ecosystem have been improved, the long-term mechanism for ecological environmental protection has been fully completed, the green development mode and lifestyle have been actively promoted, and the green development capacity and ecological product supply capacity have been gradually enhanced.

Qin Ling with its broad mind

It contains all things in the world

It also gives birth to a rugged majesty

Beautiful and secluded natural scenery

Let's work together

Be a good ecological guardian of Qinling Mountains

Let the world see the wildlife of qinling mountains

The beautiful state of life!

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