
Deepening the reform of 'separation of licenses and licenses' for nearly five months How has the progress of various places been?

author:Bright Net

According to the Notice on Deepening the Reform of "Separation of Licenses and Licenses" and Further Stimulating the Development Vitality of Market Entities issued by the State Council, since July 1, the full coverage list management of enterprise-related business licensing matters will be implemented nationwide, and the reform pilot project will be further strengthened in the pilot free trade zone. "This deepening of the 'separation of licenses and licenses' is of great significance for clarifying the relationship between the rights and responsibilities of the government and enterprises, implementing the autonomy of enterprise operations, stimulating the vitality of market players, and optimizing the business environment." The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Market Supervision said. In the past 5 months, how has the reform of deepening the "separation of licenses and licenses" in various localities? What results have been achieved? How do market players feel? The reporter conducted an interview.

Take the pain points and difficulties of market players as the starting point of reform

"Certificate" and "license" are the two "golden keys" for enterprises to enter the market and carry out business activities. "If it cannot be certified in time, enterprises will face great market operating pressure." Before the reform of separation of licenses and licenses, it theoretically takes 3 months to handle the qualification recognition license for on-site technical review. After the reform, the permit was obtained on the spot. Hao Jinyu, a legal person of CSTC Standard Technical Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., said. On July 1, the company increased the company's urgently needed 81 cosmetics and footwear inspection and testing capability projects in Shanghai by applying for the qualification recognition of inspection and testing institutions.

Hao Jinyu said: "The business environment is getting better and better, the market demand is getting bigger and bigger, as of now, the company has opened a number of companies in Shanghai, Suzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao and other places to provide more convenient inspection and testing services for local enterprises." ”

Yang Hongcan, director of the Registration Bureau of the State Administration for Market Regulation, said: "With the continuous deepening of reform, the threshold for enterprises to enter the market is low, and it is more convenient to obtain business licenses and carry out general business activities, but the problem of 'easy to apply for a license and difficult to apply for a certificate' still exists. In the field of market access, there are too many licenses, opaque rules, and high costs, which is a prominent problem of blocking points and pain points. ”

In accordance with the reform and deployment, the State Council issued two lists of enterprise-related business licenses, the "national version" and the "pilot free trade zone version". In the "national version" list, 68 items were directly cancelled for approval, 15 items were changed to filing, and 37 notification commitments were implemented, a total of 120 items, accounting for 23%, an increase of 8 percentage points over the 15% pilot project of the pilot free trade zone last year. On this basis, the pilot free trade zone has increased the intensity of reform, adding 14 direct cancellation of approvals, 15 approvals for filing, and 40 notification commitments, a total of 69 items.

The implementation of the classification reform of the business licensing matters related to enterprises is the core institutional arrangement of the "separation of licenses and licenses" reform. According to the actual situation, all localities have adopted four reform methods of direct cancellation of examination and approval, change of examination and approval to filing, implementation of notification commitments, and optimization of approval services for all enterprise-related business licensing matters, and gradually promote reform.

Chen Xuejun, director of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, introduced that the implementation of notification commitments for examination and approval matters and the simplification of approval procedures are an important institutional innovation in the reform of "separation of licenses and licenses". Shanghai pioneered the measures for the management of notification commitments in the country. Through the notification of commitments, enterprises have greatly shortened the time for certification, enjoyed policy dividends, and should strengthen internal quality management in order to continue to operate.

Peng Yun, assistant researcher of the Chinese Academy of Administrative Management, said: "After 5 years of exploration, the reform of 'separation of licenses and licenses' has gone through three stages: pilot, expansion and full coverage of matters, which has improved the efficiency of resource allocation, effectively stimulated market vitality, and greatly increased the supply of market players. ”

"Small incisions" bring about "big results" in the transformation of government functions

"With the advancement of reform, a large number of various types of market entities have emerged, and traditional supervision is difficult to sustain, and it is necessary to completely change the way of supervision." As a new type of regulatory means, credit supervision is an important institutional innovation for the reform of the commercial system to strengthen supervision during and after the event. Liu Yan, director of the Credit Supervision Department of the State Administration of Market Regulation, said.

