
One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

author:Jinjin culture
One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter


My name is Zhao Shuo. From a very young age, I always had a dream, in which many tough Hu people straddled their fierce war horses, brandishing battle knives, chasing me. Drums were beating, horses were hissing, crowds were shouting, and the north wind was howling. And I' just running, running, running in the drums, running in the sound of horses, running in shouts, running in the wind. Constantly shaking in front of his eyes were the horseshoe, the battle knife, the wolf's tooth stick, the curved bow, the vicious face of the bearded man and the tassel of hats hanging next to his face. I don't know how long I've been running, I don't know where I'm going, I don't know if I can run away. Suddenly, I woke up.

When I woke up, the pillow was wet, the quilt was wet, and I was drenched in sweat. My mother, hearing my terrified cries, would come over and look at me to comfort me, hold my forehead, call my nickname, and ask me what was wrong. I always said that it was not much, and I did not dare to tell my mother about that terrible dream. Because I know that my mother has always been very sad, I can no longer let my mother worry.

Mother, father, painter, that man

My mother was sad because of my father, or my father. But I don't know if I really should call him father, because for as long as I can remember, my father has rarely seen me and my mother, or even never, even on my mother's birthday.

I don't feel like an emperor either, he writes, he draws, he plays the piano, he plays football, I think he's more of a painter.

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

In my childhood memory, my mother always did not smile, the earliest mother used to linger at the courtyard door and wait, I knew that she was waiting for the father and the emperor, gradually, the number of times the mother wandered at the courtyard door was less and less, and in the end, the mother no longer went to the door, but sat quietly in the room, perhaps, for a person who can never wait, this is the most correct way.

I remember one time my mother had a birthday and my mother and I were used to our own, and we were used to the absence of that person. My mother changed into a new dress early on, and specially dressed me up, and beckoned the palace people to prepare food, even if that person did not come, we also had to have some sense of ceremony, and we had to live well, because we knew that we had to live well, even if there was no one else.

But that day, the man actually came, and my mother and I were very surprised, although afterwards we knew that it was Aunt Ning Ning, the best friend of our mother, who told the person about her mother's birthday and persuaded him to come. That day, in my memory, was my mother's happiest birthday and my mother's happiest day. Looking at my mother's happy appearance, I wondered how to make my mother happy forever.

I know that my mother is happy because of my father, and if I can make my mother happy, I have to work hard to make my father affirm my mother because I affirm me. I redoubled my efforts, tried desperately, and worked like crazy. Reading, writing, writing, drawing, bows, horses... Unfortunately, the man could not see, only the mother's relief and relief that followed the loneliness.

I'm going to wait for a big chance, a chance to really prove me, a chance to really get my mother to raise her eyebrows.

Jin Bing, Jin Ying, Jing Kang, the Grand Marshal of the Terracotta Army

I heard that jin bing began to cross the Yellow River. I heard that the golden soldiers were strong and fierce, like gods. I heard that the Jin army was invincible, and the Song army was vulnerable. I heard that the Jin soldiers tied sheep to war drums by the Yellow River and let the sheep hooves beat the war drums overnight, and overnight, more than 100,000 Song troops on the other side of the river fled cleanly. I felt so familiar, this, is it those Hu people in my dreams. Yes, those Hu people in my dreams.

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

It was also heard that the Jin had besieged the capital. I also heard that the Jin people wanted the crown prince to be a hostage to go to the Jin camp for negotiations. I knew that my opportunity had come. I was nineteen years old.

From the beginning of the siege of the city by Jin Bing, the father emperor abdicated the throne as the Emperor Taishang and passed the throne to his brother. For a painter, I feel that this is the right way to operate. For my initiative, the father and the emperor were very surprised. My mother wept bitterly and pleaded bitterly, and at that moment I realized that what my mother valued most was not that her mother was precious to her son, not the grace of her father and emperor, but that her son lived well. But I've made up my mind, even if it's not for my mother.'

