
13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

author:Why ask romantics

The flavor type of Sichuan cuisine is the most flavorful of the eight major cuisines. "A hundred dishes and a hundred flavors, one dish and one grid." There are 23 flavor types in traditional Sichuan cuisine, and modern Sichuan cuisine has added juice flavor, eggplant flavor, pickled pepper flavor, spicy flavor, chopped pepper flavor and so on. Later, it is not clear what flavor Sichuan cuisine can add. The variability and multi-flavor type of Sichuan cuisine are really the tricks that Sichuan people play with food, and these changeable tastes always have a kind of friend who is picky about food.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

The cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine are an important part of Sichuan cuisine, with rich varieties and a wide range of flavor types. What "four single plates", "five plum blossoms", "seven star swords", "nine color saving boxes", the most powerful is "13 qiao", the 13 flavor types of Sichuan cold dishes are all netted. Xiaobian will show these 13 kinds of cold dishes to friends one by one.

Strange smell of shredded chicken

The flavor characteristics of the strange taste are hemp, spicy, sweet, salty, fresh, sour, fragrant, seven flavors, five flavors and flavors. The various flavors are balanced and harmonious, the spring is rich and delicious, and the fresh flavor is delicious.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Strange shredded chicken is such a dish, delicious and delicious, intriguing and can not accurately express the taste of this food, so it can only be called a strange taste. The cold chicken is cut into shredded chicken and mixed with salt, sugar, white vinegar and soy sauce to produce sweet, salty and sour flavors. In addition to the oil chili pepper, pepper noodles, and monosodium glutamate, there are three flavors of hemp, spicy and fresh. Finally, it is mixed with sesame oil and the aroma appears.

Red oily chicken nuggets

The red oil flavor is soft and spicy, mainly salty and umami, with a slight spicy aroma and a slight sweetness aftertaste. The red oil flavor is the most gentle spicy flavor of Sichuanese people eating chili peppers, and it is also the basis of Sichuan cuisine.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Red oil chicken nuggets are the favorite of many people. Cooked chicken, eat freshly mixed, red oil mixed out of the chicken, red and bright, rich flavor, chicken tender, chicken skin with crisp, salty and spicy, sweet aftertaste.

Salty and umami shallot crispy fish

The salty and umami taste is peaceful and elegant, and it must also have the natural fresh flavor of the ingredients, which is the salty and fresh taste. Salt is the "ancestor of all tastes" and a flavor that we are often exposed to. Salt in the seasoning process, not only appear salty, but also for other condiments played an important auxiliary role.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Scallion crispy fish is a classic salty and umami cold dish, crucian carp meat is loose and soft bone, the juice is full of meat. Very particular about cooking, not good, not salty, or light. In addition to the crisp, tender, fresh and fragrant flavor of this dish, there is also a strong aroma of green onions. It seems to be a hot dish, but in fact, it is usually served after it is cold in the banquet.

Peppery duck palm

Sichuan's peppercorns are very famous throughout the country and are called "Shu peppers". Pepper hemp is a condiment made of raw peppercorns, green onions and a little salt and sesame oil. This taste, salty, fresh, fragrant, hemp, mellow and long. Pepper flavor has been popular in Sichuan's written records for more than 100 years, but in legend, Sichuan people have eaten hemp for 2,000 years. Fragrant and mellow pepper flavor, deeply rooted in people's hearts.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Pepper and hemp duck palm, is a powder skin cushion bottom, on top of the steamed duck paw, poured with pepper and sesame juice can be. Some friends like to eat spicy, you can also add some red oil, this way of eating, Sichuan people called "pepper hemp with red".

Spicy beef jerky with a spicy flavor

Spicy taste, is the most stimulating of the many flavor types of Sichuan cuisine, spicy but not dry, fragrant in it. Common hot dishes include boiled beef, mapo tofu, etc., and do not include spicy hot pot. Spicy flavor is also used in cold dishes.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

For example, spicy beef jerky, the spicy will feel the fragrance and deliciousness of beef. Spicy beef jerky, which was already very famous during the Qing Dynasty, was called beef jerky. The spicy taste of this dish is not very strong, and there is less sweetness in the spicy, which is very delicious and is a good dish to serve wine.

Fishy scented peas

Many people think that the cold dishes in Sichuan cuisine do not have the smell of fish, only the hot dishes. In fact, the cold dish "Weedy Tender Beans", which was often cooked by the Sichuan people in the Ming and Qing dynasties, has already appeared in the rudiments of fish flavor. However, there is not a long history of really using the flavor of fish for cold dishes. It took about 20 years to become popular.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

For example, fish fragrant peas, pea fried crisp, spare, add pickled pepper, ginger rice, garlic paste, green onion, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, etc., not to pour the sauce on the peas, but to eat it freshly, the peas will not return to the tide, losing the crispy flavor. It tastes salty, spicy, sour and sweet, "four flavors at the same time", and the aroma is strong. This fragrance is fish, derived from ginger, green onion, garlic.

