
The whole city of Anyang, Henan Province, investigates and rectifies illegal dog breeding! Many people were punished in the "dog bite" case

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

The "dog bite" incident in Anyang, Henan Province, continues to arouse concern, and Anyang will carry out dog breeding investigations throughout the city. On November 25, Nandu reporter learned from the official website of the Anyang Municipal Government that the Anyang City Administration will carry out the investigation and rectification of illegal dog breeding throughout the city, and focus on investigating six types of illegal and uncivilized dog breeding problems such as raising fierce dogs, large dogs and other prohibited dogs, from now until the end of the year.

The whole city of Anyang, Henan Province, investigates and rectifies illegal dog breeding! Many people were punished in the "dog bite" case

According to the official website of the Anyang Municipal Government, on the morning of November 24, the joint meeting on civilized dog breeding in Anyang City was held at the Municipal Administration Bureau. The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to deeply reflect on the lessons of the "dog injury to the elderly" incident, firmly carry the main responsibility, strengthen territorial management, focus on effectively solving the contradictions caused by illegal dog raising and uncivilized dog breeding, and eliminate the hidden dangers caused by illegal dog breeding.

The above-mentioned meeting mentioned that we will focus on investigating and rectifying six types of violations of laws and regulations and uncivilized dog breeding problems: First, the violation of the prohibition of raising strong dogs, large dogs, etc.; second, the violation of walking dogs without tying the dog chain (rope) and not cleaning up the dog feces in time; the third is the violation of not registering and preventing the epidemic, and not having a dog registration certificate and a dog epidemic prevention certificate; the fourth is the violation of the illegal behavior of trading prohibited dogs such as fierce dogs and large dogs without authorization; fifth, the violation of bringing dogs into public areas and forbidden areas without authorization; and the sixth is the violation of stray dogs The problem of unowned dogs and abandoned dogs affecting urban order and citizen safety. This centralized investigation and rectification action will be carried out from now until the end of the year.

The above-mentioned meeting made it clear that the situation of dog breeding by units and individuals in the jurisdiction will be checked one by one, a ledger will be established, and the investigation and punishment of uncivilized dog breeding behaviors such as entering the village and entering the household and strengthening the inspection on the street will be taken to take the street as the unit, and to investigate and deal with uncivilized dog breeding behaviors such as walking dogs without tying dog chains (ropes), not cleaning up dogs in time to excrete feces, and carrying dogs into public areas without authorization.

According to Nandu's previous report, a resident of a small area in Anyang City recently asked for help from the media, saying that his octogenarian was bitten by the giant poodle of resident Wang Mougang in the community, and the other party refused to admit it. The local media tracked down many reports on the matter, the dog owner and a number of local units prevaricated, and the host of the column, Xiao li, then shed tears in the interview and apologized to the helper, which triggered a heated discussion.

On November 23, Anyang City made a decision on the handling of the unit responsible for the "dog bite" incident and the responsible person. The dogs involved were taken into custody by the Anyang City Administration Bureau, the "Dog Registration Certificate" of the dogs involved was cancelled, many people in the Anyang City Urban Management Bureau were punished, and the owner of the dogs involved, Wang Xingang, was given the punishment of dismissal and transfer.

On the afternoon of November 23, Anyang City held a warning education and rectification meeting for party members and cadres in the city to "change their work style and improve efficiency". The meeting stressed that it is necessary to deeply reflect on the incident of "dogs hurting the elderly" and learn lessons.

Nandu reporter noted that the Anyang Municipal Urban Management Bureau mentioned at the "Investigation and Rectification of Illegal Dog Breeding in the City" meeting on November 24 that units and departments that do not implement the task, do not implement in a timely manner, and have poor rectification effects are given a citywide notice and criticism, and the units and individuals who do not act, act chaotically, act slowly, and act falsely implement accountability and effectiveness.

Written by: Nandu reporter Huang Chibo

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