
How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

author:Lao Zhang chats about history

In the Battle of Changping, King Zhao dared to go to war with the State of Qin, and did not realize that this war was elevated to strategic intent by the State of Qin, and from the perspective of King Zhao, it was one of the battles in the hundreds of years of large and small battles. In the history of the Warring States, there are not many turning battles, so standing in the political environment at that time, King Zhao would think that this was an ordinary war according to the general consciousness of the party's battlefield judgment.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

In the 2 years before the start of the war, King Zhao did not make large-scale regimental grain actions in China, and it can be concluded that in the early stages of this war, King Zhao considered it to be a general battlefield, and what was more interesting was the preparation of the Qin state in these 2 years (on this point, the issue of regimental grain, I think that the King of Qin has used the Shangdang as an excuse to attack the Zhao state from the beginning, the Shangdang is not the actual goal of the Qin state and the focus of this battle is still to destroy the national war. It can be deduced to observe the clues of the grain preparation of the Qin State before the battle was fought in that year), and then another side of the evidence is the combination of the divisive meter and the replacement of generals.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

First of all, the whole situation in Changping was held by Qin zhao, and the other five countries were watching from the sidelines. This is a three-way game. The State of Qin sent the whole country's elite to Changping, and the domestic cultivated land was bound to be abandoned. As the attacking side, the Qin army is bound to have a longer supply line and consume more heavy grain and grass. In the process of confrontation, once the Qin army ran out of grain, the other five countries were bound to join forces to attack Qin, so the Qin army would definitely retreat under the condition of relatively abundant grain and grass. Secondly, the State of Qin poured out of the country, just to pull the Zhao State to gamble on the fortunes of the country. Judging from the results of Lian Po's several attempts to fight against the Qin Army in the early stage, the winning rate of Zhao Guo in this gamble did not exceed 40%, or even lower. Therefore, Lian Po chose to build a wall and clear the wilderness, and did not gamble with the Qin state. This is undoubtedly the best choice, as long as it is delayed until the next year's spring ploughing, the Qin army will retreat.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

Zhao Kuo came up to do something, first to replace a number of generals in the Lianpo period; then to change the strategy of Lianpo's firm wall and clear the wilderness, personally leading 450,000 main forces to the nest; in the case of being cut off by the Qin army' surprise troops, he did not organize the army to break through at the first time, but insisted on waiting for help; it was not until forty-six days after the siege that he began to organize a breakthrough. But any general with some military attainments cannot do any of these things. Not to mention that Zhao Kuo could choose to be like Lian Po, resist the pressure of King Zhao, and stick to it. Even if you take the initiative, you can't just come out of the nest. After the Qin army was broken, it was bound to be lightly armed and obedient, and the first time to launch a breakthrough, the probability of success was still extremely great, but it was a pity that Zhao Kuo chose to stick to the rescue.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

Discussing zhao kuo and Ma Mo on the Internet who is more dish, in fact, this problem should be compared, compared with Zhao Kuo is Lian Po, and compared with Ma Mo is Wang Ping. Zhao Kuo's task was to defeat the Qin army, which can be said to be the decisive patriotic war of the Zhao state, and the biggest problem that Zhao Kuo encountered was actually not the offensive of the Qin army but the supply of the Zhao army was already insufficient, even if it was the defense of the city advocated by Lian Po, it could not solve the problem that the food and grass of the Zhao state were already insufficient. Therefore, Zhao Kuo's attack was actually a military gamble, because his situation at that time could not be consumed at all, and there was still some hope after gambling, and if he did not gamble, he would really lose.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

Ma Mo's task was to guard the street pavilion and assist Zhuge Liang in the Northern Expedition, the problem he faced was the attack of the Wei army and Sima Yi's rich combat experience, Zhuge Liang had already considered ma Mo, so he only let Ma Mo defend, it can be seen that Zhuge Liang's heart believes that the street pavilion can be defended, and Wang Ping, who assisted Ma Mo, also implemented the correct strategy and advised Ma Mo. But Ma Mo just didn't listen, begged for bitter food, and finally lost to Sima Yi, I think when Sima Yi came to the street pavilion, his heart was happy to blossom.

How is the difference between Zhao Kuo's Battle of Changping and Ma Mo's Street Pavilion Blockade Battle?

In general, Zhao Kuo is difficult to lose, in this case it is a miracle to win, it is common sense to lose, as for military gambling is not rare, it is normal operation, Zhao Kuo military gambling failure although unfortunate but not unusual. And Ma Mo lost with ordinary difficulty, losing so much that Zhuge Liang was surprised, Zhuge Liang really couldn't imagine that Ma Mo could lose. Therefore, Zhao Kuo's ability should be above ma Chen.

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