
The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

author:Literary and historical brick family

Comrade | Guevara

From Jin Taizu's completion of Yan Aku's fight to claim the title of emperor in Huining Province, Shangjing, to the death of Emperor Yan Chenglin in battle in Caizhou City at the end of the Jin Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty enjoyed 119 years (1115-1234) and experienced 10 emperors, the most incompetent of which was the 7th Emperor Completed Yan Yongji. So, what are the incompetent manifestations of Yan Yongji during his tenure? What harm did his rule bring to the Jin Dynasty? What is the end result?

01 Mediocre prince, do nothing

Completed Yan Yongji, whose real name is Completed Yan Yunji, small character Xingsheng, is the seventh son of Emperor Jin Shizong, the half-brother of Prince Xuanxiao of Completed Yan Yungong, and the uncle of Emperor Jin Zhangzong of Yan Jing. According to the historical records, Yan Yongji was mediocre and cowardly since childhood, had no insight, had poor ability to understand people and govern, and his IQ situation was worrying. However, Yan Yongji was very good at hiding his shortcomings, and in front of the emperor and courtiers, he could always pretend to be a serious old man and have no quarrel with the world, and he could even deceive many people.

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

Stills of the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty

As a Tianhuang nobleman, Yan Yongji was crowned as the King of Xue after he became an adult, and then successively changed his titles to The King of Yu, the King of Lu, the King of Han, and the King of Wei, and successively served as the secretary supervisor, the Shangshu of the Punishment Department, and the dianqian inspection, although there were no outstanding political achievements, but fortunately there was no major mistake. In the winter of the eighth year of Taehwa (1208), the terminally ill Jin Zhangzong, fearing that his brothers would usurp the throne, appointed his seemingly honest and loyal uncle as a lieutenant of The Crown Prince's Mansion to prosecute the imperial court. As a result, Yan Yongji became the closest person to Jin Zhangzong and also provided convenient conditions for him to seize the throne soon after.

02 Incompetent Emperor, insulted

Although his qualifications were mediocre and he did nothing, His life was really good, and he was lucky enough to wear the crown not long after he became a lieutenant in Wang Fu's mansion. It turned out that Jin Zhangzong had no heirs before his death, and although Concubine Jia and Concubine Fan were pregnant, it was difficult to predict the birth of boys and girls. In this case, the eunuch Li Xinxi conspired with Pingzhang's government to complete Yan Kuang, and for the purpose of controlling the empire in the future for personal gain, he put the stupid and stupid Yan Yongji on the dragon chair in November of the eighth year of Taihe (1208).

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

Finish Yan Yongji stills

After Yan Yongji came to power, he immediately poisoned Concubine Jia, and then forced Concubine Fan to have an abortion and cut her hair as a nun, which can be described as extremely vicious. After eliminating the hidden dangers, Yan Yongji entered and worshiped Yan Kuang as a Shang Shu Ling, crowned The King of Shen, and entrusted all the major affairs of the military state to him, while the emperor himself only knew how to fool around in the harem, and did not care about the safety of the empire at all. In this way, the Weakening power of the Jin Dynasty under the rule of Yan Yongji, coupled with the neglect of the vigilance of the rapidly rising Mongol Khanate, caused the destruction of the empire.

At that time, the Mongol Khanate was still a vassal state of the Jin Dynasty, and after Yan Yongji ascended the throne, it was customary to send envoys to it to announce the news of the ascension to the throne and demand the allegiance of Genghis Khan. Coincidentally, when Genghis Khan had not yet unified the Mongol tribes, Yan Yongji went to Jingzhou (around present-day Siziwangqi in Inner Mongolia) as an emissary of the Jin Dynasty to accept the tribute offered by the latter. However, when Genghis Khan met Yan Yongji, because he hated his obscene appearance and sexual assault and cowardice, he actually made a sarcastic remark about him, and the two formed a bond.

