
Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

author:Yi Tong Sansi Chen Junchen

On the eighteenth day of the first month of the twenty-fourth year of Jiajing (1545), the celebration of the Lantern Festival continued, and wuchang city was filled with a romantic atmosphere. On this night, Zhu Xianrongzheng, the king of Chu, and his younger brother Zhu Xianhuai, the king of Wugang, admired the lanterns in Wang Shizi's Jixi Hall.

At three o'clock in the morning, the people of the city saw a man wearing a winged crown and a gold-woven dragon suit running out of the palace in a daze, and shouted loudly: "Wang Ye has been killed!" Wang Ye was killed! "For a while, Wuchang City was chaotic into a pot of porridge, what happened this night?"

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

The time has to go back to the first three days of March in the twenty-fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1364), when Zhu Yuanzhang defeated Chen Youyu and pacified Hubei. It was also on this day that the sixth son Zhu Zhen was born, and Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed: "After the child grows up, he is sealed in the Chu kingdom."

Zhu Zhen is talented, strategic, and has a good personality. In the third year of Hongwu (1370), he was crowned King of Chu and established a domain in Wuchang, Hubei. In the thirteenth year of Hongwu (1380), Zhu Zhen married the daughter of Wang Bi, the Marquis of Dingyuan, as the Princess of Chu, and in the eighteenth year of Hongwu (1385), Zhu Zhen married Tang He, the Duke of Xinguo, and Zhou Dexing, the Marquis of Jiangxia, and pacified Jinping and Sizhou in Guizhou. Zhu Yuanzhang personally wrote a letter to commend him: "Tang He said that Ru has talent, and he is really worthy of being my son!" ”

Chu Wangfu Ancestors: Meng Jijun Rongxian, Yinghua Yunsheng. Hongcai rose to Boyan, and Maoshi made full contributions

In the twenty-second year of Yongle (1424), Zhu Zhenxue, courtesy name Zhaowang, died at the age of 60. When zhu Menglan, the eldest son of the concubine, attacked the seal and Xuande for five years, when Pingjiang Bochen Xuan passed through Wuchang, he felt that the king of Chu was a big threat: "Wuchang is the great domain of Zhongnan, controlling Xiang'e and controlling Lingnan, the people are rich, and the commerce is prosperous; the Chu soldiers are strong and strong, the national strength is rich and strong, sooner or later there will be disasters, it is better to order the king to lead the army, in the name of transporting grain and grass, summoned to the Beijing division, and from then on, there will be no trouble." ”

Zhu Zhanji replied: "The king is not at fault, not allowed", Chen Xuan and Zhu Zhanji performed a double reed, but Zhu Menglan was frightened, he quickly wrote a letter to ask for self-cutting protection, and the emperor gladly agreed after some resignation.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

In the fourth year of orthodoxy, Meng Yan was called King Zhuang of Chu, aged 57, and his son Zhu Jiyan the Prince of Chuxian took the throne. Four years later, King Xian died of illness and was childless, and passed the throne to his younger brother Zhu Jijie the Prince of Chukang, who died in the sixth year of Tianshun (1462). Zhu Jijie also had no sons in his lifetime, so he passed the throne to his younger brother Zhu Junjiao, the son of Zhu Jiji, the Prince of Dong'an Gongding, as the King of Chujing.

In the fifth year of Zhengde (1510), The Prince of Jing, the eldest son Zhu Rongjie, was the King of Chuduan. He was known for his filial piety, and Emperor Mingwuzong gave him a "Place of Filial Piety". The eldest son of King Duan is the father of today's protagonist, the unfortunate Chu King Zhu Xianrong. He was born in the first year of Zhengde (1506), and in the fifteenth year of Jiajing (1536), he attacked the King of Chu, by which time the Chu clan had been guarding Wuchang for 166 years.

