
Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

author:A TI

He is the least recorded of the five emperors, but he is the most loved by the people, by the later generations as a moral model, in his life to work diligently and love the people, the two dynasties in later generations recognized him as the ancestor, with only one mouth to disintegrate the rebellion of the "Nine Nations Alliance", deeply appreciated by the Emperor Huan, he reigned for 63 years, created the first Peaceful prosperity in history, he is one of the five emperors: Emperor Zhao.

Di Zhao (帝喾), surnamed Ji (姬), Ming Jun (明俊), was of the Gaoxin clan (高辛氏). Shao Hao's grandson, Shao Hao, did not get the throne during his lifetime, so he followed the example of the Yellow Emperor and sent him to the side of Emperor Huan to practice auxiliary government when Emperor Zhao was 15 years old. From an early age, Emperor Zhao was intelligent and ordinary people, and soon showed his superior ability around Him, and was reused by Him.

During the reign of Emperor Huan, there was a rebellion of nine tribes united in the tribal alliance, known in history as the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms". It turned out that after the expansion of the territory of the tribal alliance at that time, the frontier areas were too far away to rely on the prestige to deter. Therefore, friction between tribes occurred from time to time, and later these tribes felt that they were powerful and could occupy the mountain as king, so the nine tribes united to launch a rebellion, and raised troops to attack in the direction of the capital, passing through the place, invincible.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

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When he received the news of the rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms, his first reaction was to raise troops to suppress it. At this time, the emperor advised: "Although the rebels are the Nine Kingdoms Alliance, they are just a bunch of scattered soldiers, they are just a ragtag group of people who are gathered together for their own interests, so there is no need to raise troops to put down the rebellion, just a little lobbying, the alliance can collapse." Upon hearing this, Emperor Zhao greatly appreciated Emperor Zhao and sent Him to carry out this task.

Emperor Zhao went alone to the weakest of the nine tribes and said to the tribal leader: Ru and others are making such a big move, it is nothing more than some small profits, although the long drive has not encountered danger, only because the capital city has not raised troops to suppress it for the time being, if you are obstinate, if you are determined to suppress the territory, you will certainly fight as a vanguard, then the risk will be self-relieving, the benefits will be returned to others, and you will also carry the charge of rebellion, and there will be no harm.

Then he went to one of the strongest tribes and expounded: Always raise an army, not fame or profit, although Ru's combat strength is superior to others, but the benefits are equally divided, if you attack the capital, the world does not belong to yourself, but to equalize with others. And if it does not succeed, it is offended, and because of the alliance' co-management, it falls into the name of the first rebellion, others are scattered, the clan is accused of being jointly accused, the foundation is destroyed, the gain and the loss are not equal, and the fame and profit cannot be won, should not, should not be.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

Emperor Zhao only relied on three words and two words to dissuade the two strongest and weakest alliances, the remaining seven kingdoms were leaderless, mutually suspicious, and extremely sensitive, and with a slight change, they suspected that the other side had rebelled and left, so that internal friction continued, and after only half a year, the alliance collapsed.

Emperor Zhao dismantled the "Nine Kingdoms Rebellion" without spending a single soldier this time, which made Emperor Huan look at him with admiration, and he was deeply used in the follow-up.

He had twenty-four sons, but in the end Emperor Zhao sat on the throne of God and became the third co-lord of the world, not that he intended to pass them on to the side branches, but although there were many descendants, none of them had a climate, and in the eyes of future generations, he became one of the greatest evils. In the Eastern Han Dynasty scholar Wang Chong's "On Balance", it is recorded: "There are three sons of the Huan clan, who were born and died as epidemic ghosts: one dwelling in the river is for abusing ghosts; one dwelling in Ruoshui is for the ghosts; and one dwelling in the palace area is a ruined child." "Zuo Chuan": "There are untalented sons of the Zhao clan, who cannot be taught, who do not know what to say--the people of the world are called the People of the World. ”

Abuse of ghosts

The abuser was the son of Shengben's wife, Shengben, who died very early, and later became an epidemic ghost, wantonly spreading the plague in the folk, bringing disaster to the people and making the people unhappy. Later generations often ordered people to hold ceremonies at the beginning of the year to expel the plague ghosts to ensure peace in the coming year.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"


