
In June of the leap year of the second year of Shunzhi, the Qing Dynasty's governing policy and the Southern Ming army and people continued to resist the Qing


In June of the leap year of the second year of Shunzhi, Xin Wei and Inspector Chen Jinshu of Deng Lai asked: The local Wenwu squires who fled south because of fear of the Qing army have recently returned to their hometowns, please distinguish the situation, or give them to the old business, still listen to the recommendation, or dispose of it at their discretion. Purpose: Return to the squire and forgive sins.

The Right Attendant of the Army, Jin Zhi Juntiao Chen Caowu:

1. Since the banner army of the Weishou is cut, it is advisable to set up another transport officer.

First, the old ships in the next season cannot be destroyed, and it is advisable to use the Toshun warship instead.

1. When the Jiangnan Cao ship arrives in Jining, it should be built in Jining and transported to Jintong for new transportation.

First, the consumption of cao rice should be imitated in the old practice of the early Ming Dynasty, positive rice is one stone, stop adding five liters, and the remaining consumption is eliminated.

1. Levy the right responsibility for the right seal, do not appoint the county, urge the Yi Punishment Department, and do not entrust the general judgment. If there is a full-time officer in the transport, the general name of the transport should not be re-established.

First, Cao Dao should be stationed in Jining, in charge of stripping, and the grain roads to Ji Dou have been stripped, that is, they will be escorted back to the air, and whether they have enough or not, they still listen to the Cao Dao inspection report.

1. In addition to the salary, the amount of cao is counted as a certain amount of income per year, and in addition to the reduction of redundant personnel and redundant military service, the remaining number of each year shall be changed and folded in a straight line and dissolved with the Cao levy.

1. In addition to the increase in exchange, the officers and soldiers transporting grain will still pay the second grain to the seat. Chapter under the household department.

The Qing army attacked Jiangyin, and the Southern Ming Dynasty Shi Yan Yingyuan and Chen Mingyu refused to surrender. At that time, Nanjing was dead, the cities of Lie were all surrendered, and the jiangyin people promised to defend the city with their proposals, and tens of thousands of people near and far responded. Chen Ming encountered the initial main military affairs, and the war was unfavorable, while Yan Yingyuan's predecessor was a canonical history, Ping Hai Thief had meritorious service, moved to the Yingde Master Book, the Road obstruction did not go, living in Jiangyin, and everyone elected him. Chen Mingyu invited him to enter the city, paid for military affairs, and defended the city for more than two months.

Prince Azig of Heshuo Ying reported on the military merits of pacifying Dashun, claiming:

The rogue thief Li Zicheng personally led 130,000 Xi'an horse infantry, and set up 70,000 garrisons in various parts of Huguang, a total of 200,000, claiming to want to take Nanjing, advancing on land and water, and the Qing soldiers also divided into land and water routes, followed them, and chased them to Dengzhou, Chengtian, De'an, Wuchang, Fuchikou, Sangjiakou, Jiujiang, and other places, and then chased them to their old camps, and the eight major battles were broken, and their troops tried their best to be poor and sneaked into jiugong mountain. The mountain is ninety miles south of Tongshan County in Wuchang Province, and it is impossible to follow the mountain and search everywhere. There were soldiers and captured soldiers, and it was said that Li Zicheng had only twenty infantrymen, trapped by the villagers, unable to get out, so he hanged himself. Because of the self-knowledge of those who have learned to know themselves, they will recognize their corpses, and the corpses will not be distinguished, or they will survive or die, and they will be visited again. In total, there were three battles in ten battles, and 6,450 horses and 3,180 ships were obtained. There were also Meng Geng, the former Marquis of Mingning, Zuo Liangyuzi, Li Youlong, Shoudao, and Huang Shu, the inspector, who led a total of 12 soldiers and 100,000 soldiers, and moored boats in the Yangtze River on the border of the eastern stream of the Jiujiang River, and all fell, with 40,000 large and small ships. In total, there are 63 cities in Henan, Huguang, Jiujiang, and Nanjing, and all the officials have been set up.

Cheng shu, The Imperial History of the Imperial Household, Liu Hanru, and others said: According to the imperial history of the provinces, the people of the north and the south are used differently, but those who are close to their hometowns, although they are separated provinces, must not be used badly.

The Ceremonial Department designated the top of the official title with a total of thirteen grades, gong and heshuo forehead donkeys were the highest grade, followed by one product, two products, three products, four products, five products, six products, seven products, eight products, nine products, lifting people, students, and foreign langs. Purpose: Officials inside and outside the imperial court obey the rules, so as to distinguish between the authority, the officials are more than the use of goods, and the people who are forbidden to use it, and the punishment is not punished.