When I came to the golden camp, I suddenly felt that everything was so familiar. Machetes, Humvees, Eagle Dogs, Wolf's Tooth Sticks, Fox Tails... Everything in the dream appeared vividly in front of the eyes. I was not surprised at all, if everything was fixed, I could remain calm. Zhang Bangchang, the prime minister who came with me, was so frightened and crying that I wanted to tell him that if everything was predestined, what else would I be afraid of.

Marshal Jin Bing asked me any questions, and I told him frankly. When I saw the marshal's big bow in the military tent, I picked it up and played with it. The marshal was surprised to see that I could still draw such a large bow. The hard training he had been practicing since childhood had never had the opportunity to show his father and emperor that he was seen here today by a Hu marshal.

My various performances made the Jin people think that I was not a real prince, that I was a fake. It's ridiculous to think that since I was a child in the palace, I have doubted whether I am a real prince, and now in the Golden Camp, the Golden People also doubt whether I am a real prince. Creation makes people, Moros.

I was released by the Golden Man, but I was also homeless and homeless. The capital city has been destroyed, and the father and brothers and others have been plundered to the northern country. Under the nest, I am the only egg.

This egg is now the Grand Marshal of the Terracotta Army. The Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army, I am the Grand Marshal, the soldier, the horse.

Slowly, there were some soldiers, and slowly, more and more soldiers came to me, the Great Marshal of the Terracotta Army. I looked at these soldiers quietly, these soldiers, not so much soldiers, but rather some displaced people, most of whom did not even have shoes, let alone the war horses that confronted the golden soldiers. I looked at them, can they fight. More than 100,000 regular troops can be frightened by the drumming of sheep's hooves and flee, and these miscellaneous armies still need a pair of sheep's hooves.

I decided that I couldn't fight, I could only hide.

Zhang Bangchang

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

This old man knelt before me, claiming that his sins deserved death, and that a thousand swords would not be able to wash away his sins. What sin does he have, and where is his sin? The Jin people put a knife around his neck and made him emperor, he could not die, but the Jin people threatened to slaughter the city, and if they did not comply, they would wash the capital in blood. He himself could not die, although he was a weak courtier, although he was still the old man who could only cry like when he went on a mission with me, but for the things he had read from childhood to adulthood, for the things he understood, he could choose to fight to the death, but there were also the people of the city. Those things that he had read from childhood to adulthood, those things that the greatest people understood, told him that he could only accept it, and there was no other way. So he became the so-called emperor, an emperor manipulated by the Golden Man. What sin does he have, and where is his sin? As an emperor, he did not dare to enter the main hall, did not dare to wear yellow robes, and even did not dare to sit facing the south, only the golden envoy came to dress up. On weekdays, when receiving ministers, they do not perform the ritual of kneeling and worshiping, do not use the royal objects, and live in a side hall. An old man who once cried and wept became a trembling old man, a lonely old man. He, what a sin. Now, he knelt in front of me, holding the national seal in his hand, and let him insist on the things, the things that he had read since he was a child, and the things that he understood as a great subject, and there was a destination. The old man held the national seal, held the flowers and flowers, and held what he insisted on. I looked at the jade seal, looked at the flowers and flowers, and looked at the old man. For a moment, I suddenly thought of my father, not the painter, but the old man in front of me, and I suddenly had the feeling of a father. The painter would not give me this jade seal, and this old man made me feel like a father, not only because of this jade seal. I took over the jade seal, I took over this flower, flower, and country, and I became the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty. This old man only wanted to die, and the courtiers also talked about it, but I tried my best to defy the public opinion and make him the king of the county, although Taizu had shown that only those who received Yanyun Sixteen States could be crowned king, but what he gave me was not only Yanyun. I know that his county king will not be able to do it for long, even if he is an ordinary person, and the courtiers will not be spared. Traitors! quisling! Golden Man Lackeys! Disobedience! ...... Perhaps, as a result, from the moment he knelt before me, it was already doomed, just a matter of time. Maybe at the beginning, he was right - sin deserves death, and a thousand knives cannot wash away his sins, but only one death... For a long time afterward, sometimes sitting alone in the temple at night, looking at the candlelight, in a trance, I often imagined a scene, also at night, an old man, sitting alone in a room in the side hall, accompanied by candlelight, in the watchman or something.

