
The collapse of adults has nothing to do with others

author:Xiao Xi reads

I received a message from my girlfriend at 10 p.m., and I was about to meet in two hours.

I don't think I wanted to reply to her: "Is there something wrong with it?" Two hours later it was 12 o'clock in the evening. ”

"My husband and I are divorced, and I am now desperate to find a place to sit and have a shoulder to lean on."

"Then come out now, I'll wait for you."

"No, neither my child nor my parents have slept yet. I could only sneak out after they were asleep. ”

A woman, in the face of a sudden crisis in marriage, what kind of posture should she face?

Do not quarrel because the child will be injured;

Can't go out because parents are worried;

Irretrievable, because the man's heart has gone too far.

When my girlfriend showed up, I said, "I know you're having a hard time at the moment, and if you want to get drunk, I'll accompany you." ”

"I can't get drunk because I have to go to work tomorrow."

The collapse of adults depends on time and occasion.

Because I have to sleep in the dark and work at dawn. There are children to raise, loans to repay, life to live, and to continue.

Only face it calmly, wait until the night black man is quiet, and heal alone, and it has nothing to do with anyone.


Matilda: Is life always so hard? Or is it only like this when I was a kid? LEON: Always.

In fact, I would like to say that when you grow up, life is more difficult.

Zhang Ailing once said: "People after middle age often feel lonely. Because as soon as he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by people who had to rely on him. And he had no one to rely on. ”

When we were young, we cried when we were hungry, laughed when we were happy, and were free to be ourselves. We can keep trying, keep making mistakes, parents will give when there is no money, parents will carry it when things go wrong, and the sky will fall and there is ground.

"All strength is a soft cocoon", when I first saw this sentence, my heart was touched. So deeply portrayed our growth process!

When you have experienced step by step when you are short of money, stand alone when you are sick, stay up alone when you are in difficulty, cry alone when you are wronged, have nothing to love and die without fear, you are not strong, who is brave for you? All your softness, step by step, turned into a thick cocoon.

Before Mimon posted a divorce, she chose to face it strongly, she said: "Divorce is not a failure, but a bravery." Bravely accept the life and death of love, and bravely say goodbye to each other solemnly. ”

Love is dead, but life goes on.

We have all been soft as a spring breeze and long to be treated gently. However, life is like a blue sky and white clouds, clear skies, sudden storms, when you have nowhere to escape, there is no choice but to face it strongly. Wounded again and again, and then healed alone, until it is indestructible.

In the face of big things, you can't fall down because you know that there is no one behind you.


I once saw a sentence like this:

No matter how bad the mood is, don't cry, because no one will watch. No matter how poor life is, don't say it, because no one will give you money. No matter how difficult the work is, don't stop, because no one will do it for you.

When you feel that you really can't hold on, look up at the sky, it is so big, it must be able to contain all your grievances and unwillingness.

Adult emotions can only be digested by themselves.

You can secretly open a trumpet and send ten complaints in a row, but you dare not forward a sad song in the circle of friends.

On the track of life, others can play the role of cheerleaders to cheer you up and cheer you up. However, you are the protagonist of this game. When you are too tired to run, even a professional cheerleader cannot pull you forward, you can only rely on your own perseverance and move forward alone with a lonely courage.

Emerson said in the essay "Self-Trust": "A person will one day understand that no matter whether it is good or bad, only he can help himself, and only by cultivating his own field will he harvest his own corn." ”


Forrest Gump said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get. ”

When life catches you off guard, you have no room to fight back except to bear it silently.

My colleague went to the hospital for examination some time ago due to physical discomfort, and the doctor was highly suspicious of breast cancer. The afternoon she heard the news, she said, seemed like a lifetime to her. When she thought of her two underage children, and of her elderly parents, her heart ached so much that she couldn't breathe.

She is not afraid to leave from here, not afraid that her life will end here. What worries and fears is how her parents and children should accept this cold fact.

She bore the consequences alone and did not dare to tell anyone. She first insured herself and then made an appointment for a check-up at a major hospital.

We see her still, smiling at life. I said, "Your mentality is so good, it's really not easy to do this." ”

She told me that when she first heard the news, she nearly broke down and lost sleep for a night.

When the sun rises the next morning, she must get up because she has to make breakfast for the children; after sending the children to school, she has to rush to the company; when she arrives at the company, she has to rush to finish her work; and after work, she has to rush to the school to pick up the children.

When life is running forward like a wheel of progress, you simply don't have the time and energy to talk about your collapse and helplessness.

You can only be as prepared as possible, and then always meet the baptism of life!

Fortunately, the results of the final examination at the big hospital were not too bad. She chose to tell her family.

The collapse of adults can only be hidden deep inside. It often ends with a simple "it's okay" and starts to clean up the mess alone.

But please be firm in our conviction that everything will pass.

As Yu Dan said: Glory will pass, shame will pass, glory will pass, suffering will pass. Everything around us is just the past. As our lives pass through it, we strive to pursue the quality of each present moment.

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