
The Shaoxing Peace Conference was exchanged for 20 years of peace, and after Yan Liang took the throne, he launched a large-scale invasion of the south

author:Colorful history is clear and clear
Shaoxing and the Song Dynasty still cut land and paid reparations, but 20 years later, after Yan Liang usurped the throne, he wanted to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty, which looked strong, but it was unfavorable to the war.

Hello friends, I am Wang Qingbin

Welcome to my album, a clear account of colorful history.

Just a month before Yue Fei was killed, the Southern Song Dynasty reached a peace treaty with the Jin Dynasty.

Song declared himself a vassal to Jin, paying 250,000 taels of silver and 250,000 taels of silk every year, and the Jin kingdom returned emperor Huizong's coffin and Gaozong's birth mother, and the Song and Jin kingdoms had the Huai River to the east and Dashanguan as the border in the west, and song ceded Tang prefecture (Tanghe County, Henan), Dengzhou (Dengzhou, Henan) and part of Shaanxi to the Jin state.

From the perspective of the Song Dynasty, especially the scholars, this was of course a peace treaty that humiliated the country, but since then, peaceful coexistence between the Song and Jin has been the mainstream, and although there are also war frictions between the two sides, they have never been able to change this basic pattern. It was precisely under such a relatively stable confrontation pattern that the northern social economy was restored, and the Southern Song Dynasty finally completed the historical process of the southward shift of the social and economic center of gravity.

Therefore, there will be scholars in later generations who have a basic attitude of approval of such a result, and if from the perspective of the ordinary people at that time, ending the war and chaos so that the north and the south can live a relatively stable life, of course, it is impossible to seek.

However, in any case, from the court of the Southern Song Dynasty, the signing of such a peace treaty with a slight military superiority was a diplomatic failure, in exchange for only 20 years of peace with the Jin Dynasty.

The Jin Dynasty showed great strength in the early days of its establishment, but in just over 20 years, it has already shown obvious fatigue. It is not that it does not want to destroy the Southern Song Dynasty to unify the world, and it should be known that Yan Zongbi is a tough main battle faction, and it is a large-scale southern invasion launched after killing the main and factions such as Yan Tart Lazy, and finally has to accept the outcome of peace negotiations.

After that, the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty always had a non-stop war and such a cycle, and most of the time it was the Song Dynasty that wanted to recover its homeland and launch the Northern Expedition before taking the initiative to provoke war. Therefore, the jinguo regime is really lackluster in history, and has made no contribution to the progress of civilization and the development of history.

The political system of the Jin Dynasty was also learned from the Central Plains Dynasty, but the time to break away from the semi-civilized civilization was too short, and it was inevitable that there would be various conflicts and contradictions in the transitional period, which naturally led to fierce political struggles in the ruling class. In particular, the Jin Dynasty did not have a clear imperial succession system, but only roughly followed the "brother and brother" system, and many people coveted the throne, which aggravated the political turmoil. Therefore, the foreign policy is very unstable, and these years have been destroying the Liao and attacking the Song, of course, these armed nobles have more say.

The Shaoxing Peace Conference was exchanged for 20 years of peace, and after Yan Liang took the throne, he launched a large-scale invasion of the south

The 3rd emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Jin Xizong, was the grandson of Jin Taizu, and after he ascended the throne, it was Guanyan Zonghan who controlled the government, and later he was depressed and died by political enemies, and then the tuanyan tart lazy gang who had ambitions for the throne was eliminated by the coup d'état launched by Guanyan Zongbi, and Completed Yan Zongbi took power again.

It was not until Jin Xizong died that Yan Zongbi was truly the emperor who held power, and he carried out some institutional construction and social reforms that conformed to development. But he was afraid of his wife, and his empress still had a lot of ideas and interfered in the government without fear. Jin Xizong was very angry, and there was no place to vent, so he often drank and became angry and killed people indiscriminately, so that everyone in the courtiers was in danger. In the end, his cousin, another grandson of Jin Taizu, GuanyanLiang, felt that he should also be qualified to be emperor, so he launched a coup d'état and killed Jin Xizong and became emperor himself.

Yan Liang is a very controversial figure in the history of the Jin Kingdom, he not only killed Jin Xizong, but also killed his own mother, he also had incest, these stories have been compiled into novels by posterity, the famous novel of Feng Menglong in the Ming Dynasty, "Awakening to the World" in the three words and two beats also has a special chapter dedicated to his chaos.

