
What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

When it comes to Chinese cuisine, I believe that everyone has more or less heard of the "eight major cuisines", which can be said to be a genre of dishes formed by the evolution of time, which has very distinct regional characteristics and also affects the entire system of Chinese cuisine.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

In the eight major cuisines, the most contacted by everyone should be Lu cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Huaiyang cuisine, and like the Fujian cuisine in the eight major cuisines, many people know very little. In 2018, the China Cuisine Association released for the first time the regional classic dishes in Chinese cuisine, including 10 traditional dishes from Fujian province, which were promoted to the world.

Next, Lazy Meow will talk to everyone one by one, what are these 10 famous Dishes in Fujian? See how many you've eaten?

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

Giant yellow croaker is an important economic fish species in China's ocean, and was once known as China's four seafood with small yellow croaker, striped fish and cuttlefish. Located in the northeast of Fujian, Ningde City is known as the "hometown of China's big yellow croaker". In the natural sea area around Ningde, the sea temperature is maintained between 10-30 degrees all year round, which is very suitable for the growth of yellow croaker. The yellow croaker is also a regular on the local table.

Yellow croaker spits silver wire, which is a traditional dish originating from the Ningde region of Fujian Province. Take the two tails of the yellow croaker, one tail is fried into a dragon shape with a flower knife, poured with ancient and early sour and sweet juice, and the other tail is made of meat, squeezed into a fish silky smooth stir-fry, spelled into a golden dragon spit silk shape. The whole dish is beautiful in appearance and crisp and tender to eat.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

In southern cuisine, white chopped chicken is quite common, and the breeds and methods of white chopped chickens in different places are different. Among them, the white chopped river chicken in Fujian cuisine is made of Fujian Changting's specialty river field chicken, which is also a national geographical indication product of China, and is also known as the "world's five famous chickens".

River field chicken is mainly grown in orchards, bamboo mountains, pine forests and other pure natural environments, eating coarse grains such as rice, so the meat is relatively tight and tender, and the stewed chicken soup is also fragrant and sweet, with very high nutritional value. When cooking white chopped river chicken, Hakka rice wine cooking wine from Changting is also used. A bite of the chicken is creamy and very tempting.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

The dish "Half Moon Shenjiang", the name of the dish at first sounds very poetic, but people do not know why, in fact, it is a traditional dish originated from the Nanputuo Temple Vegetarian Restaurant in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The original name of this dish was "Angelica Gluten Soup", which is made of water gluten as the main ingredient, shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, angelica and other accessories, which is a sour and spicy soup dish.

In 1962, when Mr. Guo Moruo went to the Nanputuo Temple Vegetarian Restaurant to dine, he happened to order this angelica gluten soup. When the dish is served, half of the soup noodles are white gluten and half are black shiitake mushrooms, and the whole is round, like half a moon shadow sinking at the bottom of the river. Guo Lao was full of praise after tasting it, and improvised the name of this dish with a literary flavor, "Half Moon Sinking River". This is also the origin of the name of this dish.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

Nanri abalone, a kind of abalone produced in Nanri Island, the largest island in Putian, Fujian Province, is a wrinkled pan abalone variety obtained by hybridizing nine-hole abalone with the mother and Japanese pan abalone as the father. Nanri abalone grows in the sea area of Nanri Island, eats fresh kelp and seaweed, coupled with moderate environmental water temperature, less water pollution, which also achieves the unique taste of Nanri abalone.

During the whole dish making process, you need to first take the broth and boil it, add oyster sauce, clam crystals, and old soy sauce to stir well, add Nanri abalone, and then put the abalone juice in a bamboo tube, put the marinated abalone, steam it in a steamer basket for 3 minutes, and accompany it with rice. The tender abalone meat, mixed with the fragrance of bamboo, tastes extremely delicious.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

When it comes to the most famous dish in Fujian, for me, it is the Buddha who jumped off the wall. I remember the first time I ate this dish, I was really stunned. Because in a golden and delicate soup bowl, it is filled with precious seafood such as abalone, sea cucumber, flower glue, as well as pork, pork trotter tendons, chicken, bamboo shoot tips and other ingredients, which have both the umami taste of seafood and the aroma of meat, which is really a delicacy on earth.

Buddha jumping off the wall, also known as Fu Shou Quan, full of altar incense, folk also used to call it "the most expensive soup in the world". Legend has it that during the Qing Dynasty, a Fujian official visited the official money bureau in Fuzhou, and in order to please the big red man around Empress Dowager Cixi, the chefs used all the precious ingredients to jointly make a dish, which is also the origin of the famous Fujian dish of Buddha jumping the wall.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

When it comes to Fuzhou cuisine in Fujian, the most famous one is the Buddha jumping off the wall. In fact, there is also a Fuzhou dish, which also tests the technology of soup making, which can be compared with the boiled water cabbage in Sichuan cuisine, which is the classic dish of Fujian - chicken soup and sea mussels. The ingredient used in this dish, the sea mussel, must be the Zhanggang sea mussel produced in Changle, Fuzhou, which is larger and tender, and is a very valuable shellfish.