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

Genghis Khan insulted Yan Yongji as a slave

Therefore, when Genghis Khan learned that the newly enthroned emperor was Wanyan Yongji, he couldn't help but be angry at the emissaries of the Jin Dynasty, and said in a very contemptuous tone: "I used to think that the emperors of the Central Plains were all emissaries sent from heaven, how could even such a mediocre and cowardly slave as him be able to become a servant?" Why is this kind of goods worthy of my prostration? After saying this, Genghis Khan spat fiercely at the south side representing the Jin Dynasty, and then rode away without turning his head (for details, see Yuan Shi Vol. 1).

03 Died and lost the emperor

After being humiliated by Genghis Khan twice in a row, Yan Yongji was extremely resentful in his heart and vowed to step on Mongolia and crush his opponent's corpse into ten thousand pieces. At this time, although Genghis Khan despised Yan Yongji, he considered that his strength was not enough to challenge the Jin Dynasty, so he had to pay tribute according to the custom. In the spring of the third year of Da'an (1211), it was time for the Mongols to pay tribute, and Yan Yongji took advantage of this "good opportunity" to secretly ambush the heavy troops behind the mountain and prepare to surround and kill Genghis Khan and his party after they arrived in Jingzhou.

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

The Mon-Jin War is about the map

Fortunately, fate favored Genghis Khan, so that he learned of Yan Yongji's plot in advance, and thus successfully escaped the disaster of killing. In that year, in order to retaliate against Yan Yongji, Genghis Khan used a pre-emptive strategy to raid the border of the Jin Dynasty, and from then on began a vigorous process of going south. In the decades that followed, Genghis Khan and his descendants rode iron horses throughout the desert north, northeast China, north China, western regions, Tibet, Central Asia, West Asia, and Eastern Europe, destroying countless countries and eventually establishing a super empire that spanned Eurasia.

In the face of Genghis Khan's rapid and fierce attack, Yan Yongji was forced to resist, but he did not have the ability to govern the country and the ability to select the best and the best, and the officials he promoted and appointed were either incompetent and incompetent, or greedy, cruel, and unscrupulous. Because of this, the territory of the Jin Dynasty was shrinking day by day, and even the "land of Longxing", the northeast, fell into the hands of the enemy, which can be said to be extremely humiliating. The stupidity and incompetence of Yan Yongji gradually aroused the dissatisfaction of the subjects, and the voice of expecting "changing horses" gradually became the mainstream.

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

Hu Shahu killed Yan Yongji and replaced Yan Xun with emperor

In August of the first year of Ning (1213), Genghis Khan led a large army to approach Zhongdu, but the right deputy marshal in charge of defense, Hu Shahu, neglected his duties and indulged in hunting, which caused Yan Yongji to reprimand. Hu Shahu was fierce and stubborn in nature, and after being reprimanded by the emperor, instead of changing his heart, he led his subordinates to launch a coup d'état, kidnapped and poisoned Yan Yongji, and then supported Jin Zhangzong's half-brother Guanyan Xun as emperor, for Jin Xuanzong.

The most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Genghis Khan called him a slave, was killed by his courtiers and deprived of his imperial title

After Jin Xuanzong ascended the throne, he stripped Yan Yongji of his imperial title

After Jin Xuanzong ascended the throne, under the pressure of Hu Shahu, he issued an edict stripping Yan Yongji of his imperial title and demoting him to the title of Marquis of Donghai County. Three years later, Jin Xuanzong, who had escaped Hu Shahu's caption, remembered that Yan Yongji was not very evil, so he issued an edict to restore his uncle's title of Prince of Wei and gave him the title of Shao. As the most incompetent emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Yan Yongji pushed the empire to the "cliff" of destruction, and finally not only ended up being killed by the powerful ministers, but also deprived of the imperial title after death, which can be said to be extremely tragic.


Detachment (Yuan): History of Jin, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1975.

Detachment (Yuan): History of the Song Dynasty, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1985 edition.

Song Lian (Ming): History of the Yuan, Zhonghua Bookstore, 1976.

Bi Yuan (Qing): "Continuing Zizhi Tongjian", Zhonghua Bookstore, 1999 edition.

Ke Shaochen (Republic of China): "History of the New Yuan", Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, 2018.

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