
Feeling sleepy during the day and can't sleep at night? Doctor: Teach you to fall asleep quickly and sleep efficiently

author:Ivy Pharmaceutical

Have you ever had this experience? In the morning, when I arrived at the office, I felt very sleepy, whether it was drinking coffee or what I was doing, I couldn't wake up, I was sleepy to the extreme after lunch, I had to fight against the wind, I leaned on my thighs, and insisted on going to work, and as a result, I was not sleepy after lying in bed obediently at night.

If you are introverted, when it comes to sleep, you will not be able to fall asleep because you start to deal with the emotions of the day, this is because falling asleep is exactly what we need to let go of the control of thinking, but introverts rarely vent their emotions externally, and are accustomed to recalling all kinds of unhappiness at night, which makes the brain in conscious thinking; and extroverts are more willing to talk to others about their troubles and get support, and they will not regurgitate in the middle of the night.

Feeling sleepy during the day and can't sleep at night? Doctor: Teach you to fall asleep quickly and sleep efficiently

People with high levels of neurological level are easily disturbed by some things before going to bed, such as watching a movie, not calming down for a long time, or brushing up on some big news and unable to calm down, while people with high neurotic levels are more sensitive to stress, and it is easy to be nervous about the next day's things without sleepiness.

The third possibility is that you have never had a fixed time to fall asleep, if your previous sleep time has always been random, then for your brain there will be no such thing as the time to sleep, and the last possibility is written for friends with partners, single friends can also come to schadenfreude.

That is, when you sleep, the other half also sleeps, research proves that sleeping with your partner will be more difficult to fall asleep than a person sleeping 50% more, snoring, grinding teeth, moving, these force majeure will interfere with your falling asleep, if you wake up halfway, even if you finally fall asleep, your deep sleep time will be reduced by about 30 minutes, and the quality of sleep is greatly reduced.

Why don't you sleep well? Always sleep badly, in fact, will have a very negative impact on us, in order to attract everyone's attention, here is still to emphasize it, first of all, your emotional state, sleep badly will make people more and more flammable and explosive; secondly, there are many studies found that sleeping well will also make people stupid and fat.

Improving the quality of sleep is not an immediate thing, and you need to insist on developing good living habits in order to slowly adjust it.

Feeling sleepy during the day and can't sleep at night? Doctor: Teach you to fall asleep quickly and sleep efficiently

Don't press the alarm clock snooze, our body is actually ready to get up before the alarm clock sounds, when you press the alarm clock to choose to sleep more, the body will feel a false alarm, and turn back to sleep mode, wait for the alarm clock to ring again, your body is too late to adjust from the sleep mode, so after getting up you will have a few hours of inexplicable feeling groggy;

Second, do not drink alcohol before going to bed, alcohol has a slight calming effect, so for many people, it can help to fall asleep at the beginning. But studies have found that the human body is tolerant of alcohol, this method will soon fail, and will always reduce the quality of sleep in the second half of the night, making you very tired during the day, more than worth the loss.

Three do not time out nap, each of our biological clocks is not completed the same, but roughly in line with the sunrise and sunset, daytime nap will disturb our original sleep rules, resulting in sleep at night. If you are really sleepy, you can make up for sleep before 3 pm, but try not to exceed 20 minutes.

Cool your body down when you're asleep

The principle is that during the process of falling asleep, the temperature in the body will gradually decrease. Therefore, letting the body in a cooling state in advance can effectively let the brain know earlier that you are going to sleep, and you can let the body heat up before going to bed by taking a hot bath or drinking hot milk before going to bed, so that when you go to bed, you will be in a state of automatic cooling.

In addition, the study found that the best somatosensory temperature to sleep is 16 to 19 degrees Celsius, check your quilt, it may be because of the heat that you can't sleep.

Feeling sleepy during the day and can't sleep at night? Doctor: Teach you to fall asleep quickly and sleep efficiently

Second, let your brain only make the bed and sleep to establish a relationship, this technology is called CBT-I, it is a cognitive behavioral therapy, simply put, we only need to use the bed to sleep, so the use of any electronic device in bed is not allowed, the blue light they emit will not only make the brain mistakenly think that it is still daytime, but also let the body regard the bed as a place to work or play, resulting in sleep can not sleep.

If you have not been sleepy since you go to bed, or if you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall asleep again, please get out of bed and stay up late to avoid the brain associating bed with not being able to sleep.

When you can't sleep, think of some relaxed and monotonous pictures, don't force yourself to fall asleep, always think about whether I am asleep or not, it will only make me more awake.

If you can't control thinking about serious and laborious things such as work and study, you don't need to force yourself not to think, on the contrary, you can change the content of your thinking, and you can slowly relax if you want to relax and monotonous scenes first.

Four adjustments to the negative thinking about not being able to sleep, many people who have not slept well for a long time will inevitably be negative, and often some people can't sleep tonight and will be ruined tomorrow.

In fact, not sleeping well will not particularly affect your performance the next day, but such thoughts will hurt you so anxious that you can't sleep, and you inadvertently exaggerate sleep disorders, such as not taking sleeping pills, must not be able to sleep, will also affect your sleep, and when we perceive that we have negative thoughts, we can use more positive thinking to replace these thoughts and help yourself calm down.

Good sleep is not a reward for use, but a daily routine that requires long-term careful maintenance, only in this way, your sleepiness will strike on time when you sleep, so I hope that everyone can sleep well and be physically and mentally healthy.

#health##sleep##women##男性 #

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