Ding Hai, the former Ming and Tang Dynasty king Yu Jianjian supervised the state in Fuzhou. The Tang king migrated to Guangxi, did not go, the southern capital was broken, and the second Hangzhou, met the general Zheng Hongkui, the head of the household department Su Guansheng, and was enshrined in Fujian. Zheng Zhilong, the chief soldier, the governor of the capital Yushi Zhang Kentang, and the former rites department Shangshu Huang Daozhou and other agreements, served the king to supervise the country.

Ugly, the Yellow River broke through in Wang's homeland. Former Ming Dynasty former Jiujiang Youshi Sun Jiaji and Official Ke both gave Xiong Rulin in the incident and raised an army against the Qing in Yuyao.

Gengyin (庚寅), who ordered Azig the Prince of Heshuoying to lead an army division, and his Zuo Menggeng and Henan and Northern Recruiters were also with them, and the remaining soldiers should remain in the army, or scattered back to the fields, and the king and the ministers should discuss it.

Meng Qiaofang, the governor of Shaanxi, asked for a strict ban on shaanxi officials from taking up the bad habit of extravagance and waste, so that the people of Shaanxi would be trapped. Purpose: The magistrate is greedy and hateful, and everything is laid with silver, and it is advisable to strictly enforce the prohibition of reform. If the people are still indiscriminately taken and harmed, the governor will not be punished and punished, and there will be no appeasement.

Shen Youlong, the right attendant of the former Ming Dynasty military department in Songjiang, raised an army to resist the Qing, and Zheng Zunqian, a member of the guild, also raised an army to resist the Qing, and killed Peng Wanli of Shanyin Zhi County and The prefect of Shaoxing sent by the Qing court, and then attacked and killed the envoys sent by the Qing court, and obeyed the former Ming Dynasty Lu Wang's overseer.

Xin Jiao, Hubu Huifu Shanxi Patrol Huang Huiyun said: Jiangnan Forehead Endowment, more important than other provinces, Cao Bai two grains, and the year to provide silk cloth, its especially heavy. If the water transport is returned to the official exchange, it needs to be saved, and if the white grain is returned to the official, the people can be trapped. It should be known that as yushi said, there is not much silk cloth in its storage, and it should be dissolved for one year, and then discussed later.

In the qing court, the Qing court used the Ming Dynasty to advise the courtiers to steal the name and be greedy, and the tree party attacked each other, dazzled the main heart, and tamed the mourning. It is ordered that all the ministers should be loyal to the country, do their duty, do not follow the mistakes of the past, and cross themselves.

The Qing court fixed the rank of Manchurian civil and military officials, the highest of which was one product: imperial chancellor, Gushan Erzhen, Liubu Shangshu, Duchayuan Lifanyuan Chengzheng, Ang bang Zhangjing, Doro Erma, followed by eight pins, Han official rank is still system.

Qian Sule, a former member of the Ming Dynasty's criminal department in Yin County, raised an army against the Qing Dynasty in Ningbo, and jointly defended the city with Wang Zhiren, the general of Dinghai, and at the same time sent Zhang Huangyan to Taizhou to welcome the Ming Lu king to supervise the country. At that time, the governor of Yushi Zhang Guowei also raised an army in Dongyang.

Zhangjing Guluge of the Tumut Department of the Naturalization City came to pay tribute.

Yu Wei (癸巳), the Qing court ordered the Inner Academy's scholar Prince Taibao Bingbu Shangshu and the right deputy capital of the Metropolitan Inspection Yuan, Yu Shihong Chengyu, to serve as the former governor of the military affairs and recruit the provinces of Jiangnan.

On the afternoon of the first day, the Qing court fixed the kings, belles, beizi, and clan princes with the top of the product style, from the auxiliary kings and princes down: the king of Doro County, dorobelle, Gushan beizi, Gulun Erzhu and Zhenguo Gong, Fuguo Gong and Heshuo Erzhu, a total of six grades. Ordos Lama Tarnizi and others came to pay tribute.

Yi Wei abolished the law of cutting the tendons and gave Li Shikun's request from the Criminal Division. Wang Zuocai, the former ming dynasty general, Zhou Baoyu, Gongsheng Zhu Jihuan, Zhusheng Gu Yanwu and others rebelled against the Qing And guarded Kunshan City until the beginning of July 6.

