
Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

author:Pharmacist Li talks about health

Recently, some netizens left a message asking such a question: folic acid is bloody, how can patients with high blood pressure eat it?

Just a short problem, but also reflects some friends for the relationship between blood and blood pressure cognitive misunderstanding, folate deficiency will indeed lead to anemia, reasonable supplementation of folic acid for the improvement of related anemia problems is indeed a common way of treatment, but if you think that folic acid is "bloody", hypertensive patients can not eat, it is really wrong to add wrong, I hope that today's popular science article, can let friends who have misunderstandings about the above problems, correctly understand the relationship between anemia, hypertension, and folic acid supplementation. Reasonable and correct supplementation of folic acid, conditioning hypertension problems, and further reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

In real life, a very common cognitive misunderstanding is that people with anemia will have low blood pressure, and will not produce high blood pressure, and even some people will associate it backwards, high blood pressure is caused by too much blood production, such an idea seems to make sense, but in fact, it is not in line with reality. Anemia and high blood pressure are two completely different health problems, and the two are not too related.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

There are many types of anemia, but in general, the so-called anemia, the final result is a decrease in blood cells (especially red blood cells) in the blood, the lack of red blood cells, resulting in a decline in the ability of blood to carry oxygen, therefore, anemia people will often be accompanied by fatigue, dizziness and other symptoms, which are due to insufficient number of red blood cells caused by oxygen supply problems. Some anemia friends, because of insufficient oxygen supply to body tissues and organs, resulting in the beating of the heart is also weakened, resulting in the problem of hypotension, rather than "anemia" is a decrease in blood pressure, so blood pressure is reduced, the difference between these two concepts must be distinguished.

Blood pressure refers to the heart beating, blood circulation, blood for the arterial vascular wall of the lateral pressure, blood pressure, and the elasticity of blood vessels, the number of heartbeats of the heart, blood flow resistance, and related nerves, hormone regulation have a close relationship, the increase in blood volume, indeed will lead to an increase in blood pressure, but the level of blood volume, and whether anemia, there is no relationship, the so-called anemia is less red blood cells, not blood volume. Hypertension caused by elevated blood volume is mostly related to a high-salt diet, excessive sodium intake caused by water and sodium retention, rather than excessive blood production, which must also be understood.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

Therefore, although some anemia patients will have symptoms of hypotension, it does not mean that people with hypertension will not have anemia, or people with anemia will not suffer from hypertension, there is no contradiction between the two, this is completely two independent disease problems, do not think of anemia as an overall lack of blood, and think that hypertension is only related to the "how much" of the blood.

Folic acid is a member of the B vitamins, but also has an important physiological function of the human body a coenzyme nutrition, one of the important functions of folic acid, is that it plays a role as a methyl donor in the process of cell DNA formation, if folic acid deficiency, the division of red blood cells will be affected, which may eventually lead to megaloblastic anemia.

Megaloblastic anemia is not only due to lack of folic acid, if the body is deficient in vitamin B12, it will also lead to megaloblastic anemia, therefore, if the examination finds megaloblastic anemia, and the serum folate level is low, it should be considered to improve the anemia by supplementing folic acid.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

For patients with anemia in this situation, folic acid supplementation for improving anemia is of course symptomatic, folic acid of course will also play a role in "blood generation", but it is still necessary to find out that the "blood" of folic acid is normal red blood cells, rather than blood and blood volume, therefore, although folic acid is a blood-raising drug in some cases, it does not have the effect of raising blood pressure, and if the two are confused, it is also a misunderstanding.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

We emphasize that some hypertensive patients should pay attention to folic acid supplementation, the important reason is that some hypertensive patients, in addition to high blood pressure, the level of homocysteine in the blood is also high, this substance is an intermediate product of amino acid metabolism, with a certain vascular toxicity, is a risk factor causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially stroke risk, and folic acid as an important substrate for homocysteine to further transform methionine, therefore, the lack of folic acid, is one of the important reasons for hyperhomocysteine.

Hypertensive patients with homocysteine elevation, we usually call it H hypertension, compared to non-H hypertension patients, H hypertension patients due to the superimposed hypertension and hyperhomocysteinemia two risk factors, the risk of stroke will be further increased, therefore, reasonable supplementation of folic acid, can help reduce homocysteine levels, so as to achieve the effect of reducing the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

Therefore, for patients with H-type hypertension, reasonable supplementation of folic acid will not only not raise blood pressure because of its "blood-generating" effect, but also improve the state of homocysteine and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

If you understand this article and clarify the above 3 questions, I believe that you should not have any doubts about the supplementation of folic acid for patients with H-type hypertension, but the last point to emphasize is that for the regulation of hyperhocysteine, and the treatment of megaloblastic anemia, the amount of folic acid supplements we choose is very different.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

The lack of folic acid in the body will lead to an increase in homocysteine, which will also lead to anemia problems, but the regulation of homocysteine levels, we should gradually improve in daily life by supplementing folic acid intake, and anemia problems need to be corrected in time to avoid long-term insufficient oxygen supply to organ tissues and other health problems. Therefore, homocysteine is high to supplement folic acid, we can refer to the daily intake of healthy people to supplement, and for anemia problems, you can consider the treatment of large doses in the short term.

Normal human folic acid daily supplement amount of 0.8mg, in the diet of green leafy vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. contain folic acid, if in addition to the diet for additional supplementation, improve the regulation of homocysteine levels, daily additional taking 0.4mg is generally enough, through long-term appropriate supplementation of folic acid levels, a considerable number of H-type hypertension patients homocysteine levels will be improved, and at the same time should pay attention to the active and stable control of hypertension, in order to be able to more comprehensively reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk.

Folic acid is "bloody", why should hypertension be eaten? Find out 3 things and add more peace of mind

For macronomycular anemia caused by folate deficiency, it is usually adjusted by using a short-term large dose of folic acid supplementation, generally you can choose 5mg of folic acid tablets per tablet, the daily dose can reach 15mg to 30mg, and the blood picture should be monitored regularly during taking until the blood picture returns to normal. Such a high-dose medication is not suitable for long-term use, long-term high-dose supplementation of folic acid, folic acid overdose supplementation will mask the risks associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, bring additional health risks, and related studies have found that excessive folic acid supplementation for precancerous lesion progression, will also play a certain role in promoting, therefore, long-term overdose of folic acid is a certain risk.

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