
What do you do when you are overwhelmed, in the face of other people's requests?


The human body is not a perpetual motion machine, and people also need to rest. Especially the most important brain in the human body, it needs to be properly rested. In social life, we have to face a lot of external temptations, intrusions, etc., if we blindly accept, regardless of the level, regardless of the form of acceptance, it will bring great pressure and difficulties to ourselves.

What do you do when you are overwhelmed, in the face of other people's requests?

Scientific research shows that our human brain has to complete a lot of data calculations and situation analysis every day; At the time of the day, the human muscles have moments of rest, while the brain gets rest almost only during the few hours of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep or the quality of sleep is not high, it will greatly affect the rest of the brain, which in turn will cause listlessness the next day. Therefore, we should try to give our brains more time to rest, rather than just relying on sleep time every night.

We have all had this feeling: sometimes we suddenly feel that the mind is short-circuited, the brain is blank, and many things have lost their impressions; Or after some mental work, you feel physically and mentally exhausted, and as soon as you fall on the bed, you will immediately fall asleep. These are all signals from the brain to us that it is tired. At this time, we must provide the brain with a chance to rest in time; For the demands of the outside world, we must refuse to refuse, and if we can refuse, we will try to refuse.

What do you do when you are overwhelmed, in the face of other people's requests?

For example, just when we are working hard and feeling a little tired in the brain, a colleague comes to us with a copy of the information and asks us to do a favor and let us help him sort out a "next form." At this time, we have to refuse the request of our colleagues and stop putting the slightest pressure on our brains. Some friends may think that doing so will be detrimental to the relationship between colleagues. In fact, when our brains feel tired, we can't guarantee the work efficiency we should have; If we rely on this state to help others at this time, not only will we not help others, but we will also help others and bring undue trouble to others. Of course, when we reject others, we naturally have to pay attention to ways and methods, and choose the appropriate way of refusal, which can not only get a breathing space for our own brains, but also reduce the unpleasantness caused by rejecting others. When facing the elders or leaders, we must see the occasion clearly, and we cannot confront or refuse in person, so that the leader will not come to the stage without face. We still have to show our respect on the surface, and then find an appropriate place to communicate privately with them - give them our own ideas and opinions and reasons for our refusal, and believe that they can understand.

What do you do when you are overwhelmed, in the face of other people's requests?

For those colleagues and friends with small belly chicken intestines, you can generously and directly answer "sorry, I'm busy" or "Sorry, can you ask someone else to help". But be sure to pay attention to your own language and not argue with each other. If it is our good friend or a colleague with a good relationship who needs help, we must explain the reasons and the stakes in the middle to them so as not to hurt the feelings.

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