Ding You, the quota in the Wuke Ofshe Province, remains unchanged as usual.

With the Shaanxi Inspector requesting the date of the execution of prisoners according to Huang Changyun, the Qing court decreed that if he obeyed the will of the other person, the inspector would obey the imperial history and the magistrate. If the magistrate is instructed to be retried, the magistrate shall not be sentenced lightly. As usual, the Fa-rectification Inspectors gathered in advance, transferred to the imperial history of each patrol, and together with the superintendent and other officials, they were examined from the public examination. Those who are guilty of true sin shall report to the ministry and wait for execution. If there is a grievance in the matter, those who can be suspicious can hear about it.

In Weihai, the Qing army conquered Jiading. The former Ming Dynasty's former Marquis Zuo Tongzheng and Huang Chunyao were killed in battle. Hou Zhizeng, the son of Hou Zhenzhao in the Ming Dynasty, Jiading refused to defend, and The crowd pushed Hou Zhengzeng to be the main one, Huang Chun Yaozuozhi, and Zhang Ximei, the tongli people, Dong Yongyuan, The Ancient Xiushui Sect, Ma Yuantuo, Tang Quanchang, and Xia Yunjiao swore to defend the city to the death. When the Qing army was so great that Hou Zhikui asked Wu Song's general wu Zhikui to send reinforcements, Wu Zhikui sent a guerrilla attack on Cai Xiang with 700 people, lost the first battle, tied armor and fled, foreign aid was exhausted, at this time the city was full of stones, the previous day it rained heavily, the city collapsed, and the giant trees were erected. On that day, the rain was even heavier, the city walls collapsed, and the Qing soldiers entered. After Hou Zheng visited the family temple, he sank into the pool with his second sons Yuan Yan and Yuan Jie, and Zhang Ximei, Dong Yongyuan, Ma Yuantuo, Tang Quanchang, Xia Yunjiao, and Huang Chunyao all died without surrendering.

The Ming Dynasty capital Yushi Jinsheng raised an army in Huizhou. Previously, the Qing army had broken through Nanjing, and the county was looking forward to the wind. Jin Sheng gathered the local soldiers and people, defended Jixi Huangshan, and divided his troops to defend Liuling. When the governor of Huizhou, Qin Zuxiang, and his subordinates fled, the official Wen Huang sighed: "The city has no owner, and the people slaughter each other", but they did their best to capture their seals. When Jin Sheng rebelled against the division, Wen Huang cooperated with it and transferred the salary to supply his army. At this time, Qiu Zude, the former governor of Shandong, Yin Minxing, the former deputy gong, all rose up in Ningguo, and Chizhou also responded. Jin Sheng was sent to the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang King appointed Jin Sheng's Right Capital Imperial History and Bingbu Shilang, the governor of zhudao military affairs, with Wu Yingji as the supervisor and discipline pusher.

Gengzi, the Southern Ming Soldier's attendant Zuo Maodi was sentenced to the Jing Division. Zuo Maodi was in the museum, smelling Nanming's death and weeping. His younger brother Zuo Maotai (左懋泰), first as a member of the Punishment Department Wailang, was demoted to Dashun, and then submitted to The Qing Dynasty, at this time he had been appointed by the Qing court to honor Zuo Maodi. Mao Di said, "This is not my brother!" "Out of it. In the end, he was killed along with Chen Yongji, the secretary of the marching department, Wang Yibin, the dusi Zhang Liangzuo, Liu Tong, and Wang Tingzuo.

The Qing court ordered Wu Weihua, the Marquis of Gongshun, to be the crown prince Taibao and the right deputy capital of the Capital Inspection Yuan, Yushi, the viceroy of military affairs, and to appease Guangdong. Sun Zhixuan ( 孙之獬 ) , a squire of the Shengli Department , was appointed as the right deputy capital of the Imperial Household department , and was the governor of military affairs and the governor of Jiangxi. Shang Baoqing Huang Xiyun was the right attendant of the military department and recruited Fujian. Jiang Yuxu, the former Inspector of Datong, still served as the Right Attendant of the Army to supervise military affairs and recruit Huguang. Ding Zhilong of the Punishment Department Lang was the Right Attendant of the Bingbu, recruiting Yun and Gui, and was also the right imperial history of the Right Governor.