In addition, although he and Kim Hee-jong were both grandsons of Kim Tae-joo, Kim Hee-jong was a grandson-in-law, and his father was a concubine, and was determined not to be eligible to inherit the throne. He himself was also weak-hearted, and when he became emperor, he killed the clan and killed innocents indiscriminately, plus he was killed in his later unsuccessful attack on the Southern Song Dynasty, and after his death, he was first demoted to the title of King of Hailing County by Jin Shizong, and then posthumously deposed as a Shuren, known as the Emperor of Jin.

Objectively speaking, however, during his reign, he completed the political reforms that Kim Hee-jong began to transform into centralized power, as well as some socio-economic reforms.

Also when he was in power, the Jin Dynasty built a capital and palace in Yanjing in 1151 AD, moved the capital here, and renamed it "Zhongdu", which is now Beijing.

Yan Liang intended to unify the world, so he also sent people to repair Kaifeng City on a large scale so that the center of rule could be moved here in the future.

After that, Yan Liang recruited troops throughout the country, requisitioned war materials, and prepared for a southern invasion to attack the Song Dynasty. His over-the-top national conquest caused a huge social and economic disaster, led to the continuous outbreak of armed uprisings in various places, and political crises.

In 1161, exactly 20 years after the Shaoxing Peace Conference, Yan Liang raised 600,000 troops from all over the country and launched an attack on the Southern Song Dynasty. According to the custom, the war was fought simultaneously in huainan, Jingxiang and Sichuan-Shaanxi. He himself led more than 400,000 main troops, and also dispatched a water army, with the goal of directly guiding the Song capital Lin'an.

The Shaoxing Peace Conference was exchanged for 20 years of peace, and after Yan Liang took the throne, he launched a large-scale invasion of the south

In fact, the Southern Song Dynasty side knew about jinguo's active preparations for war as early as 2 years ago, but song Gaozong's psychology of stealing peace made him shocked, but he did not want to believe it at all, saying that they were just building a palace in Bieliang. It is conceivable that when Yan Liang launched an attack, the Southern Song Dynasty had no decent preparations at all.

After the Shaoxing Peace Conference, the national defense of the Southern Song Dynasty was seriously degraded, Yue Fei was killed, other famous generals also died one after another, and although the traitorous prime minister Qin Ju was already dead, he had long been in power, acted arbitrarily, and made the government quite dark.

Li Bao, the admiral of the Southern Song Dynasty's water army, was originally a subordinate of Yue Fei, who detected the base camp of the Jinguo water army in Jiaozhou on the Shandong Peninsula, and was determined to take the initiative to go north to find the main force of the other side's water army in a decisive battle with the style of "putting death and being born later".

Li Bao led 120 warships in a fierce battle with more than 600 warships of the Jin Army on Tangdao (near Qingdao). Although the strength of the troops is very different, the level of water warfare of the Jin Army is very poor, and Li Bao has a good command and also uses a large number of "rockets", which is the first war in the history of world naval warfare to use gunpowder weapons, and the Jinguo Water Army is almost completely destroyed. In addition to the escape of the commander-in-chief, the other senior generals below the deputy commander were either killed or captured, completely destroying Yan Liang's strategic plan to take Lin'an by sea.

The situation on land was completely different, the famous general Liu Kun had already laid out a defensive line, but the people and horses of all walks of life did not listen to the command at all, and as soon as they heard that Yan Liang's army was coming, they all crossed the river and fled back to the south bank of the Yangtze River, allowing the Jin army to easily advance to the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Emperor Gaozong's first thought was to flee to the sea, but the chancellor Chen Kangbo insisted that he issue an edict to boost morale. In desperation, Emperor Gaozong of Song recalled Zhang Jun, the leader of the main war faction, who was 64 years old at this time, and asked him to go to Jiankang (Nanjing) to preside over the War of Resistance. At the same time, the military deployment was adjusted, recalling the fleeing general Wang Quan, and sending Li Xianzhong to replace him. Yu Yunwen, a zhongshu sherman, was sent to Wuhu as a staff officer to meet Li Xianzhong and treat the army.

Zhongshu Sheren was a low-level official in the imperial court who was at the emperor's side, a civilian, but who ever thought that this small civilian official Yu Yunwen, who seemed unlikely to play any role in the war, played an unexpected role, played a crucial role in the entire war situation, and completely changed the trend of the war.

History is wonderful, history is helpless

I am Wang Qingbin, let me gently tell you the colorful history.

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