
Wang Wei, secretary of the new district party committee: to create a new model of livability and workability that is more attractive and more comfortable

author:China Jiangxi Net

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Jiao Junjie, Qiu Yecheng, and reporter Wu Qiang reported: On November 23, the 15th Party Congress of Jiangxi Province was grandly opened in Nanchang. In the past five years, the old appearance of Ganpo land has been renewed, and major achievements have been made in various undertakings. The blueprint has been drawn and the time has come to struggle. Dajiang Network and Dajiang News Client launched the "Party Congress Micro Interview" to interview provincial party representatives to see how all localities can take the new road of catching up with the examination and continue the glory of the new era of the red clay holy land.

"Listening to the report of the Party Congress has made us feel encouraged and more energetic." Wang Wei, a provincial party representative and secretary of the Xinjian District CPC Committee, said that the report fully demonstrated the strong responsibility of the red clay holy land, comprehensively stimulated the confidence and determination to leapfrog catch-up, accurately drew a grand blueprint for demonstration and competition, and profoundly elucidated the path of Jiangxi in the rise of the central region, so that we can have a direction, a grasp of work, and a confidence to advance.

The main business income of the three leading industries exceeded 32 billion yuan; 195 major projects were newly signed, with a total investment of 100 billion yuan; the financial and people's livelihood expenditure was 31.38 billion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 17.8%; for two consecutive years, it won the outstanding county and district in the performance appraisal of the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in the province... The set of data is exciting. Wang Wei said that the past five years have been an extraordinary five years in the history of new development, and also a five-year period of butterfly development after the new "removal of counties and districts".

Wang Wei, secretary of the new district party committee: to create a new model of livability and workability that is more attractive and more comfortable

Wang Wei, a provincial party representative and secretary of the xinjian district party committee, was interviewed by Dajiang Network and Dajiang News Client

Facing the future, the drums of war have been beaten. Wang Wei said that the new district will adhere to the benchmarking table, take the initiative to take action, focus on the goal of building the "six Jiangxis", seek breakthroughs in expanding the total economic volume, bravely compete for the first place in improving the city's energy level, take the lead in promoting rural revitalization, and demonstrate in innovative social governance.

Wang Wei especially mentioned that it will make all-round efforts to build the "four major areas" of Changyuan, Wangcheng, Development Zone and Jiuwang New City, accelerate the promotion of urban renewal, resettlement housing construction and transformation of old residential areas, comprehensively improve urban supporting facilities, and strive to create a new model of livability and livability that is more attractive and more comfortable.

"I am not only a provincial party representative, but also the secretary of the district party committee, with dual identity and double responsibility." Wang Wei deeply felt that the mission was glorious and the responsibility was heavy. He said, "I will always keep in mind the first priority of development, be the backbone of the cause, strive to be the main attacker of breaking difficulties, strive to turn the beautiful blueprint into a realistic picture, and contribute more new forces to the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Jiangxi." ”

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