
"Girl" was born about 1989 around 1993- around 1994 was abducted to Jin Lingling in Anyang, Henan Province, to look for relatives

author:Baby comes home
"Girl" was born about 1989 around 1993- around 1994 was abducted to Jin Lingling in Anyang, Henan Province, to look for relatives

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"Girl" was born about 1989 around 1993- around 1994 was abducted to Jin Lingling in Anyang, Henan Province, to look for relatives
"Girl" was born about 1989 around 1993- around 1994 was abducted to Jin Lingling in Anyang, Henan Province, to look for relatives

1 Registration Information

Family Search Category: Baby Searching

Family Search Number: 66505

Name: Jin Lingling

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 1989 (this is uncertain, it is estimated by the family searcher)

Height at the time of disappearance: about 100 cm

Missing time: 1993-1994 (this is what her adoptive father told her, it is also a rough idea)

Location of the missing person: Henan Province, Anyang City, Family Searcher Characteristic Description: Round face, a head spin, eyebrows are relatively thick, eyebrow spacing is relatively close, double eyelids, large eyes, the right neck has a mung bean-sized mole, I don't know when there is, 0 blood type, height 160cm.

2 Other information

1, before being abducted, the family remembered to live in a very high-rise building, like the commercial housing in a big city, remember that the floor is very high, there is a road downstairs, garbage.

2, seem to remember that there is a younger brother in the family who is 2-3 years younger than himself. Mom and Dad locked me and my brother in the back room, the two adults quarreled outside in the living room, I remember wearing a single dress at the time, the weather was a little hot, as if there was a Min, Min or Ming (harmonic) word in the name of the family or childhood playmate, and I was very impressed by this word.

3. Carried by an uncle who was in his thirties at the time. I don't remember whether it was the first ship or the train that took first. I can't remember how much time passed, but this trafficker took me to a village in Anyang, Henan. The family in this village may be related to the traffickers or accomplices, and the woman I now call my aunt to the adoptive parents' family went to this house and bought me for 1600 yuan.

4, my current eating habits and the adoptive parents' eating habits are completely different, I like to eat peppers and rice, and the adoptive parents like to eat pasta, do not like to eat peppers. My adoptive father said I had short hair when I first went.

5. In June 2019, the adoptive aunt told Lingling that when Lingling just went to Hebei to raise a family, she said that shoes were said to be children, bicycles were said to be bicycles, and Lao Tzu was said to be something, saying that her father worked in a leather shoe factory, her parents divorced, and her grandmother sold her!

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"Girl" was born about 1989 around 1993- around 1994 was abducted to Jin Lingling in Anyang, Henan Province, to look for relatives

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