Ginger flavored cowpea

Among the many flavor types in Sichuan cuisine, some are named for highlighting the special flavor of one or two spices, and ginger flavor is one of them. The great name of Shu Jiang is mentioned in the "Lü Shi Chunqiu. It is mentioned in "Ben Wei" and is known as "the delicacy of Harmony, the ginger of Yang Pu". In the Time of the Three Kingdoms, it was a good material for making fish at that time.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Ginger cowpea is such a cold dish that highlights the taste of Shu ginger, and the salt in salt, soy sauce and vinegar forces out the taste of ginger. Not only is the taste refreshing and refreshing, but it can also play a role in color matching in the banquet, and its color is turquoise and mouth-watering.

Dried beef tripe with a spicy paste

Among the cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, there is also a very unique flavor type, which is mushy and spicy. Because it is spicy and fragrant, some people call it spicy, which is a slightly spicy and fragrant taste. After the pepper passes through the oil kang, it will reduce the spiciness of the pepper, and at the same time produce a special aroma, called paste.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

A cold dish with a more characteristic spicy taste is dry beef tripe, cooked tripe slices, add dried chili noodles, pepper noodles, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil and mix well into the plate, it is good. This dish is very simple.

Mustard flavored mustard three silks

The mustard flavor is also a seasoning that often appears in cold dishes, and the base flavor is salty and umami, but a little vinegar and spicy mustard should be added to give a subtle sour taste and a strong spicy taste. For example: three silks of mustard, refreshing small cold dishes, suitable for rainy days of wine, drink alone, mustard flavor is strong, appetizing and refreshing.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Sour and spicy waist slices

The sour and spicy taste in Sichuan cuisine is often used in snacks and is loved by many Sichuan beauties. Moreover, the sour and spicy taste of Sichuan cold dishes can be mixed with salt, soy sauce, vinegar, chili oil, and oil spicy seeds.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

Sour and spicy loin slices are cold dishes made by mixing pork loin and fern root powder. The two ingredients complement each other, one with a flexible ligament and a crisp and tender residue, with a sour and spicy taste, which counteracts the fishy, fern root powder of the pork loin. After the sour and spicy taste is impregnated, before eating, the saliva has already remained.

Spiced spiced lotus tablets

Five-spice is based on salty umami with a strong fragrance, which comes from spices such as star anise, sannai, grass fruit, and cloves. Of course, there are more than five kinds, but it is customary to call this kind of spice "five spices." "In cold dishes, it is mostly used for the method of "brine".

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

For example, this delicious spiced lotus slice, lotus slices can be red brine, can also be white brine, in the brine boiling process, it is full of fragrant, very delicious.

Tangerine peel beef with tangerine flavor

Tangerine peel has the effect of strengthening the spleen, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, and is also a commonly used seasoning in Sichuan cuisine. Dried tangerine peel gives this taste a unique flavor, but it is always accompanied by the spicy flavor of pepper and pepper, and may also be a little sweet. But all Sichuan chefs will be careful not to add too much tangerine peel, otherwise the dishes will be bitter.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

For example, tangerine peel beef, red and bright color, soft texture, spicy and sweet, tangerine peel flavor overflowing. This dish can be eaten hot, but it is best to eat it cold so that you can taste the special taste of tangerine peel.

Garlic puree flavored white meat

Garlic-flavored dishes are one of the characteristic flavor types of Sichuan cuisine, and its characteristics are spicy and fresh. This taste, both the aroma of seasonings and the aroma of garlic paste, especially garlic must be strong. In fact, garlic is not a native product of China, but an imported product imported from the western region after Zhang Qian passed through the western region.

13 cold dishes of Sichuan cuisine, 13 flavors, there is always a taste suitable for discerning friends

The traditional white meat of garlic paste is mainly salty and umami, highlighting the spicy taste of garlic paste, without adding red oil. Until the Republic of China period, chengdu's bamboo forest snacks began to add garlic puree white meat with chili oil, but also added a homemade copy of the red soy sauce. White meat with garlic paste has become one of the four famous dishes of Sichuan cuisine.

This is the cold dish in the 13 Sichuan dishes compiled by Xiaobian, 13 flavors, there is always a taste that suits your taste. With the development of society, a variety of condiments, continue to appear, Xiaobian feels that for modern people, the word "difficult to adjust" will be eliminated with the continuous enrichment of taste. Friends, do you agree with this view? Leave a message in the discussion area and discuss it!

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