Hou Chengjun, director of the Shandong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, introduced: "We have taken the lead in establishing a classification management system for enterprise credit risks in the country, dividing enterprises into 5 categories of A, B, C, D and E according to the risk level from low to high, and doing nothing to disturb the honest and law-abiding A enterprises, and increasing the frequency of spot checks for enterprises with high risk levels. ”

In the production workshop of Shandong Gaotang Aeon Food Co., Ltd., various machines run at high speed, and foods such as small steamed buns and fries "flow" on the production line. General Manager Li Yiwen often goes to the workshop to check the implementation of food safety self-inspection, "We cherish the A credit rating. Once the sampling found that the problem was to be publicized, the brand reputation was damaged, and the business was not easy to do. ”

The Gaotang County Market Supervision Bureau implemented the food safety sampling inspection and daily supervision and inspection synchronously, and formulated a sampling inspection plan of "combining supervision and inspection, key coverage, overall planning and linkage, and balanced advancement". On November 19, while the staff of the market supervision department and the personnel of the third-party testing agency carried out sampling, they simultaneously carried out supervision and inspection and law enforcement and evidence collection, and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the production and implementation of the equipment, food safety hazards, product inspection risk point control and other links, so as to achieve "entering the door once and checking multiple things" and effectively reducing the interference with the enterprise.

Wang Keyu, a professor at the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that the "separation of licenses and licenses" has transformed the original model of "heavy approval and light supervision" into a model of supervision during and after the event, which seems to be a "small incision", but it has brought about "great results" in the transformation of government functions.

Simplification of government cannot be reduced, and decentralization is not laissez-faire. After years of reform of the administrative examination and approval system, the number of matters that have been directly cancelled and changed to filing has been greatly reduced. In the future, informing commitments will become an important method, and where verification reveals that an enterprise's commitments are untrue, it will be lawfully terminated, ordered to make corrections within a time limit, revoked administrative decisions, or given administrative penalties, to be included in credit records and publicized through a publicity system, strengthening credit constraints and social supervision. Relying on the national enterprise credit information publicity system, through big data analysis, it is possible to discover clues of violations of laws and regulations, improve the level of intelligence in market supervision, and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of supervision. Scientifically and effectively "manage" and promote greater efforts to "release". Overall, the market order in the industries and fields covered by the reform is stable and orderly.

Continue to deepen reform and create a stable, fair and transparent business environment

"The company intends to carry out the publication business, but it is not very clear how to register the scope of business, what licenses are required, etc." Su Jian, manager of Sichuan Luzhou Yade Hotel Management Co., Ltd., said.

"In order to facilitate real-time inquiries by enterprises, we provide 'auxiliary inquiry functions for handling business licenses involving enterprises' through the 'one-window pass' platform and the 'business connection' mobile terminal service platform set up by enterprises, and as long as you enter keywords, you can find out clearly." Wan Penglong, director of the Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, said.

Enter keywords such as "publications" to query, and the system prompts the name of the license that needs to be processed, the department that needs to be processed, whether the license is pre-positioned or post-posted, and the relevant basis. "The difficulties that enterprises may encounter, the government departments have thought of them for us in advance." Su Jian introduced that the company applied for a publication business license at the same time as registration on July 1.

The optimization of government services is not only reflected in the access link, but also benefits the exit link. Tang Shulin, a legal person of Tong Qi Biotechnology Co., Ltd. of the former Shandong Gaotang, introduced: "Now the office hall has set up a special window for cancellation, publicized cancellation notices, assistant staff provide one-on-one services, one-time cancellation of business licenses, taxes, medical insurance, social security, provident fund, seals, food business licenses, etc., ten minutes to complete, the cancellation notice is also sent to the home for free, too convenient!" ”

Serving the whole life cycle of enterprises, the reform of the commercial system has brought about the continuous optimization of the business environment. Yu Lingyun, a professor at Tsinghua University Law School, said: "A good business environment is productivity and competitiveness. With the deepening of the reform of 'separation of licenses and licenses', it is conducive to the realization of responsible governments and service-oriented governments, and also helps to create a business environment that is rule-of-law, internationalized and facilitated. ”

In recent years, China's business environment has continued to improve, and the global ranking has been greatly improved. According to the report released by the World Bank, in 2020, China's global ranking of business environment rose to 31st, an increase of 15 places over 2019, and has been one of the 10 economies with the largest improvement in the global business environment for two consecutive years.

"In the next step, we must promote the continuous deepening of the reform of 'separation of licenses and licenses', strive to establish simple and efficient, fair and transparent, wide and strict management of the industry by the end of 2022, greatly improve the convenience and predictability of market entities, stimulate the vitality and competitiveness of market entities, and strive to create a stable, fair and transparent business environment." The relevant person in charge of the State Administration of Market Regulation was introduced.

Source: People's Daily

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