
Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"

author:Shengzhou Municipal People's Procuratorate
Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"
Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"

"As the hometown of Liang Baitai, the first procurator general of China's Red Regime, the procuratorial organs of Shaoxing City should undertake a stronger mission, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-long struggle, and strive to write a new chapter of procuratorial work in the new era and new journey." On the evening of December 6, the Shaoxing Municipal Procuratorate held a mobilization and deployment meeting and a publicity meeting for the procurator general of the city's procuratorial organs on the "six stresses and six dos" propaganda activities. Cheng Shuming, secretary of the party leading group and acting chief procurator of the Municipal Procuratorate, attended the meeting and made a speech; all cadres and policemen of the Municipal Procuratorate attended the meeting at the main venue; and cadres and policemen of the grass-roots procuratorates participated in the meeting at the sub-venue through video connection. The meeting was presided over by Yang Qi, member of the party group of the Municipal Procuratorate and director of the Political Department.

Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"
Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"
Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"

Cheng Shuming, secretary of the party leading group and acting chief procurator of the Municipal Procuratorate, delivered a speech

Cheng Shuming pointed out that the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has rich connotations, far-reaching themes, and great significance; after the plenary session was convened, the procuratorial organs of Shaoxing City held a meeting of cadres and police officers of the whole court for the first time, setting off an upsurge of studying the spirit of the plenary session, with rich activities, diverse carriers, and a warm atmosphere, and it is necessary to continue to maintain, deeply study, deeply understand, and deepen the practice of the spirit of the plenary session. He demanded that in the next stage, it is necessary to make arrangements in accordance with the "six stresses and six dos" propaganda activities, focus on three aspects, and continue to promote the study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the plenary session.

Deepen the understanding of "learning"

To study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, we must clearly see why Marxism works from the successive leaps in the sinification of Marxism and understand the historical status of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; we must clearly see why we have been able to succeed in the past and how we can continue to succeed in the future from the party's valuable experience accumulated by the party; we must clearly see from the valuable experience accumulated by the party what kind of spiritual wealth the party and the people have jointly created, and understand how to continue to enrich and develop in the practice of the new era From the excellent answer sheets handed over by the party to the people and to history over the past hundred years, we must clearly see the fundamental question of what the CPC is and what it wants to do, and understand what it should do in the future. To achieve the goal of the second centenary struggle, to take a new road of catching up with the examinations, and to hand over even more excellent answer sheets, we must use the torrent of ideals and convictions to impact all the cofferdams and embankments that hinder our progress, we must carry out a great self-revolution, maintain our physical health, always have far-sighted considerations, think of danger in times of peace, and unremittingly promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Do a good job of "speaking" the article

It is necessary to pay attention to pertinence, and through the "six stresses and six dos" propaganda activities, we should urge all cadres and policemen to shape firmer ideals and convictions, more loyal political character, more sincere feelings for the people, more resolute responsibility, and stronger strategic determination, and unswervingly be loyal supporters of the "two establishments" and exemplary leaders of the "two safeguards." To arouse initiative, the leaders of the procuratorates at both levels in the city should set an example by taking the lead in studying, giving lectures, and taking the lead in practice; the leading bodies of the municipal procuratorates should give play to the role of "head geese" who learn first and speak first, set an example, and set an example; the internal organs and lines of the procuratorates at both levels should closely integrate their work functions and combine the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses" and go deep into the grass-roots frontlines of enterprises, schools, and village communities to carry out propaganda. To enrich diversity, we can carry out propaganda activities through the formation of a "propaganda group" team, the use of the "three meetings and one lesson" of the party branch, the study of Monday night, and so on, relying on the young cadres and police reading clubs, the theme propaganda meetings of young party members, and other forms of propaganda, and at the same time make good use of the new media platform, so that the party's good policies and procuratorial voices can enter the Internet and penetrate the hearts of the people, and create a good public opinion atmosphere.

Put in the "doing" effort

It is necessary to inherit the "red gene" in bacon's soul, adhere to the party's absolute leadership and overall leadership over procuratorial work, maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in politics, ideology and action, continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, keep the "red root vein", resolutely safeguard the party's leadership through the performance of procuratorial functions, adhere to the organic unity of stressing politics and grasping business, and cultivate the political foundation for the party's ruling in procuratorial supervision and handling of cases. It is necessary to bravely shoulder the heavy responsibilities of the times in the active performance of duties, find the entry point and focus point in the overall work of the center, persist in "going out" to handle cases, carry out good legal supervision with "strong will and soft body", safeguard social fairness and justice, and provide more high-quality rule of law products and procuratorial products for the high-quality economic and social development of Shaoxing. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, intensify the crackdown on crimes that infringe on the people's livelihood and the interests of the people, and pay close attention to the "people's livelihood procuratorate" work, so that the people's sense of gain will be more sufficient. It is necessary to take the road of catching up with the examination in the process of innovation leadership, focus on major innovations that have a far-reaching impact on the overall situation of procuratorial work, and work breakthroughs that have made significant contributions to legal supervision in the new era, such as running out of acceleration on the "digital procuratorate" track, doing new and wonderful work in solving the problem of law enforcement and judicial information sharing, strengthening the awareness of supervision of similar cases, the integration awareness of the "four major procuratorates" and the awareness of participating in social governance, and pressing the fast-forward button in promoting the modernization of urban social governance.

Depth · Explain thoroughly · Doing Practically -- Shaoxing Two-Level Procuratorate Cadres and Police Conference Focuses on "Six Stresses and Six Dos"

Source: Shaoxing Procuratorate

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