
Drink these two tonic duck soups dry in autumn and winter, so that you can drink the fire to remove dryness and dampness, and nourish and warm the stomach

author:Grandpa's recipe
Drink these two tonic duck soups dry in autumn and winter, so that you can drink the fire to remove dryness and dampness, and nourish and warm the stomach

The old duck is rich in nutrients, and has the effect of nourishing the sun of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of fatigue, replenishing blood, walking water, and nourishing the stomach.

In the dry season of autumn and winter, the skin is too dry to bear. At this time, it is necessary to replenish water and moisturize the lungs, so drink more soup or eat more moist foods. Today Grandpa shares two recipes to nourish the duck soup!

Huaishan duck soup

Today's Huaishan duck soup is the most suitable for autumn and winter dry drink, good to drink the fire to dry and remove dampness, nourish and warm the stomach, the method is even simpler.

Drink these two tonic duck soups dry in autumn and winter, so that you can drink the fire to remove dryness and dampness, and nourish and warm the stomach


Prepare the ingredients


3 slices of ginger

Duck 500 g

2 scoops of cooking wine

Huaishan 500 grams

Party ginseng 15 g

1500 g of water

8 red dates

Salt to taste

Goji berries 5 g

Huaishan duck soup recipe tutorial:


Cut the duck into small pieces, put it in cold water, add ginger slices and cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, remove the foam, and then remove the duck meat and rinse it off.


Huaishan peeled and washed the hob cut into pieces, soaked in clean water to prevent oxidation, party ginseng cut into inch sections washed and set aside, red dates washed, goji berries soaked in water for later.


Place the duck, ginseng and dates in a casserole dish, add water and simmer over high heat for 40 minutes. After about 40 minutes, add huaishan, turn to high heat and then turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes, add goji berries before cooking, and then add salt according to personal taste.

A delicious Huaishan duck soup is ready, good to drink the fire to dry and remove dampness, nourish and warm the stomach, the method is simple, you also hurry to try it!

Cordyceps flower duck soup

Drink these two tonic duck soups dry in autumn and winter, so that you can drink the fire to remove dryness and dampness, and nourish and warm the stomach


Cordyceps flowers several


Goji berries number

Ginger slices

Purified water

Cordyceps flower duck soup recipe tutorial:

Duck washed and diced (1 person, 4th duck)

Soak the cordyceps flowers in hot water for 15 minutes (boil in cold water, drain and set aside) Cut the duck into pieces and blanch the water to remove the oil foam.

Add duck pieces, 3 slices of ginger, about 10 small red dates, a handful of cordyceps flowers, and mineral water in the stew cup. Serve in a casserole dish for two 2 hours (add goji berries in about 20 minutes) with a little salt and a pinch of chicken essence.


★ The most important thing about the cordyceps flower stewed duck soup is to nourish the yin and clear the heat and nourish the lungs and kidneys. Cordyceps flowers are rich in color and nutrients, peaceful in nature, and not cold or dry. For most people, it can be eaten with confidence and is a good health ingredient. Cordyceps flowers stewed with duck have a good health effect.

Drink these two tonic duck soups dry in autumn and winter, so that you can drink the fire to remove dryness and dampness, and nourish and warm the stomach

"Human fireworks, the most touching mortal hearts" Today's sharing is here, I am a grandfather who loves to study food, your likes and forwards are the greatest support for grandpa!