It is also said that he is a mountain and river monster, and also said to be a god of epidemics, who likes to hide near Wakamizu, looks strange, is tall and low, likes to lie down at night, lure others through confusion, until he falls into the river, or let him be infected with diseases and end up in pain.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

Send the poor man

Sending poor children is a child born in the palace by the wife of The Poor Man, who likes to tear up clothes, roll in the feces and urine, and legend has it that after death, he likes to frighten the children until he cries, and the "Tujing" says: "The custom of Chiyang, taking the twenty-ninth day of the first month as the day of the poor ghost, sweeps away the dust in the house and throws it into the water, which is called sending the poor." ”

It can be seen from folk records that the sons of Emperor Huan were all symbolized by the fierce god, and at that time they were all uncultured people, and Emperor Huan had no choice but to pass on the emperor who had both moral integrity and ability.

After Emperor Zhao succeeded to the throne, he made Hao (present-day Shangqiu, Henan) the capital and Mude the emperor. Unlike the belligerent Emperor, he never initiated a single war during his reign, and only one record of quelling the rebellion was recorded.

During the reign of Huan Huan, the Gonggong clan was exiled to the western barbarian land, but the exiled Gonggong clan did not stop repenting, but fought in the barbarian land and developed its power. At that time, there was a Inuyasha tribe in the west, and the tribal leader "Fang" was confused by the Gonggong clan, and when Emperor Zhao had just succeeded to the throne, he raised an army to rebel, which was called "Fang Wang Rebellion". At that time, the Fang Pai general Bai Nan was suppressing the territory, and Emperor Zhao sent troops to suppress it several times, all of which ended in failure, which made Emperor Zhao have a headache for a while. Emperor Zhao told the people that if someone could repel the White Plague and put down the rebellion against the King of Fang, regardless of his status, he could be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

At that time, there was a poor clan, the leader of which was Dayi, who was good at archery, and his archery skills were unparalleled in the world. Da Yi volunteered to fight with Emperor Zhao, who gave him a bow and a ya and led his troops to suppress the rebellion. Dayi led his troops and Bai Nan after a fierce battle, which ended in defeat for the first time, and finally Da Yi changed his strategy, improved the attack into defense, occupied a favorable position, and relied on bows and arrows to repel Bai Nan's multiple attacks. Bai Nan could not break through for a while, after several exchanges, Dayi seized the opportunity, an arrow shot Bai Nan to death, the Inuyasha tribe was leaderless, defeated and retreated, Dayi took advantage of the victory to pursue, the Inuyasha clan was all captured, and the Gonggong clan was forced to return to the barbarian land.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

Emperor Zhao kept his word and kept his word, reused Dayi, and made him an archer, and Dayi became famous in the First World War, and later established the Youqian clan as a poor country.

During his reign, Emperor Zhao was discerning, obedient to the will of the people, benevolent and powerful, improving himself and convincing the people of the world. His governing strategy is to love the people, let the people benefit, and emphasize the rule of the world with integrity and benevolence. As a generation of kings, Emperor Zhao cultivated self-discipline, selflessness, advocated integrity, and clearly observed good and evil, which was respected by successive kings. Because of his noble virtues, he was deeply loved by the people. Under his rule, society was prosperous and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Created the first Taiping Dynasty in antiquity.

Emperor Zhao's virtues were admired by later generations, and posterity was proud of Emperor Zhao's descendants, among which the Shang Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty both took Emperor Zhao as their ancestor and promoted Emperor Zhao's moral rule.

Sima Qian's "Records of History" records that "the emperor was in charge of the world, the sun and the moon were illuminated, and the wind and rain came, and he did not obey." ”

Cao Zhi's "Emperor Zhao Zan" praised Emperor Zhao: "Funing heaven and earth, divine spiritual guests, teaching the four seas, the light and the sun and the moon." ”

There are not many records of emperors in history, but all relevant records are in praise of his virtues, and he set an example of moral governance for future generations with practical actions, which has been admired by successive emperors, and still has positive significance in modern times.

Emperor Zhao: Collapse the "Rebellion of the Nine Kingdoms" with one mouth, and appoint Hou Yi to suppress the rebellion "Rebellion of the King of Fang"

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