
The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

author:Akin full of vitality

A friend in the bar last night told me he was leaving Beijing and booked a ticket to his hometown of Dalian tonight, wanting to invite me to the bar for a drink the night before he left as a farewell. I was surprised and asked, why did I suddenly go back to my hometown? Don't you want to stay in Beijing to develop? He said the cost of living here is really too high and he really can't afford those expenses every month. At least you don't have to rent a house when you go back to your hometown, and you also have a job in your hometown.

Why do you have to stay in Beijing? Honestly, the average working class wants to survive in this city. Aside from the cost, there's not much money left over the year. It's too hard to live a perfect life here.

The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

There was a hot topic, when did you feel like you needed money the most?

The first message was that I had been working for two or three years and my mom's phone was broken. I promised to exchange her for a thousand smartphones, but found that the balance in the card was simply not enough, and I gritted my teeth and swiped the credit card. Instantly, my heart was filled with frustration and loss.

The second message is that my husband and I are not paid high, and we are afraid to go to the next restaurant after paying off our mortgage for a month. They had been married for three years and were very old, but they were afraid to have children, afraid that the responsibility of raising them would be too great to support them. Poor support, afraid that children will grow up to be inferior to others, and will blame us in the future, so they are entangled and consumed.

The third message is that when I graduated, I found that my classmates were all gilded abroad, returning home to inherit the family business, various trips, eating, drinking and having fun, only I continued to run on the road to job hunting after my job search was rejected. All I know is that there is no money to be pretentious.

The fourth is that the four years of miscellaneous living expenses of the university are all pieced together through study loans plus scholarships and part-time jobs. Three years after graduation, I am still saving money to pay off my study loans. I simply don't dare have any social life with my peers. I had to prepare a dozen reasons to postpone a dinner with my classmates and colleagues. Even the girl who is liked can only pretend not to understand. Aside from desperately trying to make money, all I know is that I really don't have the money to be pretentious and have no choice.

The fifth is to get married and have children, I dare not resign, change the company, and easily offend the superiors. I am afraid that I can't afford to pay off my mortgage, I can't afford milk powder and diapers, and I can't maintain my current life.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, because I had no money to rent a house, I could only find a single room to share on the Internet. There were three people crammed into a room of less than 20 square meters. Find time to cook for yourself every day. After all, it is much cheaper than ordering takeaway, just like us later in the movie, Lin saw the bitter mood of Qingbei drifting. My greatest sorrow is that I have no right to grieve. The grief behind adults is on their own.

The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

A lot of chicken soup will say that we all have the right to choose our own lives. Are you sure? The premise is that there is money, money for medical treatment, money for repaying loans, money for milk powder, money for pensions, money to cope with sudden changes in life. Without these guarantees, what options do you have? Money is not a panacea, but it is impossible without money.

I saw a news item before. A man in a suit and leather shoes was lying drunk in a corner of the subway, crying bitterly. He said that my wife and I had been working in Beijing for several years and had tasted everything. In order to sign the order, I drink with customers every day. I really can't drink, I don't know how to drink. The police came to comfort him, but he just shook his head. I really can't help it. When his wife arrived, he couldn't help but cry and say, Baby, I'm sorry, I think it's useless. I'm sorry for you. The wife did not blame her, she squatted down and hugged her husband. It felt like being forced to drown in the sea. You want to struggle desperately, but you don't know when it's the end.

The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

Life is cruel. The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money. If he doesn't do it, without a salary, how can we sustain the life in front of us? We should know that every move in this world is measured in money. It's not tacky, it's real life, if life can go as people want. The matter is simple, who wants to trade their life for money?

Before Guangdong encountered a super typhoon, a truck driver actually stood up to the wind, pushed his own car, and was run over by a truck. When I saw this news, my heart was full of worry. How can anyone be stupid enough to want a car? It was later learned that he was from a low-income family and that the kitchen was full of bark. Two sons, one in high school, one just after graduating from college, his wife grows vegetables and sells vegetables, and he works as a temporary worker. I borrowed money to buy the van that had the accident. Less than a month after buying it, the income depends on this car. I realized that what this typhoon-resistant person wants to support is not a home, but a wish that cannot be put down. This is no ordinary car, but the warmest home. All the realities are good, and someone is carrying the weight for you. The sacrifice among them is only how many people are strangled to death in order to save their lives, desperate to make money, because they are desperate to protect the people they love most.

The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

The sign of a person's maturity is not that he doesn't love money, but that he knows how to work hard to make money to take responsibility. Even if he breaks down, he depends on the time and the occasion. It was obvious that the stone shattered at the first touch, but he had to wait until he got home, avoided everyone, and closed the door to ashes.

I think of a saying that adult collapses are always after midnight, but after the collapse, I still need to heal myself as soon as possible. The next day, when I pushed open the door, I was still the strong and decent version of myself. The cause of each crash seems trivial to everyone else. Only I knew in my heart that this straw was overwhelming me. We always broke down in the middle of the night and started working hard the next day as if nothing had happened. When the lights of the city are bright, squeezed into the morning subway, the city begins to recover again, day after day, year after year.

The collapse of adults begins with a lack of money

Who doesn't cry as they walk? While struggling, from difficulties to flatness, we will also experience from the life classroom that the solution is really more than difficult. Even if we live in sewers, we have the right to look up at the stars.

Behind the rain and baptism that life gives, there must be a generous reward. The adult world is never all smooth sailing, but don't be afraid, as long as you work hard, everyone will be rewarded and everything will get better.

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