
"Pregnant" mom

author:Four Seasons of Beauty
"Pregnant" mom

"Pregnant" mom

Author: Poetic Life Recitation: Michelleine

If there is anyone in the world who deserves praise, then be the first to praise the mother! She was so ordinary and great, simple and holy. At six o'clock in the afternoon, when they arrived at the gate of the school, there were already three or five parents waiting outside the iron gate. Neon and cold evening winds. I put my belongings on the ground, "You've come by coincidence!" "I haven't stood still, and someone next to me is already talking." It was a tightly wrapped woman, and in the dim darkness of the night, her not-so-bright clothing made me dare not assert her identity. I smiled at her, and she hurriedly pulled out an electronic watch from the pocket of her inner dress, a yellow shell, as thick as a finger, without a bracelet. "Look, it's exactly six o'clock!" She confirmed her words to me like a child.

"The same is the end of the world, why should we know each other?" Although it is a bit far-fetched to use this poem to interpret such a scene, what is the difference between the people outside this iron gate? The first meeting is better than the old acquaintance, and there are always endless topics between each other. The woman spoke to me as she glanced into the iron gate with her eyes. I don't know the schedule of the girls, and every time I come to see her, I must be invited in advance and agree on a time to meet. Impatient by nature, he has never liked to wait for people. To have someone to spend time with me in the form of small talk is not a very pleasant thing for me. At the woman's feet was a black plastic bag more than a foot high, which was naturally pulled into the topic by us. "Bring so many things!" "I sent him a jacket, on top of which was a pocket of snacks, his dormitory was on the sixth floor, take the classroom first, afraid that the teacher would not let me bring it, I used a black bag specifically..."

"Pregnant" mom

"——! son" In the darkness, a white boy walked toward the iron gate, and the woman was as happy as a child. "Come so fast!" I seemed to rejoice as much as she did, and even forgot the confusion at first sight. "We said it in advance!" The woman turned back and hurriedly talked, while sharply lifting the black plastic bag placed at her feet, as if to say to herself, and as if to say to me: "I have to explain to him." "Within a short distance, I witnessed the brief encounter between mother and son. Women are not tall, coupled with being wrapped in clothes and rolling round, age inevitably makes life suspicious. The iron gate was nearly two meters high, and the woman laboriously held the black bag up with her hand, and the boy picked it up from the opposite side. I think that the story should end here, a short meeting, a long wait, poor parents in the world, as if they were all the same. Unexpectedly, the mother turned into a magic trick, and suddenly took out a bag from under the cotton coat and stuffed it into her son's hand, as if doing a disgraceful thing. I was stunned.

The child turned to leave, and the mother returned to me, as if accompanied, but also like nostalgia. She told me a lot about her son, and I asked curiously what she had just pulled out of her arms, and she smiled back, saying that it was a fried pancake with bacon and sausage. "One is afraid that his son will not have enough to eat, and two are afraid that he will hold on." I bought him two and said I couldn't finish eating and give them to my classmates. "Women don't tire of it, as if there is nothing more meaningful in the world." You bought it on the side of the road? "Maybe it was the only way I could think of moving the topic forward." No, in our house, far away, afraid of cold, I am put in the clothes to carry, bulging sacs like pregnancy, I often say, for you, I became a 'pregnant' mother again! I was amused by her words and couldn't help but laugh. What kind of warmth in this world can be compared?

When the girl came to the school gate, the woman stayed for a while and then left in a hurry. Looking at her distant back, I can't help but sigh: most of the mothers in the world are stupid, they often ignore their own self for the sake of their children and their families. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, how could I have imagined that under that thick robe there was a child's delicacy; how long had the cold experienced by that tight and solid dress? Simple appearance, great feelings, there is such an uninterpretable emotion in this world, there is no reason, just to be able to be gentle.

"Pregnant" mom
"Pregnant" mom
Poetic Life, real name: Cao Huilan. He is a first-level teacher in primary and secondary schools, an outstanding teacher and researcher in the county, and a member of the editorial board of Qingfeng Magazine. I like to give fireworks to the mood of clear springs and flowing water every day, and I feel that this is not to lose its authenticity, nor to lose its taste. At present, many essays have been published in Education Times, Composition Weekly (Teachers' Edition), Puyang Daily (Education Weekly) and Qingfeng Magazine.
"Pregnant" mom
Michelleine is the guest anchor of Four Seasons American Text. Passionate about literature, love recitation, good music obsessive broadcasting, "Listen to Dacheng Storytelling" poetry recitation micro-school recitation broadcast teacher. I hope that my own voice can interpret the true feeling of the work and make the listener feel warm and intimate!

Source: WeChat public account ▷ Sijimeiwen (sijimeiwen)


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