Escape, escape, or escape

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

The Golden Man waved his master back, and I could only flee into the wilderness. I escaped the Yellow River, and I escaped the Yangtze River, and I have no place for me. No matter where I am, no matter when the golden soldiers come, I will flee in fear, sometimes deliberating, sometimes eating, sometimes sleeping, sometimes even ... Yes, I haven't had any children since. Sometimes hiding in the mountains, sometimes floating on the sea. In order to catch me, Jin Bing claimed to search the mountains and the sea.

Sometimes while running, I also think, I shouldn't be like this, isn't this all predestined and destined in my dreams, how can I judge two people in the gold camp. Later, the more I ran, the more I understood that in the Golden Camp, I was a prince who was not welcomed since childhood, a prince who the Jin people thought was a fake, and now I am running, the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, and the only Zhao family in the Central Plains.

I only have to run, I have to run, my surname is Zhao, Zhao Qiansun Li's Zhao, I am the emperor, the emperor of the Great Song.

In addition to the pursuit of foreign enemies Jin, there was also the rebellion of internal rebels, Miao and Liu Er rebelled against the soldiers to abduct me and force me to abdicate, and on the tower of the sword and light sword shadow, I sat quietly, quietly watching them kill my ministers, and quietly listening to them say that I was "not from the right way" and "not worthy of being a king". How about the wrong way, at the moment only my surname is Zhao. Even if it is a king, it is not running from place to place.

Going around, I began to stop running around, stumbling, and I began to sit firmly on the throne. I thought, maybe, it was because of those four people.

Han Shizhong

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

Han Shizhong, a table of talents, saw him for the first time, I was robbed by Miao and Liu Er, and he came to the rescue of the King of Qianliqin. When his tall and mighty figure appeared in front of me, I felt a stone in my heart fall to the ground. It's just that I don't understand how such a person could marry a prostitute. Like I don't understand why this prostitute is still very good at leading soldiers to fight. Just like I wouldn't understand why this prostitute, who was very good at leading soldiers to fight, would block the ever-victorious Golden Vulture in a place called Huang Tiandang for seven days and seven nights and make him cry bitterly. But later, I will slowly understand why this iron man, after finally being taken back from the military power, will devote himself to chanting poems on the banks of the West Lake.

Liu Guangshi

As an emperor, I also wonder how there could be such an army. He Lao Tzu did the moderation of the envoy to lead the soldiers, and he also dipped the light of Lao Tzu as the moderation of the soldiers. He not only led the soldiers, but also the wives and children of the soldiers, the old and the young, and the family members. I hadn't been to his barracks, but I had heard that there were more diapers in the barracks than flags. Can such an army fight the Golden Man? Of course, in the end, we will not really expect to rely on this army to fight a war. Taking away his military power is the most logical thing to do.

Zhang Jun

Greed for money, greed for money, or greed for money. I like it, though. Such a person, I am the most assured. You make money, get it. You let the soldiers become your domestic slaves and coolies build you mansions and mansions, build them. You put the soldiers on the legs tattooed with flowers and greens and also called the flower leg army, tattoo it. I've been to his house, not bad. I've had his family dinner and it's nice. I'm going to take his military power, and his performance is pretty good.

Yue Fei!

