
How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

author:State history

Nguyen, one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest", is versatile, can whistle and play the piano.

He was arrogant, bohemian, and often moody: sometimes he studied behind closed doors and did not go out for months; sometimes he boarded the landscape and did not return home for several days.

He was an alcoholic, "proud of the moment, and forgot about the skeleton". When you are proud, you often forget your own reality.

In short, to use a current phrase is not reliable. So, how unreliable is Nguyen? Let's say that you have seen unreliable ones, but you have never seen such unreliable ones!

Why do you say so, don't worry, and listen to the editor to elaborate -

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

Nguyen Nationality

Ruan Ju looked down on the authoritarian Sima clique, and even more despised the puppet emperor of the Cao clan, and in order to express his dissatisfaction with reality, he was reluctant to participate in the government.

The lieutenant Jiang Ji asked him to come out and become an official, and he said that he was ready to cultivate on the southern slope.

When Cao Shuang assisted the government (during the reign of Cao Fang, the third emperor of Cao Wei, Cao Shuang and Sima Yi assisted the government, Cao Shuang dictatorship), Shuang Fu recruited him to join the army, and it was not long before Ruan Resigned and continued to live in seclusion in the countryside.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

Idyllic living

Nguyen often drank until he was drunk.

In order to win over Ruan, Sima Zhao, the Emperor of Jin, wanted to marry Ruan' daughter and let Sima Yan marry Ruan's daughter.

Ruan Ji despised the powerful, but did not dare to directly refuse, in order to avoid this family affair, every day desperately drank, every day is drunk, unconscious, 60 days in a row, every day.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

Nguyen was drunk and avoided relatives

The person who was ordered to run errands and raise his relatives did not have a chance to speak at all, and in the end, he had to return to Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao waved his hand helplessly and said, "Well, this drunkard, let him go!"

Emperor Wen initially wanted to propose marriage and citizenship for Emperor Wu, but he was drunk for sixty days and could not stop talking. - Book of Jin

Zhong Hui, a famous general of the State of Wei, who cooperated with Deng Ai in the Battle of Shu to divide his forces and advance, and eventually destroyed shu Han; Zhong Hui had more eyes and eyes, and once gave Sima Zhao a plan to crush Cao Xi's attempt to seize power.

Zhong Hui knew that people such as Nguyen And Ji Kang often drank wine while criticizing the government.

Zhong Hui set up a liquor bureau several times to take Ruan's views on the current situation. Ruan Zhi is well aware of Zhong Hui's personality and understands that Zhong Hui wants to use his own ideas to harm himself. Therefore, Ruan Zhi and Zhong Hui only drank wine, did not discuss current politics, and Zhong Hui could not succeed several times and three times, and lost the wine money in vain, and not a single piece of evidence of Ruan Yuan's guilt was collected.

Every time Nguyen was drunk and unconscious, which also avoided the trap of Zhong Hui.

Ruan Zhi loved to drink, and heard that the people in the infantry kitchen camp were good at brewing wine and had a reserve of 300 Hu, which was too tempting for Ruan Zhi, so Ruan Zhi asked for the transfer of infantry lieutenant.

Because of his love of drinking, Ruan Zhi got a position and became the title of "Ruan Infantryman" in later generations.

In order to drink, Nguyen Left the Official Position of Assisting the Emperor, but Nguyen was even more happy not to ask about the world.

However, once the imperial court had a banquet, Nguyen Had to participate in many of them at a time.

At this time, Sima Zhao was pushing for the nine gifts of nine kinds of gifts such as carriages, horses, and clothes, and the secretaries of state were urging Sima Zhao to be called emperor, and asked Ruan Zhi to write a commendation for persuasion.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

Sima Zhao

This is a once-in-a-lifetime good thing for ordinary people, but for Ruan Yuan, there is nothing, it is time to drink as well, after a big drink, the matter of writing a chapter table for Sima Zhao has long been forgotten beyond the cloud of nine clouds.

When the secretaries of state came to pick up the table, Nguyen was still asleep.

When Ruan's mother died, Ruan Zhi was playing chess, and when the chess player heard about the death of Mr. Ruan's mother Xian Xian, he asked to stop playing chess immediately, but Mr. Ruan Zhi insisted that after playing this game of chess, the winner and loser would be decided before leaving.

