
Aesop's Fable 7 - The Cow and the Butcher


Long ago, cattle decided to take revenge on the butchers, who were in the business of slaughtering them. So one day, the cow plans to put the butcher to death. A herd of cattle gathers to discuss how to carry out the plan effectively, sharpening their horns to fight to the death.

At this moment an old cow staggered over and said, "Brothers, I know you have every reason to hate the butchers, but they are at least skilled and slaughtered without causing us unnecessary pain." If we get rid of them, other inexperienced people will come and slaughter us, they will be clumsy, they will make us suffer even more, and you must believe that even if the butchers are dead, human beings will never fail to eat beef. ”

What is the moral of this parable? I believe that you must have different insights, welcome to share and discuss.

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