As soon as Zhu Xianrong took the throne, some people framed him for "self-proclaimed long live and train water masters", but fortunately, the then Inspector of Huguang helped him to corroborate it, and only then escaped the disaster. But what people did not expect was that there were even greater surprises waiting for life, and that small friction with his son actually cost the life of the prince of Tangtang.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

Zhu Xianrong and Princess Wu Xiansheng's sons were named Zhu Yingyi, this precious son was spoiled from an early age, committed many evils, often with the city villains, the prankster Xu Jingrong, Liu Jin, Yang Hui, rampant, overbearing, the more he grew up, the more disobedient he was. One day Zhu Yingyi occasionally got cold, and the King of Chu asked the palace maid to serve him, but he did not expect that the two of them actually had feelings and were pregnant, so Zhu Xianrong was very angry.

When Zhu Yingyi was a child, he ran around and left his feet behind, and his father often advised him: "You look like this, it hurts the royal family's demeanor too much, I am your father is not ashamed, but where is the face of the Tianzi official's family?" Why don't you read and study, practice the law of eternal life from time to time, and give up the throne to your brother? In this way, both sides can be satisfied", Zhu Yingyi held a grudge in his heart, and a seed of hatred was quietly planted.

The King of Chu had a concubine, Fang San'er, who looked quite beautiful, and Zhu Yingyi actually had an idea. Just wanting not to do the fake trick, he instructed his subordinates Fan Luan and Wu Qi'er, and then together with zhang jian and Tao Yuan'er, yao'er, and Yao Ma'er, who lied that something was wrong, lured Fang San'er to Shizi's residence, and Zhu Yingyi succeeded in coercion and inducement.

I don't know which one doesn't have long eyes to leak the wind, this matter let Princess Wu Xian know, and his mother told her husband Zhu Xianrong in a rage. The King of Chu was furious and killed his son's fox friends Tao Yuan'er, Wu Qi'er, and others, imprisoned the concubine Fang San'er, and imprisoned Zhu Yingyi.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

When it came to the Five Duanyang Festival in May of the 23rd year of Jiajing, the King of Chu, in accordance with the old system, watched the dragon boat race with the kings and generals of various counties in the domain at Dunzi Lake in Wuchang, during which the prostitute Song Yu'er sang to help entertain.

At that time, Zhu Yingyi, who was sitting on the side of the head, listened to the heart, and looked closely at Song Qi'er's flower and moon appearance, so she had a bad heart again. Liu Jin, a minor official in the palace, understood Shizi's intentions, so he took the opportunity to place Song Qi'er in his house, and then called Zhu Yingyi to come to the private meeting.

I have to say that the King of Chu did not set up a Jinyi guard privately? The intelligence work was so good that Zhu Xianrong soon learned of his son's behavior, so he prepared to portray Liu Jin as a model, preparing to severely punish him at the clan assembly to set an example for you.

When Liu Jin heard the news, he was panicked and uneasy, and in a hurry, he lied to Zhu Yingyi: "The king is so angry that he wants to abolish the prince, it is better for us to preemptively attack" Zhu Yingyi originally had a knot in his heart, and when he heard Liu Jin's report, he believed it, and a small drill against his father was planned.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

On the eighteenth day of the first month of the twenty-fourth year of Jiajing (1545), Zhu Yingyi feasted on guests in the palace, and made an alliance with his subordinates Tian Ying, Tian Liu, Zhang Gui, Liu Jin, Cao Liang, and others, and ordered them to ambush them in the side room and wait behind the house.

When everything was prepared, he sent someone to ask his father to appreciate the lanterns, and did not think that Wang's uncle Zhu Xianhuai would also come with him, Zhu Yingyi had to claim that he had something to discuss with Wang Ye, and arranged Zhu Xianhuai and a group of retinues to drink in the West Hall.

Then Liu Jin locked all the doors of the house, the wine banquet was more than halfway through, Zhu Yingyi prepared a poisoned dish for the old father, Zhu Xianrong was really blessed with a great life and the poison did not work - immune, and said that the dish was too difficult to eat, and wanted to ask the cook what happened? Don't want to make a living in the palace?

Zhu Yingyi did not expect that the poison would expire, so he had to do nothing and raise his hand to show his hand. Zhang Gui, Liu Jin, Tian Yao and others pounced from all sides and carried the King of Chu halfway to the middle courtyard. Tian Liu'er smashed Zhu Xianrong's head with a heavy blow from the copper melon.

