
Iron Blood and Tenderness - "The Second Song of the Wind and Rain on the Fourth of November" (Lu You, Chu 1 Vol. 11)

author:Ice bears will order anything

Tonight the wind and rain are coming. There were no dead leaves on the bare branches to shake off, and they could only whimper discontented in the wind.

"What's the drink?" Ice Bear asked.

"Lose weight, don't drink chocolate milk anymore." Have a drink at the bar. The fire squirrel said lazily sitting by the fire.

The fragrance of plum wine overflowed, blocking the whistling westerly wind. After a cup of belly, the sound of rain seems to be much softer.

"This kind of weather is most suitable for hiding at home, flipping through books, and drinking a sip or two." The ice bear filled himself with another cup.

"Hahaha, look at this." The fire squirrel smiled and said, "You see people traveling on land." 'Listen to the wind and rain at night, and the iron horse glacier will fall asleep'! ”

"This is a sentence from the "November 4th Storm Masterpiece", from 'the second'. That night Lu You wrote two poems.

The wind swept the rivers and lakes and rained the dark village, and the sound of the four mountains was overturned by the waves.

The creek firewood was soft and warm, and I did not go out with the tanuki.

The zombie isolated village does not mourn itself, and Shang Si is the national shu wheel platform.

Lying down at night to listen to the wind and rain, the iron horse glacier came to sleep.

The previous one is not very familiar to many people, and the poem describes the scene of the wind and rain at that time. You see, the fierce wind seems to have rolled up the water in the rivers and lakes, and the heavy rain has dimmed the village. The sound of the surrounding mountains and forests is like the roaring waves of the sea. The firewood of Ruoye Creek beat softly with flames, and the felt was warm and warm, and neither the cat nor I wanted to go out. Tanuki means Tanuki cat. ”

"Wow, it turns out that Lu You is also a shoveler." The fire squirrel exclaimed, "I know the one in the back." He was old at the time, so he said he was 'frozen in a lonely village'. Even so, he did not mourn for himself in the slightest, and he was still full of thoughts of defending the frontier for the country. Lying in bed late at night, listening to the sound of wind and rain outside, in my dreams, I was galloping across the northern frontier with my warhorses. ”

"The land tour in the next four sentences is respectable, while the land tour in the first four sentences is cute." The ice bear held the wine glass and said, "These two poems were born on the same night, but unfortunately they are always taken apart by people." ”

"People are so busy that they have to pick and choose." Fire squirrels are very understanding.

"Well, good poetry is like so many stars in the sky, who can read them one by one?" Ice Bear nodded and said, "It's just a pity that many people can't see this cat scene." ”

"You say, poetry is getting farther and farther away from us?" The fire squirrel suddenly asked.

Ice Bear thought for a moment, "When I was a kid, I could see many, many stars at night. Later, there were more and more cities, and the lights on the ground became brighter and brighter, and all that could be seen were the brighter stars. But some people who are obsessed with the starry sky, with the help of more and more advanced equipment, can see things that many people can't see with the naked eye. For the night sky, the stars are there. Poetry may be like those stars. ”

The fire squirrel nodded and said, "Another point is that the ancients wrote poetry on the one hand as entertainment in life, and on the other hand, it was also necessary for scientific research." Now, both of these aspects have been much downplayed, especially the former. ”

"Yeah, so on the whole, poetry is really getting farther and farther away. Still, as soon as we look up at night, they flicker in the air, waiting for our gaze. ”


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