The taste of chicken soup with sea mussels mainly comes from chicken soup. You need to first take out the chicken breast meat of the hen separately, chop it into mushrooms, knead it into a ball, the rest of the chicken meat is stewed with water together with beef and pork tenderloin, and then the chicken ball is boiled for a few minutes and then taken out, filtered out the impurities, made into exquisite chicken soup, and then the blanched sea mussels are bowled and drizzled with chicken soup. The whole dish has very high requirements for time and heat, the color of the dish is white and transparent, and the meat is tender and delicious.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

From the name of the dish "Wuyi Smoked Goose", everyone knows that this dish is a specialty originating from the Wuyishan region of Fujian Province. When locals hold banquets, Wuyi smoked goose is an indispensable dish. During the cooking process, the goose meat is first cooked, then coated with various spices, and smoked by fire in a pot containing spices such as glutinous rice, cinnamon leaves, and tea leaves.

After a long period of processing and smoking, the goose meat blends the aromas of glutinous rice, cinnamon leaves and tea leaves, the appearance is golden and attractive, the meat is full of flavor, and there are usually slightly spicy, medium spicy, spicy and other flavors to choose from. If you go to Wuyi Mountain in Fujian Province, you must remember to taste this Wuyi famous dish.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

When it comes to sashimi, the first thing that comes to mind is probably Japanese food. In fact, we Chinese history of eating sashimi, and we are not inferior to the Japanese. In Li Tiaoyuan's book "Notes on South Vietnam" during the Qing Dynasty, there is a mention of "Cantonese fish lovers". To this day, in China's Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places, there is still a habit of eating raw fish. Hakka sashimi is a raw fish dish.

Fujian famous dish Hakka sashimi, the choice is the meat of the grass carp in the four major fish, you need to debonize the grass carp, the cutting work is very exquisite, to cut into transparent flakes, so that the taste will be better. The Hakka sashimi served on the table, accompanied by a sauce made with ginger, soy sauce and mustard, is refreshing in the mouth and instantly captures the taste buds of diners.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

Oyster frying, also known as oyster frying, oyster frying, is a special snack originating from the minnan region of Fujian. The ingredient used in this dish is the local stone oyster, which is small in size, pale green in color, and has a fresh and not fishy taste, which is very suitable for making sea oyster fried.

Fry the fresh oysters in a pan until semi-cooked, then add the sweet potato starch and vegetable paste, fry until solidified, pour in the beaten eggs, and fry them on both sides until golden brown. When eating, you can also add sacha sauce, fish sauce or chili sauce according to your personal taste. The tender sea oyster meat, fused with the aroma of eggs, is tender and not fishy to eat.

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

Shabu Jiu Men Tou, also known as Shabu Jiu Pin and a plate of nine crisps, is a traditional dish originating from the Longyan region of Fujian Province. This dish is made from the most essential 9 parts of the beef body, namely beef tongue peak, blind leaf belly, beef heart crown, beef tripe tip, beef tenderloin, beef peak belly, beef cardiovascular, beef loin, beef belly wall, and supplemented with condiments.

This dish is very demanding on knife skills, different parts of the beef, to be cut into different shapes, such as strips, blocks, flakes, flowers, etc., and then add rice wine and several flavors of Chinese herbs to cook together, it can be said that it is medicinal and food. Different parts of beef taste different. Because it includes the main essence of beef, there is also a folk saying that "one cow is eaten at a meal".

【Lazy Meow Experience】

What are the "10 Famous Dishes" in Fujian? How many have you eaten? Netizen: Minnan cuisine really has a hand

The 10 dishes mentioned above, yellow croaker spit silver wire, white chopped river chicken, half moon Shenjiang, zhuxiang Nanri bao, Buddha jumping wall, chicken soup sea mussels, Wuyi smoked goose, Hakka sashimi, sea oyster frying (oyster frying), shabu jiu mentou, are classics in Fujian cuisine, no wonder it is listed in the top 10 famous dishes in Fujian.

Fujian cuisine is famous for cooking mountain treasures and seafood, and the overall taste of the dishes is light, paying attention to the soup to make fresh. After watching the above 10 famous Dishes of Fujian, I believe that everyone will sigh like me, Minnan cuisine does have several brushes, worthy of being included in the eight major cuisines.

Talk about food in the vernacular, I am lazy meow, a friend who likes food, you can casually click a concern Oh ~ ~