
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature

author:Palm Qujing

On November 25, Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, conducted a special investigation and inspection of the creation of literature, and Shen Hongbo, deputy secretary of the county party committee, and relevant units and street leaders of the county participated in the investigation.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature

Wang Wei and his party successively went to the railway station, Tongda Community, Songmaoshan Hospital, Xincun Primary School, Zhenxing Street Farmers' Market, Lashan Street Party and Mass Service Center, and other places to inspect and understand the development of the work of creating civilized cities nationwide, conscientiously understand the problems around the points and along the line, hand over the existing problems on the spot, rectify and rectify them within a time limit, and put forward opinions and suggestions on how to normalize and promote the creation work.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature

Wang Wei pointed out that the work of creating literature is a people's livelihood project, a systematic project, and a long-term project, and all departments at all levels should grasp the work of creating literature as the most urgent work at present, further enhance the sense of urgency and responsibility, continue to maintain the good momentum of creating literature, start from the details, start from small things, continue to do the work in detail, in depth, and in a down-to-earth manner, do a good job in normalization and fine management, and lay a solid foundation for the early success of creating a civilized city in the whole country.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature

Wang Wei stressed that all levels and departments of the county should further consolidate and create responsibilities, firmly set goals without slackening their efforts, work together, dare to take responsibility, and face difficulties. Do not engage in a gust of wind to create and rectify, grasp the usual, and strive to form a good working mechanism. While going deeper into the masses and publicizing the work of creating civilized cities to the masses, we should listen more to the opinions and suggestions of the masses on the work of creating literature, and make results in strict accordance with the requirements of the goals and time requirements of the creation of literature, so as to ensure that all the tasks of the creation work are carried out in a down-to-earth manner.

Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature
Wang Wei, deputy secretary of the Luoping County CPC Committee and county magistrate, conducted special research and inspection of the work of creating literature

Wang Wei demanded that all functional departments should strictly implement the main responsibilities of the departments in accordance with the requirements of the work of creating literature, strengthen the fine management of the city, and make up for the shortcomings of the infrastructure; strengthen the special rectification of the "dirty and chaotic" of the farmers' market, and create a clean and orderly business environment; implement the "five guarantees at the door" health responsibility, ensure that the city is clean and tidy, coordinate and cooperate, form a joint force, and go all out to do a good job in all aspects of the work of creating literature; it is necessary to carefully study the requirements and standards of assessment, compare the standards against the table, highlight the key points, learn from one another, comprehensively rectify and reform, and make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses. And establish a long-term mechanism, strengthen refinement, normalization of management; relevant departments should increase the guidance and training of creative work, grasp the joint management, joint efforts, at the same time to strengthen publicity, and constantly enhance the masses' awareness of the creative work, participation rate, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people to participate in the creative work.

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