Duo Duo, the Prince of HeshuoYu, reported on the military affairs of the Qing army to Zhejiang, saying: "The large army has established Nanjing, and with the order of Bellebolo, Gushan Ezhenbai Yintu, Tulai, and Ashan to lead the troops to Hangzhou to suppress the thieves, the enemy meets the enemy in two ways, and the enemy soldiers cross the Qiantang River to escape." Our army was stationed on the bank of the river, and the tide did not come for days, and everyone was shocked and helped. The King of Minglu panicked and opened the city gates to surrender. Since then, the prefectures of Hu, Jia, Shao, and Ning have also been submissive. The King of Shaoxing Huai also crossed the river to meet him, and sent his men to Huzhou to be the dependents of the King of Zhou, and when he heard that king Duyang was in Luzhou and Hezhou, he sent his general Wu Zhaosheng to suppress it. "According to the news, the Qing court inspected the meritorious officers and soldiers.

Yi Wei, the Qing court changed Nanjing to Jiangnan Province, and the establishment of officials followed the routine of the provinces, but because it had always been called a metropolis, the territory was extensive, and the various secretaries were in charge of the division of duties, they listened to the governor Shi HongChengzu when he arrived at the discretion and then made a decision. The Shaanxi Township Trial was held in October.

At the request of the Ministry of Quasi-Ceremonies, the altars and temples read the blessings, stopped reading chinese, stopped reading Manchu, and still added eight members of the full reading of the blessing officials, and all ceremonies were carried out as usual. Cast to recruit Guangdong Jiangxi Fujian HuGuangyungui provinces guan defense.

When Shi Hong went to Jiangnan, the Qing court gave python clothes and silver plates carved saddles and other things, and set a monthly silver fee of 150 taels.

Dinghenan Township tried to take the median number ninety-four, descendants of Confucius in Shandong, as usual, with the ear number, the middle one.

The Ministry of Quasi-Ceremonies asked, and issued a ceremonial site, and also issued an edict: "The Ming Dynasty's clan office, the case is not out of the ordinary, the last quarter makes an exception to the use, so it disturbs the people, and even destroys its country." Now that we want to rule the world at peace, how can we reuse this Cao to disturb the harm? It will not be allowed in the future. Those who have been used, all are relieved of their duties. He was admitted to the Gongsheng And his eternal journey stopped, making him a people of peace. ”

Ding Wei and Zhao Ming Sect had been extinct and entered the officialdom, and the survivors were given to Zhan Tian separately. Inspector Chen Jin of Deng Lai suppressed Zhang Guang, the governor of Xuanda, and Ma Guozhu, the governor of Shanxi, played the song to suppress the thieves in Pinglan County. Liu Zeqing, the Marquis of Dongping of the Southern Ming Dynasty, asked his mother to return to his hometown, but he was not allowed to go to Beijing to meet him.

Zhu Yujian, the king of the Southern Ming Dynasty, called Emperor Yufu of Fuzhou, changed Fuzhou to Tianxing Province, the era name was Longwu, Huang Daozhou, Su Guansheng, Lu Zhenfei, and other university scholars, and Zhang Kentang was the Bingbu Shangshu. He Kai, the former hubu attendant, was summoned as the hubu shangshu, so the servant Shaoqing Guo Weijing was made the official shilang. Zheng Zhilong and Zheng Hongkui were promoted to marquises, and Zheng Zhibao and Zheng Cai were both uncles. Zheng Sen, the son of Zheng Zhilong, was given the surname Zhu and the name was successful. Zheng Sen was the son of Zheng Zhilong married a widow.

PengShen, the Qing court changed the Tianfu to Jiangning Province, and the Fu Yin as the prefect.

Zhu Yihai, the former King of Lu of the Ming Dynasty, was called a jianguo in Shaoxing. At this time, King Lu was in Taizhou, Zhang Guowei asked to be the overseer of the state, and Sun Jiaji and Qian Sule also sent Zhang Huangyan, a native of Yin County, to persuade him to advance. Therefore, King Lu traveled from Taizhou to Shaoxing, and used the old university scholar Fang Fang to discuss the new year, called Lu Jianguo. With the general Fang Guoan as the Marquis of Zhendong, Wang Zhiren as Wu Ningbo, and Sun Jiaji, Xiong Rulin, and Qian Sule as the overseers, each with their own troops to guard the Qiantang River. Southern Ming Ma Shiying fell from Nanjing, so he fled to Zhejiang, passing through Guangde Prefecture, Zhizhou Zhao Jinghe closed the city and refused to defend, Ma Shiying attacked it, killed Zhao Jinghe, and plundered away. When he reached Hangzhou again, Ruan Dacheng also fled from Shangjiang. And Wen Lu Wang supervised the country, Ma Shiying and DaCheng went to eastern Zhejiang.

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