
"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

author:Let's see the stars together tonight
"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

The film opens with Ben saying, "The only important thing in life is work and love." The image of a kind, energetic, and life-like old man was imprinted in my mind.

Entering the old age, Ben can still be passionate about work and find a partner to accompany him in his later years after work. It makes people feel that Ben's image is very plump and close to life.

Mr. Kazuo Inamori mentioned in his book "Dry Law" that he is preoccupied with his work, but he has never neglected love, and work should be like a fan, no matter what, he must like his work, and the girl he likes must also be bravely pursued.

Whether it is the elderly Ben or the young Mr. Inamori, they all tell us a philosophy of life - love and work are the necessities of life, people need to reflect the value of life through work, but also through love to improve their souls.

As early twenties, we are in a golden age, and we should be brave enough to pursue our love and work.

"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

As the camera progresses, Ben's image becomes more and more plump, and the responsible, polite, calm, and intelligent personality stands out. In him, I saw some points that made me think, and gave me a new understanding of the workplace and career.

1. Why do people work?

Mr. Inamori said that work is to hone the mind and improve personality, to realize the value of life, and Ben, who is nearly 70 years old, is still trying new life after retirement, and even applying for internship positions, he conveys to us the belief that work can enrich life and make life look thicker.

On the other hand, the current young people, eager to get rich overnight, and then can not work, go out to play every day, regard work as a demon, if it is not for five buckets of rice, must not bend over, ignoring the importance of work in the long life.

I also often wonder, why do people have to work, is there only one purpose to support themselves? That kind of life is really sad. Since reading "Dry Law" and "Intern", such questions have often been active in my mind.

Everyone's perception of work is different, I see some people working like a criminal every day, and some people can go to work every day humming songs, bouncing off work, and having a good time. Two different mentalities make me think that maybe the meaning of work is to let us find a way to live in harmony with life.

Now I came out to work for almost 2 years, at the beginning I also treated work as a task, and then in the continuous work, I sought a sense of accomplishment, and also experienced some of the real feelings that only work can bring me, whether it is the recognition of self, the cognition of human nature, or the recognition of the workplace, from this point of view, people work to let themselves have the opportunity to feel the beat of life, so that you will not be in the moment of imminent death, recall your life, are pale and tasteless.

"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

2. How to quickly integrate into a team?

(1) Workplace image

Ben entered the e-commerce company internship, elegant demeanor, wearing a suit and tie, very formal, good image, coupled with his harmonious smile, humble and polite, good at observation, let people feel good about him. Speaking softly and with a gentle attitude, it gives people a feeling like a spring breeze. A good workplace image can make people pay attention to you, and even produce a sense of identity, which I did not have when I first entered the workplace, and I was deeply inspired by it.

Looking back on myself, when I first joined the company, I was still dressed as a student, with a strong student mentality, which was obviously not appropriate. After every day in the suit and shoes, clean myself up neatly, understand the etiquette of the workplace, let me gradually change from a student to a professional.

(2) Take the initiative to integrate, do not put up a shelf

Ben was a vice president before retirement, and it is reasonable that he will have a strong superior atmosphere, but the truth is that he is not, because he enters a new field, he does not rely on the old and sell the old, but humbly learns from the colleagues around him.

One of the best ways to bring people closer to each other is to ask each other for a small favor, you can quickly break the ice, and at the same time, with your own life experience, give some advice to young people in need, and get the recognition of the people around you.

"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

3. How to get along with and reuse your boss?

Ben became an intern at Julius Austen, and in the face of such a young, slightly different behavior, Ben and Julius Austen have a deep generation gap, but Ben used his life experience and wise mind to gradually ease the relationship with his boss, and gained her recognition and trust. I was inspired by some of the small details he had throughout the process.

(1) Humble, calm, polite, strong execution

Ben, who had also reached the height of his career, did not despise the current young CEO because of his previous achievements, but behaved in a humble manner. When Julius Austen showed that she did not need an intern, she could calmly explain to her boss and said that as long as the leader was in need, he was on call and willing to serve, such an image and attitude made the leader have no emotions to reject him for a moment.

Leaders and we are both collaborators, we can maintain a humble attitude to consult, but also to learn not to be humble, this is the first lesson in our workplace.

(2) Trustworthy, not much mouth

Ben goes into the office to help Julis Austen deal with the stains on his clothes and overhears the conversation between his superiors, but Ben simply comes to do his job, and when the secretary asks what happened in the office, Ben bluntly says that I haven't heard anything and don't know what's going on. This kind of person who does not talk much and can keep secrets is really very valuable and trustworthy in today's society. This is also the most important quality for those of us who are new to the workplace to learn - keeping secrets. Keeping secrets is a lifelong course for professionals.

(3) Be good at observation, good at creating opportunities, and win goodwill and trust

Ben has never been assigned a job schedule from his boss since he became an intern at Julius Austen, but he is not impatient, going to work on time every day and waiting for the leader to leave. At the same time, he observed his boss, paid attention to the points of concern of his boss, and took the initiative to clean up the cluttered desktop, which instantly won the favor of Julius Austin.

After seeing Julius Austin's driver drinking, he had a plan, took the initiative to confess to the driver that I saw you drinking, if you don't want to be exposed, you have to let the driver give me today, successfully give yourself the opportunity to contact Julis Austen, and then use your smooth driving skills and familiarity with the road conditions to win the recognition of the boss, and also warmly bring chicken soup to the leader, so that the leader has a sense of surprise. This kind of creation of surprises, more than expected contributions, can really be quickly appreciated by the leadership.

(4) Be anxious for the leadership and stand up at a critical moment

After Julius Austin mistakenly sent an email complaining about her mother to her mother, almost collapsed, Ben took the initiative to take on the task at this critical moment, leading colleagues to Julius Austen's mother's house to find the email and destroy it, solving Julius Austen's pain points and deepening Julius Austen's recognition and trust in Ben.

"Intern" - the cultivation of a good professional

In the second half of the film, Ben discovers that Matt is cheating and tries to enlighten Julius Austen about his life experience and how to balance work and life, and also exchanges his views on marriage with Matt, allowing the two young people to improve their lives in their own way.

The film ends with Ben and Julius Austen playing Tai Chi, ending with a balanced approach. “Breathe and relax and find inner peace.” Echoes the line at the beginning of the movie, "The only important thing in life is work and love." We must love our work, but we must not lose life and love.

Hope we have love, bread, and most importantly stick to our dreams.


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