
The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

author:Game number one

Hello everyone, I am the number one game, and I will bring you the latest Honor of Kings information every day!

Recently, the fat cat has been very hot, and many people are particularly sympathetic to the fat cat, feeling that his love is particularly innocent, which is pure selfless dedication.

But with the development of the incident, now this matter has ushered in a lot of inexplicable situations, it can be said that there is a wave of non-stop wave after wave, and even now there are many people who have begun to jump out to fight fakes, and feel that the authenticity of the fat cat incident needs to be verified, among which there is the sister of the king of glory national service Houyi cool Xin beat the fake fat cat, and I also told you about this matter a few days ago, and now, the incident has made waves again!

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

Speaking of cool Xin, there may be some friends who don't know much about it, cool Xin is an anchor of the glory of kings, and in the past, the main hero was Hou Yi, and he also said that he was the strongest Hou Yi, and he also got Hou Yi's national uniform, and the number of fans was quite a lot during the live broadcast.

However, after the recent fat cat incident, cool Xin has been singing the opposite, for example, everyone supports the fat cat against Tan Zhu, and the cool Xin instead supports Tan Zhu, feeling that the fat cat incident is fake, and has been continuing to "fight fake" recently.

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

Last time, I told everyone about the cool Xin real name fake fat cat's sister, and also said that if he failed to fight the fake, he would compensate the fat cat's family for 50,000 yuan, especially put forward eight questions, and wanted the fat cat's sister to explain, but we all know that no one can question it to prove it, otherwise it will always fall into self-proof.

But many netizens saw the so-called anti-counterfeiting of Cool Xin, which was obviously rubbing the heat, so in the comment area of Cool Xin, he was basically boycotting his voice, and even some netizens privately messaged him to send out some uncivilized words.

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

On the 12th, with the development of the incident, Cool Xin also made it clear that he would not respond to the fat cat in the future, and also said that this was his last response, and said some of his thoughts, but he didn't expect to start posting about the fat cat again the next day, and there were many netizens against him.

We also all know that when Kuku Xin cracked down on counterfeiting, he clearly stated that if the counterfeiting failed, he would apologize and compensate, so he responded with this incident and made a so-called apology video.

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

Cool Xin released an apology video today, looking very sincere, saying that he shouldn't say something bad about fat cats on the Internet, and apologize to everyone, begging netizens not to scold him anymore, and also said that his family is in financial difficulties, so the compensation money will not be given, when apologizing, he still has an ID card in his hand, which looks very formal, but he didn't expect something disgusting.

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

I didn't expect that after the cool Xin released the apology video, it attracted a lot of people's attention, and even some people forwarded the video, wanting more people to know, but the cool heart said in the comment area that this apology video is fake, purely the effect of the show!

In other words, the apology video was played by him!!

I have to say that this is a bit too much, I said that I will not respond to this matter in the future, and I will no longer talk about fat cats, and I will continue to rub the heat the next day, and I also took out an apology video to make the show effect, so many netizens are very angry, and more people scolded him in the comment area.

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

I have to say that this kind of hot people who eat human blood steamed buns are really infuriating, after the fat cat incident, many people believe in this matter very much, but there are some people who want to engage in confrontation, although there is a saying that the truth is in the hands of a few people, but I think that if the fat cat incident was made up, the fat cat's sister should have already gone in, and now half a month has passed, but it is safe and sound, doesn't this mean anything?

The "fat cat" incident has made waves again! Houyi, the national service, failed to fight counterfeiting and apologized, but it made netizens even angrier

Now, the cool Xin Mouyin's videos about fat cats have all been deleted, but the content on the social platform is still there, I don't know if it was reported by netizens or deleted by myself, this kind of person who directly rubs the heat is really hateful.

There are still a lot of righteous netizens, and we all know that after the fat cat incident, the popularity is indeed very high, and many people want to search for a wave of traffic, but this kind of hard show effect is indeed very shameful, no wonder there are so many netizens boycotting him.

What do you think about this?

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