
Have you read Zhang Ailing? Look at her classic quotes, sharp people can't help but read it

author:See you in early March

1, men thoroughly understand a woman, will not love her.

2, love is blind, there is no question of value is not worth it. When you fall in love with someone, do you still think rationally? If so, it only means that this is not love!

3, like a person, will be humble to the dust, and then blossom.

4, for people after the age of thirty, ten years and eight years is just a matter of sewing, and for young people, three years and five years can be a lifetime.

Have you read Zhang Ailing? Look at her classic quotes, sharp people can't help but read it

5, you die, my story is over, and I die, your story is still very long.

6, I like money, because I have not suffered from money, do not know the disadvantages of money, only know the benefits of money.

7 Good people are always suffering, and the burden of sorrow seems to be innate, so there is only patience.

8) If you don't flirt with a woman, she says you're not a man; if you flirt with her, she says you're not a superior person.

9, when a man looks forward to a woman's body, he cares about her soul and deceives himself that he is in love with her soul. Only after taking possession of her body could he forget her soul.

10. Are you young? It doesn't matter, in two years it will be old, here, youth is not rare.

11) If you are suspicious of your wife, she will deceive you. If you don't doubt your wife, she doubts you.

12) I believe in people, but I don't believe in human nature.

Have you read Zhang Ailing? Look at her classic quotes, sharp people can't help but read it

13, if you know the former me, maybe you will forgive me now.

14, will there be a person in life, when you first see him, you already know, it is him. At this time, you looked at him with smiling eyes and said firmly, "You don't want to go anywhere!" ”

15, in the midst of thousands of people to meet the person you want to meet, in the tens of millions of years, in the endless wilderness of time, there is no step earlier, no step later, just caught up, then there is no other word to say, but gently ask: "Oh, are you here too?" ”

16, although serious women hate sluts, in fact, if there is a chance to play the role of a demon woman, there is no one who is not eager to try.

17, the sun is warm, the years are quiet, you have not come, how dare I grow old.

18 The most disgusting person, if you study carefully, it turns out that he is just a poor man.

19 For most women, love means to be loved.

Have you read Zhang Ailing? Look at her classic quotes, sharp people can't help but read it

20, you ask me whether it is worth it to love you, in fact, you should know that love is not worth it.

21, to be a woman, you have to be a woman with rules, and a woman with rules occasionally indulges, and there are benefits that ordinary bad women can't dream of.

22, I love you, what is the matter with you? You can't blame you for all the weirdness.

23, to do a thing, you can always find time and reason; do not do a thing, you can always find an excuse.

24, in the tens of millions of people to meet the people you meet, in the wilderness of tens of millions of years, there is no step earlier, no step later, just caught up.

25, I thought that love can fill the regrets of life. However, create more regrets. But it is love.

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