
Talk about cod. Recipe: Braised cod, fat beef cod rolls

author:Elegant hibiscus

Cod, sexual taste: flat sex, sweet taste. Aliases: round cod, flat cod.

Nutritional ingredients: protein, EPA, DHA, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, taurine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, etc.

Health benefits: supplement nutrition, activate blood and relieve pain, protect gastrointestinal mucosa.

Tips: Fresh cod has no fishy taste and the meat is tough and elastic.

Cod is a deep-sea fish, rich in vitamin B group, vitamin E and calcium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals, is a suitable nutritious food.


Most of the cod sold on the market are frozen-sliced round cod or flat cod, the former with tender flesh and the latter with soft flesh. All are suitable for frying, steaming, grilling.

Cooking in a steamed way can best eat the original taste of cod, steaming time should not be too long, to avoid nutrient loss, the taste becomes worse.

Talk about cod. Recipe: Braised cod, fat beef cod rolls

Braised cod

Ingredients: Cod 250 g.

Ingredients: minced green onion, star anise, peppercorns, starch, soy sauce, oil, salt, sugar to taste.


1. Starch sauce, washed cod pieces wrapped in starch liquid, into the pan frying.

2. Add star anise, peppercorns, soy sauce, salt, sugar, cook for a while, stir up the pot, sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Efficacy interpretation: eliminate fatigue, improve appetite.

Talk about cod. Recipe: Braised cod, fat beef cod rolls

Fat beef cod rolls

Ingredients: 200 grams each of fat beef rolls, cod pieces, 100 grams of kale.

Ingredients: minced garlic, oyster sauce, cooking wine, soy sauce, starch water, white pepper, rock sugar to taste.

1. Cook the kale in sections and cut the cod into strips. Roll the cod and kale in a fat beef roll and microwave over high heat for 5 minutes.

2. Sauté the pesto, pour oyster sauce, rock sugar, white pepper and starch water into the sauce and pour over the beef rolls.

Efficacy interpretation: help digestion, supplement nutrition.

Warm tips: Generally we buy frozen cod, so it must be melted, and when melting, we must pay attention to placing the fish on a shelf to melt, so that the water flows out, will not make the fish soaked in the water, affecting the taste.

Talk about cod. Recipe: Braised cod, fat beef cod rolls

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