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

Finally it's you, Yue Fei. Yue Fei, Grandpa Yue, Yue Jiajun! You don't have a strange prostitute wife like Han Shizhong, you don't have a strange army like Liu Guangshi who drags the family with a mouth, and you don't have the flowers and greens tattooed on zhang Jun's legs that think they are very beautiful and fart to build a house for Zhang Jun. You, Yue Fei, are so normal. You, not greedy for money, not lustful, you are good, you are leading soldiers, that is, fighting. In fact, in the beginning, I really appreciated you. Otherwise, I wouldn't have given you the four big characters of "Jingzhong Yue Fei" in handbook. You may not know, but in fact, my calligraphy is also quite good. "Jingzhong Yue Fei" is embroidered on the military flag of your Yue family army, and I heard that "loyal to the country" is engraved on your back. I wish you could really be faithful, but you have disappointed me. You're going to fight to the North Kingdom to welcome back the Second Saint, and I can bear it. You know that I have no queen, but you want me to establish a crown prince early, and I can bear it. You can't move to show emotions and resign and go home, I can bear it. Wherever your army goes, the people only know that there is a grandfather of the Yue family army, and I don't know that there is an emperor in the Song army, and I can bear it. But in the end, when I heard those few words, I knew that the other person was right.

You said that you were as old as Grandpa Taizu. You say, if there is no virtue in the saints today, what will the world do in the future? Your ministry will say, do whatever you say. I still think it's impossible, I still think you're faithful. Until the man told me that Grandpa Taizu was also very loyal...

Qin Juniper

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

From the moment he came back, I felt a little inexplicable. Escaped through all kinds of dangers? Was he privately released by the Golden Man to complete the mission? hero? Traitors? undercover? Inside should? Important, not important. All I know is that he will not have to recover the Central Plains and welcome back the Second Saint. All I knew was that he would help me take back the military power of those four men. All I know is that he'll help me get rid of that person. That's enough. I looked at him quietly, and he looked at me quietly. Later, every time he came to see me, he was escorted by soldiers, and I also carried a sharp blade to defend myself. Of course, I won't move him, and he won't move me, looking at each other in pairs, tacitly. That's enough.

Enough, enough, really enough

After running for all those years, I finally stopped running. After all these years of fighting, I finally stopped fighting. The north sent back the coffins of their mother and father, who could not see each other several times in the palace before they died, but they were so close together forever, and their lives were created.

I abdicated and passed the throne to my adopted son. I had no sons, no descendants, and by chance, I passed the throne to taizu's descendants. Perhaps, in the darkness, there is providence. Golden soldiers, wolf tooth sticks, iron horses, escape, the wrong way, welcome back to the Second Saint, Yue Fei... It's all over and I'm tired. Once, I wanted to be a good son. Once, I wanted to be a good emperor. Even once, I wanted to be a father. But I never seem to be able to reach that thing, like I run and run, never go to a safe place, like I drift on the surface of the sea, never touch that land.

I will always remember that night, we were chased by the Golden People, the Emperor Tianhou soil has no place to stand, we floated on the surface of the sea in a big boat, that day, it was the fifteenth day of the first month. Just as we were drifting on the boat with trepidation and hunger, a boat came to us, we thought that the golden soldiers were coming, and after nervousness and vigilance, we found out that it was a merchant ship selling oranges. I paid for the ship of oranges and distributed them to the crowd, the ministers, soldiers, and palace people who had fled with me. Eating oranges, everyone's mood suddenly improved a lot, a few naughty little palace girls also threw orange peels at each other to play, looking at them, I suddenly had a happy smile. Because of the fifteenth day of the first month, everyone ate the oranges, made orange shells into orange lanterns, and put them into the sea. The whole sea gradually lit up with candlelight, and the full moon above the sea reflected. I stood at the bow of the ship, watching all this, above my head, there was a dim full moon, under my feet, there were pieces of orange lamps, and in the distance, I could not go back to the country. That night, there was sadness and warmth, and I will never forget that night, the night of the fifteenth day of the first month.

One of the Huahua Jiangshan series: Orange Lantern Drifting Ping - Zhao Zhao Chapter

Now, in my dream, there is no longer the Golden Man's Horse Mingxiao, only the little sparkle of orange lights on the sea. In the swaying of the waves, in the soft light of the orange lamp, I saw my mother... (End)

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