Immediately after Tian Ying, Zhang Gui, Liu Jin, and Cao Liang held wooden sticks, and after a random beating, Zhu Xianrong was killed on the spot; this was not over, Zhu Yingyi did not let go of his hatred, and went up to take the whip and smoked dozens of times.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

The King of Chu's entourage Xia Tingfeng shouted loudly, and Zhu Xianhuai, the king of Wugang who was drinking in the west room, also heard that he had come to the rescue, but on the way, he was injured by Sun Bao'er with a staff and injured his left rib, and under the strong cover of his entourage Peng Han, Zhu Xianhuai rushed out of the palace and shouted for help. After coming out, he hurried straight to Huguang to report to the Yamen Gate: "There has been a change in the palace!" The Son of the World has killed his Father! ”

Zhu Yingyi, who had just finished the skirmish, was still very calm at this time, and he did not hurry to order the crowd to restrain Zhu Xianrong. Princess Wu Xian also ran over, pointing at Zhu Yingyi while crying and scolding: "How did Wang Ye exonerate his brother?" How dare you do such a thing? ”

The next day, Zhu Yingyi kidnapped Shi Sunli, the head of the palace, and the internal supervisors Zhang Qing, Wang Xian, and others wanted to report that the king of Chu had "suffered a stroke" and had a bad luck. Inspector Yi Minsheng of Huguang did not dare to slacken off and was busy reporting the matter to the imperial court, but Zhu Yingyi sent people to intercept it, but did not pursue it. He had a plan in mind, and ordered the capital of the palace, Gan Yuhai, and the scrivener Li Ren to corroborate the evidence, and forced Zhu Xianxiu, the king of Chongyang, Zhu Rongmo, the king of Jiangxia, Zhu Xianwu, the king of Yong'an, and Zhu Rongshu, the king of Dong'an, to be the guarantors.

When the report reached Beijing, the Jiajing Emperor was furious: "These guys are lawless, but do you still know that there is a father?" "Immediately, he ordered the eunuch Wen Xiang (文祥), the eunuch Wu Jinghe (吴景和), the left attendant of the Punishment Department ,Yu Maojian (宇茂健), and The Jinyi Wei (金衣衛) to go to Wuchang and investigate together with Officials such as Huguang Inspector Che Chun and Inspector Yi Minsheng.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

Zhu Xianhuai, the king of Wugang, confirmed what was stated in the report, and in September 1545, Zhu Yingyi was escorted by Jinyiwei to Jingshi to pay homage to the Taimiao Temple. After the trial of the Three Laws Division, the Jiajing Emperor listened to the opinions of the ministers and made a final statement: "And the multi-official meeting understands that all want to clarify the canonical punishment, and dare not pardon." In the end, Zhu Yingyi was beheaded in Xishi, burned to ashes, and was not allowed to restrain.

Zhu Yingyi's men also did not have good fruit to eat, Liu Jin, Tian Liu, Sun Bao'er, Tian Yao, and thirty-four others were lingchi, the family property was not registered, and his wife was enslaved; Shi Sunli, the right chief of the palace, undertook the eunuch Zhang Qing, and the deputy eunuch Wang Xianren beheaded and abandoned the city. Fang San'er and Song Qi'er each scolded a hundred, and they were the most distressing victims.

Zhu Xianxiu, the King of Chongyang of Chu, Zhu Rongmo the King of Jiangxia, Zhu Xianwu the King of Yong'an, and Zhu Rongshu the Prince of Dong'an, and others, and rewarded Zhu Xianhuai, the King of Wugang, and Zhu Yingxuan, the King of Tongshan.

Chu Guo Blood Case: Crown Prince Zhu Yingyi killed his father in public, and did not understand the hatred and repeatedly whipped the corpse! Jiajing: Burn the body and raise the ashes

The most chaotic family of the Ming Dynasty clan was the Wuchang Chu Clan, and there were many contradictions within the clan, but the fact that the crown prince smashed the prince's head in public was unheard of in the entire Ming Dynasty. During the Jiajing period, various chaos in the clan room also caused the imperial court to gradually reform the ban system, which played a role in promoting the introduction of the "Clan Regulations" later.

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