
Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice


Flower carved shrimp steamed egg

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice

Ingredients & Ingredients:

Shrimp, eggs, carved wine, salt, sugar, chicken powder


Remove the head and shell the shrimp, rinse the meat behind the opening and drain the water, add salt, chicken powder and corn starch to sizing and set aside

Add the eggs to the bottom flavor and rinse with boiling water to stir well, add the flower carving wine and steam

Add salt and sugar to the carved wine and stir well and steam for 5 minutes

The shrimp meat is boiled and placed on the steamed custard, drizzled with steamed flower carving wine, and garnished with flowers and plants

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice

Coconut pepper crab

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice

Crab with red paste, lemongrass, chili pepper, shallots, ginger, salt, chicken powder, cooking wine, coconut milk, red chili oil

Slaughter the crabs, turn them into six, rinse them with water and add shallots and ginger, lemongrass, salt, chicken powder, and marinate in coconut milk

Cut the fresh lemongrass into strips, cut the shallots into pieces and set aside, the marinated crab meat is sucked dry, pat the powder and put it in a frying pan to fry and set aside

Leave the oil at the bottom of the pot, add the shallots, lemongrass, dried chili peppers and sauté, pour in the fried crab meat and stir-fry evenly, drizzle with spicy red oil and serve

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice

Crab flour stewed chicken head rice

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice

Crab powder, chicken head rice, caviar, ginger, white onion, sweet beans, salt, chicken powder, pepper, rice vinegar, chicken juice, cooking wine, chicken fat

Add the chicken head rice to the water and steam, and the sweet beans are set aside in water

Heat the pan with chicken fat and lard, sauté the shallots and ginger until fragrant, add the disassembled crab powder and sauté, season with pepper and cooking wine

Bring to a boil with water, add steamed chicken head rice and sweet beans and simmer, plate with corn starch water and vinegar, garnish with caviar, flowers and herbs

Steamed eggs with carved shrimp, coconut chili crab, crab flour braised chicken head rice