
How did life on the planet begin? Can life travel across planets in the universe?

author:Duff observes

Professor Brian Cox explains a new theory that proposes how extraterrestrial life travels. The study was conducted by American scientists who hope to explain how extraterrestrial life moves between planets. There is a new theory called "cosmic germ theory or panspermia" that explains how extraterrestrial life travels through planets and stars in space. The cosmic germ hypothesis holds that the earliest life on Earth came from outer space, and that extraterrestrial life could be transported between interstellar or interplanetary lines. Scientists have found that during the transmission of life, organisms wrapped in rocks or comets can survive.

In a new BBC video, Professor Brian Cox explains that an idea called "cosmic germ theory or biological alienism" is being studied, which may explain how tiny signs of life exist on the planets in the universe.

People often wonder if there really is extraterrestrial life. So far, there is no conclusive evidence that any green alien monster with 7 tentacles on Oxford Street, or anything other than an artistic farmer in Wiltshire, has caused the crop circle. While we have no evidence that aliens exist in the form of shape-shifting monsters, it may be in the form of simple bacteria. How did life on Earth begin? Is there life on Mars? Are there aliens outside of Earth?

How did life on the planet begin? Can life travel across planets in the universe?

1. What is the "cosmic germ theory or biological alienism"?

So, what is the "cosmic germ theory or biological alienism"? Simply put, it's a space bacterium or biological invasion, and meteorites carry bacteria that can hit planets. "Cosmic germ theory or biological alienation" attempts to explain how life on a planet begins. Can life travel across planets in the universe?

Professor Brian said: "A more interesting and credible theory is the cosmognosia theory, where life exists in the universe and can be transported from one place to another through space. "Scientists at the prestigious American universities MIT and Harvard University are studying the theory that some form of life is sent to Mars in this way." Life's adaptability is incredible. Microbes, such as bacteria, have been able to adapt themselves to a wide range of environments over millions of years of evolution. ”

The theory suggests that life can be transferred in at least two ways, either as part of human experiments or when a meteorite hits a planet. When this happens, tons of debris disperse from the planet as miniature meteorites containing bacteria. 313 Martian meteorites have been found on Earth.

How did life on the planet begin? Can life travel across planets in the universe?

2. Do aliens exist?

Scientists have no alien life, aliens have not yet been discovered, but at the same time their existence has not been ruled out. Experts believe that the conspiracy theory of UFOs entering and leaving Earth's airspace may be nothing more than a conspiracy. There is simply no evidence that anyone was ever kidnapped and investigated, or that aliens built Mayan temples in Mexico.

Much of what we know about extraterrestrial life is based on stories and movies. Really, it's hard to imagine what life in space would be like, if aliens really existed. "The more exoplanets we find around other stars, the more we learn how many different environments can have life," NASA said. Still, astronomer Carl Sagan also said: "The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us humans, it seems like a huge waste of space. ”

How did life on the planet begin? Can life travel across planets in the universe?

3. What is the signal of wow?

For some time now, one of the strongest "proofs" of life outside of our world is the so-called "Wow! Signal". In 1977, experts in ohio discovered a radio signal whose intensity impressed an astronomer so much that he wrote "Wow!" next to it on a star map. But the reason behind the signal is unclear, and scientists have never found it again." A recent theory suggests that the signal came from a comet, but has not been confirmed.

How did life on the planet begin? Can life travel across planets in the universe?

4. Is there life on Mars?

As far as we know, there is no life on Mars. However, scientists have found evidence of the correct standards for the existence of life on Mars, the Red Planet, which once had blue lakes. NASA believes that Mars once looked like Earth, with a blue atmosphere, lakes and oceans, but what is known now is that the Red Planet is unlikely to survive. The temperature is usually around minus 63 degrees Celsius, and there is 95.3% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. But, unfortunately, Mars has lost its magnetic field and its atmosphere has disappeared, so any life that might have existed before could have been wiped out.

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