To the average person, Nguyen Washi was an unfilial son, but the next act of Nguyen Bi subverted his view of him. Nguyen first drank erdou wine and then vomited several liters of blood.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

When his mother was buried, he ate a pig's elbow, drank two buckets of wine, said a final goodbye to his mother, howled loudly, and vomited a few liters of blood.

The death of his mother hit Ruan Zhi too hard, and Ruan Zhi was so grief-stricken that he almost passed out.

Ruan Zhi has a rich expression of speech, and often uses "white eyes" and "green eyes" to express different views: treat people who hate, use white eyes; treat people who like, use green eyes.

Ji Xi came to mourn Ruan's mother, and Ruan Xi did not care about the funeral etiquette, and rolled his eyes at Ji Xi, who was an official in the imperial court, and Ji Xi was very unhappy to leave.

Ji Xi's younger brother, Ji Kang, who was the same as Ruan Yuan, the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest", heard about it, and brought wine and vegetables and a piano to comfort Ruan Yuan, who watched this brother come and brought his favorite, so Ruan Ji was very happy and looked at him with blue eyes.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

There was a young woman in the neighboring house who was particularly beautiful, often standing behind the hotel counter to sell alcohol, and Ruan Ji once came here to buy wine, get drunk, and lie down at the counter to sleep.

Some people criticize Ruan's bad customs, but Ruan Is not impressed, believing that he has a kind heart. There is nothing in the world, and the mediocre disturb themselves!

There was a lower-level soldier, there was a daughter who was both talented and beautiful, and died before she was married, Ruan Zhi actually did not know the family, but Ruan Zhi left after a bitter cry in this family.

Ruan Bi is debauched on the outside, pure on the inside, Ruan Bi does what he likes, his mouth grows on others, and people can say whatever they want.

Nguyen often travels in a senseless car, does not take the road, and when the car reaches a place where it cannot be walked, it cries and returns.

Once, when I climbed Mount Guangwu to see the ruins of the battle between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, the king of Chu, Ruan Zhichang sighed and said, "At that time, there was no real hero in the world, so Liu Bang became famous!" ”

(Ruan) sighed: "When there is no hero, make the shaft famous!" - Book of Jin

Ruan Ju looked down on both the emperor of the dynasty and the Sima clique; Xiang Yu, Liu Bang, and even Han Xin, Peng Yue, and so on in the eyes of Ruan Zhi were not heroes at all!

He climbed the Wugao Mountain, saw the capital and sighed, so he wrote "Haojie Poems".

Ruan Zhi and Sun Deng met in Sumen Mountain, Ruan Zhi talked about self-cultivation techniques, but he did not expect Ruan Zhi's hot face to touch a cold ass, Sun Deng did not say a word, Ruan Zhi whistled and withdrew. Just after walking to the mid-mountain range, Ruan Ji was whistled by Sun Deng, which was really a dialogue of immortals.

After Ruan Zhi returned home, he wrote "The Biography of Mr. Big", to the effect that the so-called upright gentleman, you only know how to study since you were a child, and you never dare to cross the thunder pool for half a step; when you grow up, you seek an official and a half job.

Don't you see the lice in the crotch, they usually hide in the gap, hide in the cotton wool, think they are safe, dare not leave the gap, dare not leave the crotch, think they are obeying the rules, do not know, once a fire occurs, the old nest is burned, and the flock of lice cannot come out of the crotch.

A gentleman lives in this world, are you any different from a lice in the crotch of your pants?

It seems to the editor that Ruan Yuan was originally a great talent, but he was deviant and informal; he was originally a handsome man (historical records: a magnificent appearance), but he was in the company of some people with scattered heads and disheveled clothes--the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest (Ji Kang, Ruan Yuan, Shantao, Xiang Xiu, Liu Ling, Wang Rong, Ruan Xian); the various unreliability he showed may be helpless, evasive, and also include resistance; the laughter and anger of "The Biography of Mr. Big" are quite Lu Xun's style.

How unreliable is Wei Jin's Ruan book? Drunk for 60 days to avoid family affairs, roll your eyes at people you don't like

Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest

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