
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, led the second assessment team to carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in 2021

author:Palm Qujing

On November 24, Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, led the second appraisal team to carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in Lashan Subdistrict, the county CPPCC organs, the county education and sports bureau, the county statistics bureau, the county Red Cross Society, and the youth league and county party committees, stressing that it is necessary to take a highly responsible attitude, do a meticulous, solid, and good job in all inspection and appraisal work, strive to promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party in the new era, the building of party style and clean government, and the anti-corruption struggle to develop in depth, so as to provide a strong discipline and work style guarantee for the county's economic and social development by leaps and bounds.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, led the second assessment team to carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in 2021

Wang Wei pointed out: The implementation of the assessment of the responsibility system for improving the party's work style and building a clean and honest government is a serious political task. All levels and departments should comprehensively and strictly administer the party, earnestly strengthen the party's ability to govern, scientifically evaluate cadres, and actively promote the building of Luoping's political ecology, fully understand the importance and necessity of this inspection and appraisal work, earnestly unify their thinking and actions with the major policy decisions and arrangements of the party Central Committee and the work requirements of provincial, municipal, and county party committees, maintain political determination with a high sense of political responsibility and mission, enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and achieve "two safeguards." We should always maintain the firmness, soberness, and tenacity and persistence of always being on the road of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and unswervingly promote the in-depth development of the new era of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, improving the party's work style and building a clean and honest government, and the anti-corruption struggle

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, led the second assessment team to carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in 2021

Wang Wei stressed: It is necessary to further consolidate work responsibilities, benchmark and align the party Central Committee's policy decisions and arrangements on comprehensively and strictly administering the party, and do a more scientific, rigorous, and effective job of managing the party and administering the party in accordance with the general requirements of party building in the new era. It is necessary to always put the party's political construction in the first place, consolidate the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party's main body and supervision responsibility, persistently uphold the correct style and discipline, promote as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt, and strive to build a political ecology with a clean and healthy atmosphere. It is necessary to deepen and expand, integrate into daily life, take this inspection and assessment as an opportunity, adhere to the problem-oriented, conscientiously sum up experience, in-depth find deficiencies, continuously strengthen the construction of their own ability level, further consolidate the fundamentals, promote the advantages, make up for the shortcomings, and strengthen the weak points, and ensure the successful completion of this year's goals and tasks.

Wang Wei demanded that both the assessment team and the assessed unit should support and cooperate with each other, accurately grasp the guiding ideology, main tasks, basic requirements and work procedures of the assessment work, check and fill in the gaps in a timely manner, and ensure that the assessment work is completed with high standards and high quality. The appraisal team should strictly follow procedures, strict standards, and strict requirements, adhere to strict supervision, true inspection, and actual examination, not lower the standard, not subjective assumptions, not jump to conclusions, not promise to evaluate grades, adhere to the length of a ruler, a platform on the height of the high, do not play "human feelings", "relationship points", "impression points", really test "moisture", test out "dry goods". The unit being inspected and assessed should correctly handle the relationship between promoting daily work, creating literature and other key tasks and doing a good job in inspection and assessment, and actively cooperate with the inspection and assessment team to do relevant work.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, led the second assessment team to carry out the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in 2021

At the meeting, the main responsible persons of Lashan Subdistrict, the county CPPCC organ, the county education and sports bureau, the county statistics bureau, the county Red Cross Society, and the youth league county party committee respectively reported on the implementation of the responsibility system for the construction of party style and clean government in the unit in 2021, and made a personal statement on the responsibility and honesty; the participants respectively conducted a democratic evaluation of the party and government leadership groups and members of the unit. After the meeting, the inspection and appraisal team will also go deep into each unit to conduct individual conversations, access materials, and feedback.

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